Chapter 39

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A few days past, and we were back in Chicago. The two of us, oh and Jamie and Jess too. But we weren't paying attention to them.

I was too busy finally enjoying the girl of my dreams. The girl that I couldn't forget even if I did try.

We got off the plane and looked around for her father. When he spotted me, his face sank.

"Hey Mr. O." I couldn't pronounced his last name like a lot of people even though Cast told Mr it wasn't that hard, so I just called him Mr. O."

He completely ignored me. "Oh Casey, Jamie, and look my favourite person Jess."

"Hey Mr. O, how thinks going?"

"Well there better now that you're here." He pushed Jess in front of him, so he could talk to him.

I came up to Casey's ear and whispered, "I think your dad hates me."

"No he just prefer Jess over you."

"Same thing."

"Forget about it. He's okay now. I told him to act right."

"What about your brother?"

She got real quite, real quick. "Yeah that's something I can't help you with."

"So your saying when he comes, I'm dead."

She nodded, and left me standing there with my mouth wide open.

Just great.

The whole drive to Casey's house was the longest I've even been in a car. It was mainly because of how her dad was talking about how accomplished Jess was, and how they were so perfect together like I wasn't sitting in the back.

Casey assured him that they broke up for a reason, and Jess couldn't say anything. Her dad wouldn't let him.

By the time we got to her house, he dropped Casey and I, while he went to drop the rest at their parents' house.

Casey made sure that she walked in first because she knew how everyone was going to take me being there.

The first person that came was her mum, Now Mrs. O had the scarcest facial expression ever. She came in to hug her and whisper something about someone going to die.

"I'm sorry, who's going to die." As soon as those words came out, John walked down the stairs with a huge smile on his face. When he saw me, his eyed me.

"You!" he jetted towards me.

I ran out the house, closing the door behind him, and running around the house then down the street.

All this time, Casey was right on our trial, screaming at her brother to stop because I couldn't run that much.

When he did stop, his face harden, walking back home.

She came to help me up, as I finally caught my breathe, exhaling and inhaling heavily. "How come you didn't tell me your brother... was home."

"I didn't think he would do all of this. And then she laughed, thinking of a funny memories that i thank God didn't happen to me.

"But again he did beat up a guy with a baseball bat when he was trying to get on me. I'm his little sister. He's very protective. I told you that."

We walked to her house slowly, afraid of any sudden movements that could be taken by John.

When we walked in, her mom gave out a sigh of relief.

"John, no more of this scaring people away."

He rolled his eyes, and took a seat at the dinner table. I didn't even realized how late it was until I checked my phone. I mean I shouldn't be surprised, it was a long drive.

"Jeremy could you help me in the kitchen?" her mom asked me.

I walked in, taken back at her position. Her back laid against the sink, as she crossed her arms.

"What do you need help with?"

"I need you to tell the truth. Is there going to be another repeat of what happen 8 years ago?"

I shook my head no. "I'm sorry if I'm disrespecting you, but why does everyone keep bringing that up."

"Maybe because my daughter has never acted the way she did, when you left her broken hearted. She wanted to go shopping Jeremy, SHOPPING! That doesn't happen!"

She was right though. Casey was more of an inside person unless you were going to play a game with her. And that's literally the only way she's coming out.

"I didn't know it was that bad."

"Oh you have no idea. This is why she isn't allow to date. She emotionally unstable."

"Mom?" we turn to look at Casey with raised eyebrows. "I was not emotionally unstable."

"Say what you will, but you went shopping dear. You don't do that. You sat in your room writing poetry about hate and death, I thought you were going to kill yourself."

"Thanks mom, real subtle."

"Jeremy. She's overrating. After a month I was back to normal."

"At school you were, not at home." John chimed in.

"Trust me. I know I haven't given you that must trust in the past, but ever thing is different. I fought hard to get her here with me right now, and nothing going to changed that."

John completely ignored me, turning to face Casey. "What about that other guy?"

"Do you mean Chase?" he nods.

"Yeah, what happen to him?"

"Seriously, they approve of him, but not me?"

"Why is that?" John asked.

"We broke up." she nudged me, telling me to stop, but I couldn't.

"It's probably because of you."

"No it's because he cheated on her again. Twice."

John's eyes shift to her. "You didn't tell me this."

"Yeah because I know you'll find the guy and kill him. You wanted to do the same with Jeremy if I didn't knock some sense in to you."

"Wait he was going to kill me?"

"Not really just scare tactics. See he's really good at those. He used to scare me with his partner in crime over there, and they still do it." She said pointing to her mother. "See you'll think that he knows were ever you are. And he'll pop up some places, but then he'll leave you alone."

I stopped and thought about it. "Wait! If he had found me, we could have been together?"

"I wanted it to be faith, not my brother scaring you. Plus I didn't want him to guilt you into it. Yeah that wouldn't work well."

I nodded my head in agreement. You can't force me to do something, and expect me to like it.

After dinner, we went straight to bed. John and his wife Melanie slept in his room, while Casey and I slept in different rooms.

Her mom put me in the guess room because she was afraid that Casey and I would do something. She tried to stop her mother from doing that, but I refused.

I had to come back into their good side after all.


Did I overdo with the whole brotherly protection thing, or...?

By the way you guys, there only 2 more parts left, if I write an epilogue.

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