Chapter 8

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Its been a few days since I official knew. So, I'm here acting all cool and stuff when he walks in. There's needs to be a warning sign in my head that tells me when a stupid idea comes to my head, because other than that, well then... I'm screwed.

He walks over towards me, and I drag my head down, eyes on my computer.

'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG,' was the only thing going through my head. Why am I acting like this anyway? He doesn't date black girl, and I already knew that. A part of me already knew that.

"Casey? " I look up with a fake smile planted on my face.

"Is there a problem? " Now he was confused.

"No, its just...are you okay? "

I raised an eyebrow.

"I mean... you've been kinda weird these days. And I mean like not normal weird like what you normally do. I mean like strange weird. Like what's up?"

I thought this was important. I turn back to my computer and completely ignored the question and him.

"Great." He sighs and turned away, rolling his eyes. "That's what I get for trying. " Now I have no idea why, but I was pissed.

"Excuse me?" He turn instantly. Oh I see what he's trying to do.

"What?" He asked. I shook my head, biting the inside of my lip, and squinting extra hard at him. Not today, its not going to happen.

He walks away stomping his feet back to his seat. I watched him all the way. He sit there really loud that Erica slides away from him. But he doesn't care, what up with me?

That's funny. The real question was what up with him.

Throughout class he didn't turn at all. He sat looking straight, even when the teacher asked for all eyes on him. I'm assuming that he thought Jeremy was having a bad day because he never does that.

I on the other hand couldn't help but feel guilty. So after class I waited for him at the door.

"Hey," he ignored me. "Okay? I just wanted to say sorry. I had a off morning I guess."

All he did was shake his head. "Hey?" I pulled his arm back. "Now what the matter with you?" I said throwing my hand up in the air.

"Casey, why don't you just go. You know to save me all this trouble." I stood confused, he had no remorse in the way he spoke.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know. This really isn't good for me, so I'm going to go to class. Okay?" He put up 2 thumbs up, like that's going to do something.

"I don't understand you."

"Of course you wouldn't. So I'll make this easier for you and me." He walked away as if this was nothing.

All I could think about was what the hell was he talking about. It made no sense to me and I'm confused.
Sorry it was so short.
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