Chapter 6

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I seriously don't get his problem. One minute he's weird, then nice, next scary, and then confusing!

I sat in my bed with my headphone on listing to anything that was playing and stared at the ceiling thinking about life, and how it's going to screw everyone up and especially me.

As soon as I stood up to go to the bathroom, my phone rang, and it was on full bast. It hurt my eardrums, until I saw who was calling me.

Of course, why was I so surprise. Sam was calling me at 12 in the morning on Saturday. And she knew that Saturday morning were my days to sleep in.

"What?!" I shouted as she screamed into my ear.

"Sorry, but this is so important!"

"What could be so important that you had to interrupt me time?" I asked.

"Well, maybe the outside world. You know people? You should try seeing them." I rolled my eyes. I hope this isn't what she wanted to tell me.

"What is it anyway? You know I'm busy. "

She chuckled a little bit. "First of all, staying in bed all day isn't busy. Second of all, I know you want to know that I just saw Jeremy at the mall with some girl. And I think they're together. "

"Why would I care?" I asked irritated. I mean it's not like we're in a relationship.

"Someone is in serious denial. " She sang. I stood up even though she couldn't see me, and stared at my phone.


She screamed with joy. I looked for anything that looked good really. So I wore blue jeans with my white converse and light blue shirt.

When I got there, Sam literally screamed at me, as if I didn't just talk to her like 10 minutes ago.

"Hey, Sam. So what up?"

" Called it." I stared at her.

"What do you mean called it." Using air quotes. 

"That you like Jeremy. Don't know why, but if you like that kind..." She stopped in mid sentence because I knew where that was going. We both knew.

She was going to lecture me on how she did not approve of him, when there was something way better for me.

"Anyway I just saw him talking to some blond girl down there." She pointed near the food court, and then pulled me along.

When we got there we acted cool and stuff. Pretending like he wasn't laughing really hard with that girl. But when I walked to the bathroom with Sam, he looked up, and walked away with the girl.

I can't believe I listen to her. I stood outside because I didn't really need to, I was just there for moral support. He walked up to me and tapped my shoulder. At first I jumped, then I saw who it was.

"Hey, you didn't say hi?"

"Why would I say hi? I don't like you."

He gave me a smirk, " you still could have said hi."

No I didn't.

"I don't want to interrupt your date." I crossed my arms against my chest, and looked elsewhere.

"That disgusting!" he laughs.

"What is?"

"That's my sister! She just got back from college, and wanted to hang out before she went back."

Why does it always have to be the sister?

I nodded in understand.

"But it's cute you got jealous. " He whispered in my ear. Omgs, like no.

I lean away from him, as a comfortable smirk rested on his face.

He should stop it right there.

" I wasn't jealous, I was concerned. Who know what up in that twisted brain of your."

"You mean the brain that you can't find resisting. "

Now he's just full of himself. I began to walk into the bathroom when he grabbed my hand and span me around. It's things like that, that I can't handle.

"What did you think about that?" Now he waited for my answer, but what could I say. I was starstruck, staring directly into his crystal blue eyes.

Our bodies touched everywhere, as he ran his hand through my hair. Our lips barely inches away from each other. Like why does he do that?

The girl came back and he immediately let me go. I get the first time, but the second time. There has to be something he's not telling me or anyone in general.

"Jeremy," She looked at him with a curious expression. Her eyebrows crunch up, and her lips to the side.

"Oh! Um...Scarlett, this is..."

"Casey, his friend from school. Nice to meet you." I put my hand out and she took it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm the older, smarter child."

I loved her already. Okay, he was telling the truth about her being his sister and all, but the only thing I could see that made them look alike was those crystal blue eyes. Huh, interesting.

Scarlett had long straight blond hair with blue eyes and a sun dress with black tights and a blue jacket. It didn't even look like she was going to the mall, it looked like she was going to a party or something.

"I should probably go..."

"No, I was about to leave anyway. Jeremy you should stay here. I'll text Michael to take me home." She waved goodbye.

Jeremy stood there with red cheeks. "You know, I never got a chance to tell you that you look pretty today."

And I was done. I stood like a soldier when Sam walked out, with a huge smile on her face.

"Look what we have here?" I turn to see what she was happy about, until I saw Aaron waving at us. This can't be good.
Especially with Jeremy around.

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