Can Love Last ?

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A/N: Recently updated and cleaned up!

Hey guys I'm new to writing stories anywhere so please give me some feedback! Thanks!

Chapter 1 Kiara's POV:
****I'm sitting on my red velvet queen sized bed as I gaze out of my window, of course with my glasses. I see the clouds shifting and forming into shapes only my mind could conjure. One of the clouds turn into a beautiful heart white and pure. My dad always says there is a scientific reason for everything. I'm not going to try and argue with him because he talks way too much. While I am  looking at the clouds I drift off to sleep. "KIARA ISABELL BLACK!!!!" I woke up and threw my headphones off. Before I could make it out of my room my mom, Nicki, showed up. Looking at my hair which was a tangled mess, she realized that I was sleeping. My mom handed me some cute pants, shorts, sandals, and a few dresses that she bought from Dillards. Also known as her favorite store. After trying on all the clothes and showing my  mom, I thanked her and gave her a hug.****

**** I woke up on Sunday to my mom telling me to take a shower. She then told me to come and eat breakfast. I was stunned by the fact that she even cooked something. I took my phone with me into the kitchen and texted my German sweetheart. He's mixed with like Jewish, but he is really pale. So pale he looks like a vampire. When I got out of the shower I put on matching undergarments. They were pink and the panties had a little lace at the bottom matching the bra.
I chose to wear a tight but loose dress. It had a blue jean top and the bottom was a light pink, it was a high low dress. The way it was designed made it a bit short in the front, about thigh length, and in the back it touched the floor. The dress was strapless so I put my hair in a bun. I put on a little bit of makeup on, including my cinnamon flavored lip gloss. I completed my look with pearl earrings and put a jean jacket over the dress so it wouldn't be inappropriate to wear to church. The finishing touch was my pale pink pumps. Walking down down the steps I met my parents in the kitchen. Just when my mom offered to drive me, someone knocked on the door. Joel Astor was standing in the threshold of my front door.****

****He was wearing a shirt and tie with black pants. He looked absolutely scrumptious. He has light brown eyes that drowns you. He has dirty blonde hair that looks unruly with an eyebrow and earring piercing. As I kissed both my parents on the cheek they gave Joel a death glare so fierce I'm surprised he was still living. Man if looks could kill. I wish I could say that I don't know why they are so upset but sadly I can't. It's probably because he proposed to me. And I said yes. Long story, but I was 14 when he proposed. We both promised my parents we would wait untill I got out of high school and see whether we would be good for each other. So that's what we are doing. I got in Joel's car and we drove to my church Grace Chapel AME. As we were driving to church we talked about our day and my parents and everything in between. Before we knew it we were at the church. Before we got out I gave him a long lingering kiss and pulled back but he pulled me back in and softly started kissing me. I deepened the kiss. He softly bit my lip askin for entrance and I happily obliged. Then I heard someone cough outside the door. It was favorite cousin Katalina Black who was motioning us to come out and get into church. When we got out of the car I gave her the "you're no longer my favorite cousin" look. She understood the look and laughed loudly. Unfortunately Joel understood the look to and smirked. I tried to give them the evil eye but failed once I looked at Joel. That caused both of them to start roaring with laughter. I would've hit them but I'm too classy for that. So instead I stuck my nose in the air and walked into the foyer of the church. They finally stopped laughing once we got inside. They both still had ridiculous smirks on their faces that I wanted to smack off but again I'm too classy for that. We sat down just as the preacher started talking.****

**** After two hours of the pastor preaching we hugged and gave almost everyone a kiss on the cheek, and left. While we were heading towards Joel's car, a beautiful silver Lamborghini, my ex Alex stood by it smirking at me looking me up and down like I was his African princess. "How much ignorance can one person contain in their body?" I thought. Before my thoughts could continue Alex walked up to us and asked me, "I see you're still with Hitler then huh?" It stunned me to be honest, since we were still on church grounds. I looked around and realized that the parking lot was clear. I turned back around to face Alex and said "I don't who you think you are but news flash little boy- you're not it. So I suggest you apologize or we're going to have a problem." "Oh yeah! Sure! I'll apologize to little Hitler boy." Alex turned to face Joel and said "I'm sorry that my girl is confused about you but don't worry she will come back to me soon."  I guess I'm more like my mom than I thought because my hands automatically went to my hair and was putting it in a ponytail. Before I could proceed to beat his ass- because I'm classy but not that classy- Joel had me over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. He walked over to his car put me in the passenger seat then locked the door. He ran over to where Katalina was beating up Alex, lifted her off him and put her in the backseat and drove away.****

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