Chapter 3 - Of The Elite Class

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Try as I might, I couldn't put on a happy persona today. I was never the bubbly kind, but I was generally pleasant. Not today.

The diner was packed until after lunch. Then the rush died down. I busied myself with wiping off tables as Marney made her way over to me. Inwardly I groaned. She was gonna lecture me for sure.

"Turner." She didn't bark but her tone was harsh. You didn't even have to be doing anything wrong, that's just how she was.

I straightened up from my bent position over a table and smoothed my shirt. "Yes Ma'am?"

The owner of the diner was a 4 foot 9 Hooligan. She actually was a hooligan, but that was her species, her origin being that of Earth 3. She looked like a walking fish but with arms and legs and three eyes that stuck out of her head. In between those yellow eyes, was her mouth that she used often. Though it was a small opening, she was loud. My 5 foot 3 form towered over her.

"I expect more from you. You're supposed to be cheerful and pleasant when you are serving customers, yet you've had a frown on your face all morning." She crossed her gray skinned arms across her chest. "Explain."

I wasn't about to explain myself to Marney. She wouldn't understand that I was dying of my thirst for action. She thought I came from Earth 1 and she could never know my real origin. To her, I was a refugee just like everyone else. I couldn't tell her what was up without spilling secrets.


Marney tapped her large shoe that held her massive feet. On my home planet, there were only human inhabitants, so when I first started working here I was creeped out by my boss's appearance. Then I realized much weirder beings existed.

"Fine then, don't tell me." She huffed. "But I expect a pleasant smile and cheery service with the dinner rush. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am." I said as I went back to my task, breathing a sigh a relief when she left me alone. But it wasn't long before I was bothered again.

"In trouble again, huh Turner?"

Without even looking, I knew whose voice that was. Turning back around, my green eyes met her deep brown, depthless pits. Oh, how I hated her.

"That's none of your business, Tilga." I hissed.

The cheetah mutant threw her head back and laughed and I cringed at the sound. Earth 2 was her home planet, the only planet whose inhabitants were mutants. I didn't know much about it except that the most precious thing on it was the ooze that turned them into what they were. Of all the mutants that were probably atleast half pleasant, refugee Earth 7 had to be gifted with Tilga.

"Oh, Turner, you're never going to make it anywhere." She said. "Humans aren't made to be here. That's your problem."

I wanted so badly to punch the hell out of her but Marney would be even more pissed, so I decided not to risk it. As always, I'd have to just ignore my feline nemesis. It took all my self control to turn back around and finish cleaning the tables. What did she know about humans anyways? Not a thing.

Tilga got tired of harassing me quickly when I gave her no responses so she went back to her duties behind the counter. I risked a glance at her as she walked away and rolled my eyes. It was amazing how Marney never caught her acting out. It was always me.

Finishing with the table, I gathered my dirty rags and walked to the back of the diner. I passed through the kitchen, waving at the chef preparing food for the dinner rush. Hammond waved back, his large serpent like form towering over the stove. It was amazing to me that he was such a good cook because his bluish gray skin covered where his eyes should have been. Every Lochnessian looked the same so it made it easy to identify their origin, Earth 5.

I tossed my rags in the hamper for Marney to wash then headed out to the front again. Finding the clock, I saw the time. Almost 6 o'clock, the dinner rush. I readied myself as cars pulled up outside. Marney gave me a look, indicating I should remember our talk. I put on the biggest fake smile I could manage.

"C'mon 10 o'clock." I thought.


I wiped my hand across my brow as I walked out of the diner. I was so ready to go home. Every day it seemed like we got more customers. It couldn't of been because we were getting more refugees, the portal was destroyed so there was no possible way. It just felt like it.

My legs ached and my head was killing me so much that I just sat in my car for a few minutes before starting it up. Leaning my head back against the seat, I groaned. More because my life was feeling like a broken record instead of the physical pain I was in. If the Professor was here, he wouldn't be blending in. But I saw no way around that. Yes, I was one of the few humans to exist on this planet but I was the only one who'd escaped Earth 6. No one could find out about that or else I'd be mistaken for one of Tesh's spys and I couldn't have that. I just wished I could protect this Earth without having to blend in. I'd had my fair share of adventures protecting it already but Professor Z had always said I have a restless spirit.

Thinking of Z, I turned around and pulled my jacket from the backseat. I ran my fingers over the cool black leather and the symbol on the right side. If anybody saw this jacket they'd know where I came from which is why couldn't wear it. The symbol was of a circle with the sun in the middle. Below it was two battle axes. The symbol of a Protector of Worlds, Z's elite team of one. It was all I had left of him.

Feeling my anger return at his decision to send me through the portal instead of him, I flung the jacket into the back of my car. I jammed the key into the ignition and backed out of the parking lot to head home.

And get all the sleep I could before I came back to do the same thing tomorrow.


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