Chapter 19 - Are We There Yet?

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Normally, I liked to watch the sun rise. For years I'd crept up to the surface to catch the bright colors billowing out into the dark sky of the early morning, transforming the world as the day began. I'd stay up there for as long as I could. I was captivated by the beauty.

But not today...

Today the sun was abnormally bright and streamed into the windows of the bus like an unwanted light being turned on in your room when you slept in pitch black. It stung my eyes and jolted me awake.

Sitting up, I realized I was slumped against Jazmin and she was curled into my side. A pain started in my neck and that's when I knew I'd been in that position for awhile. I groaned. But atleast she was comfortable.

Leo didn't seem like he'd been fazed by anything. There was no doubt he'd driven all night. Mikey and Donnie sat a few seats ahead of me, each sprawled out, Mikey laying on top of Donnie. Then April and Casey laid together, both of them looking the most peaceful. April was held against Casey and they slept soundly.

I freed my arm from under Jazmin's head and rubbed the back of my neck. I definitely would be feeling this the rest of the day.

"Everything alright, Raph?" Leo asked from the driver's seat. His eyes met mine in the rear view mirror, not even looking like he was tired at all.

"Yeah." I mumbled as Jazmin stirred beside me.

She snuggled closer into my chest and smacked her lips together sleepily. Out of all those sunsets I'd watched growing up, none of them were nearly as beautiful as her.

I wrapped an arm around her and placed a light kiss on her forehead, moving her tangled hair out of her face, as I tried to draw her out of sleep. She moved away and her eyelids fluttered but she didn't wake up. So I casually rubbed her side, giving her another kiss. This one though, on her lips.

She opened her eyes, the brilliant green visible once more. They took my breath away.

"R-Red? What's going on?"

"It's morning." I said as she sat up and moved away from me. I lost contact with her warm body and immediately felt the loss. "Thought you might want to wake up."

Her orbs darted around the bus as she took in her surroundings. I was just glad she didn't forget where she was completely and scream because I was a giant turtle. I'd had a girl do that one time. I would never bring home a drunk chick again.

Her eyes found mine and they widened. I immediately stopped breathing. Looking behind me, I met her gaze again. "What?"

She blushed slightly. "I have to pee." Her hand went to her stomach and I chuckled.

"It isn't funny!"

I leaned in close so her face was only centimeters from mine. "It kinda is. We're out on the open road. There isn't a bathroom for miles."

She pushed her face closer to mine, challenging me, and her eyebrows furrowed in irritation. "Well then, you better stop this bus before I can't hold it any longer."

I didn't fully understand her threat, all I could focus on was how close she was to me. I brought a hand up and gently caressed the side of her face. She didn't break the intense stare she had on me.

"Alright then."

I stood up and moved to the front of the bus, placing a hand on Leo's shoulder. He glanced my way and I leaned down to whisper our problem to him, careful that the others wouldn't hear and embarrass Jazmin, even though nobody else was awake. He nodded and pulled off the side of the road. But he didn't turn the vehicle off, signaling this had to be quick.

I walked back to where Jazmin was seated and held a hand out to her. She looked at me in confusion.

"What did you do?"

"I made Leo stop the bus so you can relieve yourself."

She looked out into the forest on either side of the road and back to me. We were currently in West Virginia. "You can't be serious."

I chuckled. "You're tough enough to protect and entire planet but not take a piss in the woods?"

She growled and slapped my hand away, getting up and walking out of the bus. I stopped laughing but followed her.

"Stop!" She whipped around and threw a punch to my chest. "I don't need you to help me!"

Now she was really angry. "Jaz, I'm sorry but I'm not letting you go out there alone."

She turned her hell-damning gaze away from me as she headed for the trees. "Fine! But stay away!"

I looked back at Leo in time to catch his dumbfounded expression. I rolled my eyes.


I followed her at a distance and waited til she found the perfect spot. Not gonna lie, it was awkward. But id rather grin and bare the awkwardness than risk her being hurt. Who knew what could happen? We hadn't spotted anybody following us but that didn't mean there wasn't. There was a very high power that wanted her dead, after all.

She motioned to a particularly large tree and disappeared behind it, me stopping and waiting. It didn't take long before she appeared again.

"Okay?" I asked as she brushed past me.


We walked back to the bus silently and went right back to our seat. Leo looked at me questioningly and I just nodded. He immediately pulled out and we were on our way again. A few miles passed before we said anything.


I turned to the side and locked my eyes on hers. "No problem."

She reached out and took my hand. "How long until we stop?"

I casted a look to my older brother. "Probably until nightfall. I think Leo wants to go atleast that far."

She sank down in the seat and leaned against me. "I hope we get there soon. I hate driving for so long."

I squeezed her hand and rested my chin on her head. "I know. Me too. But we'll get there soon. Try to go back to sleep."

Soft snores sounded as her reply. I kissed her cheek and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Might as well try to go back to sleep as well. I yawned but I knew I wouldn't. I was already awake.

Still I snuggled closer to her. When we did get to L.A. we'd find Kellerinn and then go to Earth 6 where we'd defeat Tesh. Then Jazmin would be home and that would be the end of it. I wouldn't have her anymore. And I probably would never see her again.

So I would enjoy her now as much as I could. I would steal kisses and touch her and make comments. Because soon she'd be gone and I would be alone again.

But for now, I would hold her. Because I could.


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