Chapter 23 - Abduction Attempt

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I couldn't sleep, the conversation I'd had with Red running through my head over and over. I'd said what I'd wanted to say and then some. I needed him to know how dangerous it was for us to be together like that but I'd taken it over the top.

I'd told him he was irrelevant. And I couldn't take those words back.

In all the missions I'd been on to protect Earth 7, I'd never been as heartless with the criminals as I'd been with him. Red must feel terrible and it was all my fault. I should've just told him everything but I chickened out again.

Now I was lying in an uncomfortable motel bed, regretting even going to him. I should've just left him to do what he'd wanted and I could've just brushed him off.

But that would put me right back here where I was...

I threw a punch into the pillow as a few tears leaked out of my eyes. I hadn't cried in so long. Since Z had died to be exact. I'd learned to be tough from being on my own. But Red mad made it feel okay to lean on someone. And now I didn't have that.

I laid there for a few moments, just letting everything out. I was thankful that April was asleep. The last thing I wanted to do was explain myself to her. I just needed to let myself go for once.

Sitting up, I wiped my eyes and started for the door. Maybe if I got some fresh air I'd feel better. I still wouldn't be able to reverse my words to Red but I could atleast clear my head. Then I could try to apologize, try being the key word here.

I readjusted my loose fitting sweatpants and Def Leppard shirt of Red's, running my fingers over the letters of the odd name, as I opened the door. I wondered if this was Earth 1's version of Death Header. They were one of my favorite rock bands.

The night air was cool and crisp as I shut the door behind me, careful not to wake up April as it squeaked. Didn't need her watching my every move either.

I leaned against the side of the building, the chilly siding biting into the skin on my back through the clothes. I exhaled and closed my eyes as my head rested against the wall. I'd forgotten how much I liked alone time.

I thump sounded somewhere above my head and my eyes shot open. I wasn't alone after all.

I reached for my pistol in my belt, quickly forgetting that I didn't have it on me and scowled. Now I could hear footsteps. Yep, whoever it was definitely was on the roof.

For a split second I panicked. I had no way to fight this person and I was alone. I could go get April. Or Red. But I decided against both of those options. This assailant could be from my Earth. Which meant nobody but me could be the one to fight. It was too dangerous. I was the only one with knowledge about them.

I snuck around to the side of the building where, ironically, there was a ladder leading up to the third story roof. For such a janky motel, the ladder looked sturdy enough. I placed my foot on the first step carefully then my whole weight. I started up when it didn't move.

The footsteps continued as I rose higher. From where I was, about half way up, I could tell they were heavy steps. Almost like the being was wearing boots. That's what it was. He was a soldier. Probably one of Tesh's.

I reached the top and peered over. That's when I saw him and confirmed my suspicions. In the moonlight, I could clearly see the black attire complete with a bullet proof vest and army boots. It was one of Tesh's men. But how did he get here?

I ducked down as his dark eyes came my way. He was doing what all good soldiers did, what I'd been trained to do. Assess the situation before making a move. He was solo which made the task even more important.

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