Chapter 18 - Kindred Spirits

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We piled in Donnie's old bus as soon as it got dark. Leo drove the bulky thing and the rest of us took the double seats, Red and I sitting all the way in the back. He kept giving me looks and I knew he was curious to know what I'd meant when I'd hinted to him awhile ago. I thought maybe I would let him steal a few kisses, but now it felt like everyone else was too close for comfort.

He rested a hand on my knee as we thundered through the sewers and it ceased bouncing. I hadn't realized I was doing my trademark nervous routine. He squeezed and left his hand there, making me shiver slightly.

"It okay, Jaz. We aren't gonna drive straight through. We'll take breaks."

That relieved me since I was dreading the couple day trip anyways. I liked to drive my Monte Carlo but being a passenger on such a long trip wasn't my ideal. And in unfamiliar territory nonetheless. I exchanged a look with him and sighed.

"I know."

He glanced around to make sure nobody was looking and scooted closer to me, resting his arm around my shoulders. "What do you say to a little action back up in here?" His tone was teasing but I could tell by the look in his amber eyes that he was serious.

I really did want to kiss him. I wanted to feel the burning heat on my own again. But I also wanted him to be able to hold me as close as he had in the hallway. And we couldn't get like that with everyone else around.

"We can't."

The bus emerged from the underground passage to the lair and surfaced to the streets of New York, the city quieter than in the daytime but still active. Surprisingly, nobody had looked our way yet.


"Because..." I turned away from him and looked out the window, gazing at the buildings as they whizzed by. I never did get to see Manhattan in this world. It was much more beautiful than Manhattan on Earth 6. New York on my planet was nothing more than a large pile of ruins anymore. The familiar anger swelled up as I thought about it. Soon, Tesh would be done for soon enough.


I sighed and faced him. "I don't want anyone to see."

His lips brushed my cheeks and I shivered. "They won't. Just a little something to tide me over til we stop."

I shivered more violently as his warm breath fanned against my face. I had to keep him at bay. Though I wanted to make out again very badly, I couldn't afford to have any distractions. And that's what Red was. Yes, I needed his help to get back to my world but now they'd agreed to help me fight Tesh. More than likely, someone would get hurt and it couldn't be him. I couldn't have any weaknesses.

But how could I explain that to Hotty McHotPants right next to me?

"No, Red. We can't do this."

His handsome faced reacted in confusion. "What do you mean? I thought we had something going." His lips brushed my chin this time.

A bump in the road caused me to lurch forward, my face colliding with the back of the seat in front of me. I groaned and cursed.

"Sorry!" Leo called from way up front. "Didn't see that pothole!"

Red helped me settle back down and rested his arm over my shoulders again. He nuzzled my neck as he chuckled.

"It's not funny!" I protested. Looking to the rest of our gang, I could see that April and Casey were involved in conversation a couple rows ahead of us and Mikey was poking Donnie relentlessly while the purple masked turtle typed away on his laptop. The few lights in the interior of the bus casted a dim glow on them. Seemed like the coast was clear for now.

"But it kinda is."

I suddenly turned my head and met his lips with mine, kissing him just as I had before. It took only a second for him to react and kiss me back, his tongue attempting to enter my mouth. I grinned as I blocked him out and he growled softly, wrapping his arms around me. He pushed me into the seat and I broke the kiss, placing a gentle peck on his nose.

He tried to lean in again but I placed a finger over his lips, darting my eyes to the front and back again. Reluctantly, he separated himself from me but grabbed my hand before I could scoot father away. He gave me a stunning grin as he did and I smiled back. Atleast nobody had seen us.

Mission accomplished.

I relaxed back into my seat and stared out the window at the pitch blackness passing by me at an impressive velocity. I thought back to my father again, reminiscing about him. His shorter form, reaching just a few inches above me, maybe about Red's height. The way his voice was soft to begin with but took on a loving tone whenever he'd spoken to me. His dark hair and beard clung to his slightly wrinkled face as he'd worked long hours and even more overtime. Then his hands, that would never come against me in any harmful way or strike me ever. He was the calmest, most gentle man I'd ever known. After six years, I still missed him so much.


I turned my attention to the front of the bus as April called my name. "Yes?"

Her petite form was angled my way and she had a bright smile on her face. She hadn't looked disheartened the whole time I'd known her. It was almost as if she'd never experienced any pain in her life. But I knew better. No one goes without being hurt in some way.

"Your dad... Was he a good father to you?"

I was confused. "Yeah he was. Why do you ask?"

Her bright blue eyes clouded slightly. "You seem like a very hurt person. I wondered if your childhood was good."

Red nudged me in the side and I looked at him sideways. We hadn't talked about this yet.

"It was." I smiled sadly at her. "My childhood was the best time of my life. But we all have to grow up."

April seemed to understand this. "Unfortunately, yes, we all have to. But atleast you had someone to love you."

I was confused again. "Didn't you?"

April shook her head. "No. My parents passed away in a car accident when I was four. I grew up in foster care. They were alright but not like my own parents would've been."

My heart went out to her. I'd been alone for so long that i'd taken it for granted that I was the only one who was in pain. But I was wrong. I felt closer to April now.

"I'm so sorry." Red grabbed my hand again and squeezed but I kept all of my focus on the redhead.

"It's alright." She rested a hand on Casey's shoulder, the couple sharing a knowing look. "I found a family."

I squeezed Red's hand and turned away, going back to watching the city speed by me. That was what I wanted, if I was being completely honest with myself. Yes, I wanted to defeat Tesh and save my world. But I also wanted to be happy. I didn't want to be alone anymore.

I wanted a family too.


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