Chapter 20 - All Her Willpower

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It took forever but we finally reached a lone motel out in the middle of nowhere, right on the outskirts of wherever we were. I had no idea where we were currently located. Earth 6 had domains not states, as they were here, and they were all numbered. And on Earth 7 we had settlements. I wasn't entirely sure what the purpose of "states" were but apparently it was the most efficient way to break up a continent into parts. Seemed confusing to me.

April and Casey went in first to pay for our rooms. The rest of us stayed in the bus, Mikey letting out a groan. We were all tired of being cooped up.

Red shifted next to me and glanced from me to out the window. The world outside our vehicle was dark and eerie, a thick layer of fog filling the atmosphere. It looked chillingly like my world.

"We might as well decide this now." Leo started, breaking the silence between us. "We all room together." He motioned from himself to Donnie and Mikey. "Raph will room with Casey and April and Jazmin will room together. No complaints."

Red growled slightly and I couldn't figure out why. You'd think he'd want to be in the same room as his best friend. Evidently not.

April and Casey soon returned, keys in hand. April sent a bright smile my way. "This is gonna be so much fun!" Her enthusiasm was fake and I knew it the moment the words left her mouth. From the looks of it, this motel wasn't top notch. It really couldn't be due to the majority of our group consisting of giant mutants, I understood that. But still. I could tell that April wasn't very pleased with the place. Didn't really matter to me as long as we got some rest. Even thought I'd taken a nap I was still exhausted.

"Everybody settle in. And get some sleep." Leo ordered, his eyes drooping and shoulders sagging. It was evident that he was extremely tired. "We'll start back up again in the morning."

I exchanged a glance with Red and followed April. I knew he'd try to see me again later, probably the reason he was angry, to be apart from me. It would make it harder to talk to me again. I pushed those thoughts away and focused on April's back. I would deal with it when the time came.

We reached a grimy white door on the side of the building, 123. I rolled my eyes at how easy that was. April slid a key into the lock and shoved the door open with a creak, flipping the light switch on to reveal the room. Plain, white walls and white sheets on small beds with a little side coffee table and a small bathroom. Surprisingly clean. Atleast we wouldn't have to worry about sleeping in a pig pen.

"Well, it's nicer than the lobby." April remarked.

We moved inside, shutting the door behind us. April started to unpack her small bag of things and I laid down on one of the beds. Exhaling, I closed my eyes and relaxed. It felt good.

"Are you gonna change or anything?"

I opened my eyes and turned to the petite redhead. "No. I didn't exactly bring a change of clothes when I followed the turtles." Groaning, I remembered I still had Red's clothes on. I'd forgotten to grab my own.

"Oh." April said. "Well maybe we can get Leo to stop somewhere. That way you won't have to battle Tesh in Raph's old stuff."

"Maybe." I ran a hand absentmindedly through my hair with some difficulty. It was a mess. "But I didn't bring any Scales with me either."

April looked confused. She stopped unpacking. "Scales?"

I smiled. No doubt Earth 7's ways were different than this one. "Scales are the currency of the Lochnessian race. The only race to have a monetary currency. Every other race just trades food and essentials."

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