Chapter 15 - Beyond NYC

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"You've gotta be kidding me. So what are you then? An alien?"

Casey pegged Jazmin just as we had. But now that I somewhat knew her, I could see that all she was, was an outcast. I casted a look her way. She rolled her beautiful green eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. Her stance was that of an annoyed. I was immediately glad that I wasn't her target.

"No. I am not an alien."

Casey pushed his shaggy black hair out of his eyes. "Then what are you?"

I thought back to the conversation we'd had in my shop. I knew what her answer would be.

"A freak." She used a slender arm to gesture to the rest of us. "Like them. Like you. Like every other person who has ever been looked down on. I am a human but I am different. So I am a freak."

Casey's gaze met mine, a smirk on his face. I didn't want him to speak but he would anyway. That's who he was.

"You've got a good find here, Raph."

I rolled my eyes. "Not here, Jones."

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Jazmin with a cute smirk in her face. It wasn't hard to figure out what must be going on in her mind. I was suddenly overcome with the urge to kiss her for real. Not a cheek kiss but a real kiss. My lips all over her's.

"The important this to keep in mind is that this Tesh guy wants to take over all of the worlds." Leo pointed out as he looked to the rest of our family. "He's the threat not Jazmin."

"Yeah." Mikey said, turning his thumbs up and making his hands look like handguns. "We gotta put this guy out of business."

"But first we have to find his doppelgänger." Donnie said. "We have to find Kellerinn."

"Hold up." Casey held his hand out in front of him to halt the conversation. " Zeke? We're actually gonna go looking for that bastard?!"

"Zeke?" Jazmin looked to me for confirmation.

"Zeke Kellerinn. Shredder's weapon specialist and science guru. He and Casey never got along."

Jazmin arched an eyebrow as she met the irritated gaze of my best friend. "And why didn't you get along?"

Casey jerked a thumb Donnie's way. "Same reason Dorkoschmidt and I don't. Zeke acts like he knows everything."

"Hey!" Donnie yelled as he started for Casey.

Leo held him back with one hand. "Not now."

"For your information, we are of a much higher intelligence than you! You don't even know what a simple atom is!"

Casey brushed his comments away with a cocky smile. "Don't need to know that when I'm kicking bad guys asses."

Leo shot a dagger look to Casey, causing him to shut up. I liked to talk to Casey. We agreed on a lot of the same things. But he did have a tendency to run his mouth. And it did get annoying at times.

I decided to redirect his thought process. The subject here was Kellerinn not the never ending bickering between my best friend and my brother.

"We need to find Kellerinn, Case. Know anybody who might be able to help us?"

"Preferably someone who won't scream and run at the sight of us?" Jazmin added. I glanced at her, confused. No one on this Earth would run from her. So why was she thinking in this way? Then it hit me.

They were scared of her on Earth 7.

It finally registered why it was crucial that the human population was at a minimum. She'd said there were only a few other humans besides herself on Earth 7. And it was because Tesh hated her. Anybody associated with her would be considered dead by him and his goons. So they avoided her. That piece clicked in my mind.

"Actually I do know someone." Casey said. "My girlfriend."

"You have a girlfriend?" Jazmin was surprised. And it was genuine.

I connected my gaze with her and shared a smirk. Her cocky attitude and feisty persona really tuned me on. I kept thinking about how I had to get her alone with me again.

"Yes. I do have a girlfriend, thank you." Casey glared at her but it didn't affect her at all. If anything, it pleased her even more. "April can help find Zeke. She's a reporter; the best in the business. Finding people is what she does."

"She won't reveal us to the public will she?" Jazmin's confident tone was replaced with one of slight fear. "I can't have anyone know what I am."

I moved to her side and grabbed her hand in mine. Our gazes met and I could see her visibly relax. I rubbed small circles on her palm with my thumb, refusing to look down at our joined hands. Casey had already seen enough.

"April's been our friend for years now. She's trust worthy, Jaz. You don't have anything to be worried about."

She squeezed my hand and didn't let go, her mesmerizing eyes searching mine. "Okay."

I couldn't help the smile forming on my face. All she'd needed was me to reassure her. She trusted me over anyone else and if I said it was safe she knew it to be true.

"I can get ahold of April now." Casey added. "I can call her and tell her what's up."

He whipped out his phone and turned away from us, his fingers flying over his phone screen and the sounds of the keyboard echoing throughout the room.

"Everybody understands the plan, right?" Leo made eye contact with each of us as we nodded.

"We're gonna find Kellerinn. Fix the portal. And stop Tesh." Mikey smacked his fist into the opposite hand.

"But we're gonna have a plan first, right?" Donnie questioned, looking to our leader.


Casey hung up, ending his conversation with April. "She's in. And she thinks she knows exactly where Zeke is."

"The plan is to go where April says."

I could tell by the look on Donnie's face that our "plan" wasn't good enough for him. He needed it laid out like the weirdo he was. Didn't seem that hard to me. Fearless moves; we move. Same as always.

"Where would that be?" I asked Casey.

My best friend looked around at all of us, an excited look on his face. It was obvious that he was more than pleased with what April had told him.

"Two letters... LA."

Jazmin squeezed my hand again. Until that moment I'd forgotten we'd still been holding hands. It made my face heat up a little.

"And why does she think LA is where he is?" Don was getting irritated. Which meant we were in for an adventure.

"Because that's where the bad boys play."


Taking this to a whole new level!!! Hope I messed up your ideas of where this is going cuz that was my plan! *evil laugh*


Thanks for sticking around and reading tho. It really means a lot to me!

Peace, love, and PIZZA!!! - Jaz

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