Chapter 34 - A Team Divided

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Pull yourself together, Turner.

I wiped the few remaining tears from my eyes as I opened the cabinets above my fridge, searching for the one thing that could help me right now. Booze. I hadn't been to my stash in so long, so long that id forgotten where my stash was. But I soon found it, hiding behind the few dishes I had and took a glass out of the cabinet as well.

Pouring the Jack into the glass I took a gulp, downing the whiskey and I realized this was the same kind of liquor Red had been drinking when id first met him. I also recalled how I'd wanted a drink and he hadn't shared any. You can bet he wouldn't be getting any of this. Especially now. I was a mess because of him.

I should be proud of myself. I beat him.

But I wasn't. I didn't feel the victory like I would've if my opponent hadn't of been Red. I should've challenged somebody else and just left him alone. But I'd wanted to beat his ass. Because I was nothing short of pissed. But now I was just sad.

Man, Turner, you got it bad, girl.

Yeah I did. I was upset, then I was pissed, then I was upset again. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just run away from my problems this time. Even though Z had sent me through the portal, I still escaped the problem of Tesh and his beatings. Maybe that act hadn't helped me out as much as I'd thought. Because here I was again, faced with a problem that I had to deal with emotionally. And I had no idea what to do.

I could talk to him. Judging by the look on his face when I'd given him the cold shoulder, he didn't know why I was mad. But I found it hard not to understand.

Are guys seriously that dense?

I guess so. I wouldn't know really. I'd never been involved with one and I hadn't wanted to be. But Red had to come waltzing into my world with his good looks and sexy smile. I had been doomed from the beginning.

I poured myself another glass of Jack and downed that one just as fast as he first one. I was mid drink when the basement door opened and the very turtle who plagued my thoughts stood there, a look on his face that was hard to read. He took one look at the bottle on the counter and his mouth seemingly started to water.

"You have drinks?" He asked mechanically. He sounded almost like a robot.

"Yeah." Like it wasn't obvious.

"Wanna share?"

I set the glass down and grabbed the bottle in my hands possessively. "No."

He laughed as if I'd just told a joke. "Come on, Jaz. This isn't about how I wouldn't give you a drink back at the lair is it?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, Ofcourse not. I just don't share my drinks with others. I bought it and it's mine. If you want some, get your own."

"Where?" He asked, the reality was setting in that I was not going to give him some and he couldn't do anything about it. "There's nobody here."

"Well then I guess you're out of luck."

He didn't say anything in response. It was clear to me that he'd followed me to talk. And I guess talk we would since he wouldn't leave me alone. But I had to end this, right here right now. Because I wouldn't be played with.

He brought it up, surprisingly. "Why are you made at me? I thought we had a good time."

He was talking abut our make out in the bathroom. The tears started to come at the heartbreak I felt but I pushed them away. There could only be room for anger.

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