Chapter 22 - Sleepless Night

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I had been laying here for hours. Looking at the clock on the bedside table, I confirmed what I was already sure of.

1:30 am

Well atleast I hadn't had any bad dreams lately. Ever since Jazmin had showed up, I'd barely gotten any sleep. My mind was consumed with all thought of her. She was like my guardian angel protecting me from the demons of my subconscious.

But tonight I just wanted to sleep. I wanted to forget our earlier conversation. As much as I wanted her, she didn't want me. And I couldn't understand why. She was just as passionate as me when we were together. She was attracted to me that much was obvious. But she'd claimed I was a waste of time.

I didn't know how to feel about that. Wasted time. Is that all she thought of her time with me as? I didn't want to believe it. I definitely didn't think of my time with her as wasted. But evidently she did.

I'd wanted her so badly in the moment. I'd wanted nothing more than for her to invite me to her room, promising it wouldn't be hard to get rid of April for a few hours. But that hadn't happened. Actually the exact opposite. She'd dropped me as if I didn't matter to her at all.

So it was clear to me that we were nothing. As much as I wanted us to be something.

I continued to stare up at the ceiling in the dark room. Casey snored softly on the other side of the room. I groaned. No wonder I had a hard time sleeping.

I knew, as much as I tried to hide it, Jazmin had seen the hurt on my face. I couldn't brush it off. Her words had hurt me.

I wished Casey would wake up so I could talk to him. If anyone knew anything about this stuff it was him, being the only one to hold a romantic relationship. Even though he'd been struggling a few days ago, he and April seemed to have worked it all out. But he'd been asleep since I'd come back. The drive had obviously worn him out.

I could go see if Leo was awake. Being the leader, he would probably still be up meditating. He did that when he wasn't sure about things. He thought it brought him closer to Sensei. But I thought if it as bullshit. He was gone and he wasn't coming back.

He would be the perfect guy to talk to about this sort of thing. Maybe he could make sense of all my weird feelings. Maybe... But no he couldn't. Not when our Father was dead. Nothing really made sense anymore.

I rolled over and pressed my face into my pillow. I wanted to punch something. So I slugged the soft mattress a few times. The difference between Jazmin and the other girls I'd been with had been 1.) She was human and they'd been mutants and 2.) She actually understood me. Or so I'd thought. Guess I was wrong again.

Maybe I should just give up on sleep altogether...

I sat up and rubbed my eyes then headed for the door. But I didn't open it before I heard a loud thump. Like something had hit the ground.

Or someone...

Then the gunshot sounded.


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