Chapter 51 - Hard Decisions

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Red was received by his family with open arms. They embraced him with just as much vigor as I had and looked as if they too had been doubtful of whether they would see him again. It felt good to see them be proved wrong.

I glimpsed the glisten of tears in my ninja turtle's eyes as he hugged his brothers back, wrapping his one good arm around them as tightly as he could manage. I stood off to the side and let them have their moment as they enjoyed his moment together and admired them once again.

They didn't need to go through any of this. Red didn't need to have been wounded so badly that his return had been questionable. They didn't need to have trekked to different worlds with me and end up in this barren land that I called my home to help me defeat my nemesis. But they did. My heart was humbled by their bravery and kindness that they'd showed me. The very thought of their hearts of gold made me feel emotional. But not too much because I was distracted by the soldiers who came to stand behind me.

I turned around to them and scowled. "Can't you guys just leave me alone? Damn."

Rogue came out of nowhere and rested her hand on my shoulder as she filled the space beside me. "They will not. You defeated their master and now they are subject to you."

I looked at her tired and aged face. She held so much wisdom beneath the depths of herself. I knew that I was only beginning to learn lessons from her. "What do you mean? I didn't kill him. Red did." I glanced back at my boyfriend who was now talking to Antonio. The dark haired guy was speaking calmly and civilly to the mutant and I smiled. It was about time he apologized for his behavior.

"But you are the one who won. Without you the turtles would not be here. None of us would. You came to end Tesh and you did. So they follow you now."

I arched a brow as I continued to hold the older woman's gaze. "Follow me?"

She rested a wrinkled hand on my shoulder. "They follow you as their champion. And so do we. You saved us all."

Immediately my eyes left Rogue and went to Red, who was ending his conversation with Antonio by shaking his hand. A small smile graced my face. They'd made amends and I was relieved.

He turned and made eye contact with me, a gorgeous grin lighting up his face. My smile widened to match his. But inside I was feeling something much different.

"You won't have to do it alone." Rogue said, bringing my focus back to her. "We allied ourselves with you and that allegiance will not be broken. You are not only our Savior but also our friend. We will stay by your side."

"But what does that mean?" I was confused at what she was getting at. We won. Now life was supposed to go on, right? Red and I...

"Earth 6 will need a new leader. Many things have to be done before our home is back to the way it was. Before Tesh. The entire planet will need a plan and guidance. You will fulfill that position, won't you Jazmin?"

It hit me all at once and I realized that this ending would happen a lot different than I'd expected. I hadn't even had time to think about what would come next with Red being hurt. All my thought had been consumed by him. I hadn't processed that the turtles and April and Casey would return to Earth 1 and my Earth would need me. Which meant we would not be together. My heart sank.

But this was my duty. As the only member of the graduated Elite Class of combat training and possessing the skills I did. The victory was mine as was the seat to be filled. As much as I could never picture myself to be the head of anything, it was my birthright. The Savior would conquer all and that's what I'd done.

"But I don't know if I can do that." I couldn't help the fear in my voice. "Lead all the Earth 6 citizens? Be their protector and guide them as one entity? I'm not sure I'm cut out for that, Rogue."

The elder woman smiled. "But you already have. You protected each Settlement that you went to on Earth 7. You destroyed all the portal devices that you found on each Earth you visited. You followed the turtles to Earth 1 and led them and us in a valiant challenge against Tesh. And you won. I think you have more credentials than you realize." She squeezed my shoulder before dropping her hand. "But I know your heart has desires that do not include us." She glanced at Red. "And the two of you have been through so much. It is not something I will push on you. But it is something I wish you'd consider."

"I will consider it." I too glanced at Red but found my gaze lingering on him longer than Rogue's had. "I just need time."

"Take all the time you need. You need it." Then she turned and walked away, leaving me alone with the soldiers standing behind me.

I felt as if a huge boulder had been dropped on my chest and I couldn't breathe. So I kept my eyes on Red. He took a seat on a bench and his eyes found mine. Sensing my distress, he raised an eye ridge and patted the empty space next to him.

I needed the time to talk to him. I knew what my decision was going to be but I'd have to tell him. And I would choose sooner rather than later to spare him the heartbreak. I was not looking forward to it.

It seemed, for us, that we got over one rough spot only to experience another one. This one might be the roughest yet. Because I knew how he was going to take it and I knew what I had to do.

The difference this time is that it would separate us. For good.


Hey guys! Thank you all so much for being supportive and understanding in the hard time in my life that I was experiencing. Thank you for dealing with my absence and posting messages on my board and DMing me your encouragement! I'm so thankful for each and every one of the friends I've made on here. These times are easier for me when I have you all. <3

There are only a few chapters in this book before it is finished! Oh my gosh I cannot believe this ride is almost over! Its been such a good one and I hope you've enjoyed Jaz and Raph's journey as much as I have!

This chapter gives you a hint at how the book will end... and let's just say some of you who ship #Razmin may be a little disappointed. But that's why I'm gonna write a second book! Their journey has only just begun!:)

- Jaz

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