Chapter 2 - How It Is Now

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It was happening again. The nightmares. Every one I loved was hurting but I couldn't move. Bound by heavy chains, the only thing I could do was watch as the Shredder attacked my family.

First was Leonardo. The blue masked turtle, drained from fighting, was covered in sweat and his own blood. He battled with the Shredder, their blades clashing until the dark Sensei cornered my brother and plunged his sharp gauntlets into Leonardo's neck. He made a choking sound as he fell to the ground. Almost immediately, he ceased breathing.

Then he moved onto Donatello, easily snapping my brother's bo staff in half and knocking the purple masked turtle off of his feet. Then he stuck the sharp end of Donatello's weapon into his skull, his russet eyes staying open as his breathing stopped.

Michelangelo cowered away from the Shredder after the demise of his two older siblings. He grinned evilly as he approached the young ninja, raising his blades. With no hesitance, he sliced his blades across Michalangelo's throat, leaving the orange masked turtle to fall over dead.

The he turned to me, raising the weapons of my brothers.

"You failed, Raphael."


My eyes shot open and I could feel the cold sweat all over my body. My breathing was rapid as if I'd just ran a marathon. Or trained all night. But neither one was true.

Rubbing my hands over my eyes, I sat up, so relieved it was all a dream. It was beginning to feel like I had a disorder. Not a night went by where I didn't dream of my brothers being killed right before my eyes, myself unable to help them. Night after night, I failed to keep them alive. It was my worst fear.

As I became more awake, I realized I still had my headphones on, my Imagine Dragons album blaring "Demons". I unlocked my Shell Cell and pressed stop on the screen then set it and my headphones on my bedside table.

I debated getting out of bed since I'd had anything but a good night's rest but the sounds of pots and pans along with the delicious aroma of food coming from down the hall made me leave my bed. No doubt, Mikey was making breakfast. My stomach growled at the anticipation of it.

I exited my room, leaving it in the trademark disarray, and started down the hallway, passing my brother's bedroom doors along the way. I could hear voices now, which made me think all of them were awake. I was probably right since no one over slept except for me. I hadn't even bothered to check the time on my phone.

"Raph!" Mikey called out as I got to the kitchen and sat down next Leo. "You're awake!"

"Yeah..." I mumbled in reply.

Leo kept his blue eyes trained on me. "You missed early morning training."

I groggily met his gaze. "What time was that supposed to be?"

"4:00 am. You're four hours late."

I sighed as I realized what this would mean. He'd be on my ass about it all day. I was at fault, yeah, but to hear my mistake over and over again would get really old. Whatever.


Mikey dropped the spatula he was holding into the pan of eggs, making a clattering sound. Leo still didn't take his eyes off of me.

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