Chapter 7 - More Than Just A Waitress

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I came to in a haze. My vision was blurry when I opened my eyes and my head hurt like hell. Blinking a few times, I was able to get rid of some of the blur in my vision. I looked around where I was, noticing I was still in the same room, except that I was tied to the swivel chair that'd kept me hidden under the desk.

I fought the bindings on my hands and feet, almost knocking the chair over with my efforts. I grunted at the difficulty. Whoever had done this was strong. My head snapped up when I heard a voice.

"You can try as hard as ya want. You won't get free."

I immediately remembered the face of Red before I'd blacked out.

"Who's there?" I asked.

The owner of the voice didn't show himself.

"I won't give that up until you tell me who you are and how you got here."

"Well, what's the point if I don't even know who I'm dealing with?"

He came out from behind some kind of vehicle that sat at the back of the room. It looked like a tank but I had no clue what it was. The shadow of it hid him as he came out, the only visible part of him being his eyes. But I knew those eyes. It was Red.

"Why did you follow us?"

His eyes scrutinized me. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable just like at the diner when he'd stared me down. Maybe if I saw the rest of him it wouldn't be so creepy.

"I still can't see you."

He came all the way into the light. I gasped then immediately shut my mouth. I was recognizing his build again and he couldn't have an advantage over me.

I shivered at his intense gaze, completely dumbstruck by his eyes. They were beautiful.


His Brooklyn accent saturated his response, making me shiver again. It took every once of strength I had not to look away.

"Yes. Now can you tell me where I am?"

"First I need to know why you followed us."

I was hesitant to answer him. I had to be sure they didn't work for Tesh before I revealed my origin. The fact that I was still alive proved something. Tesh's forces would kill me on the spot. But I still didn't trust him.

"How did you knock me out?"

He growled, obviously impatient with my tendency to skate around his question. My eyes left him for a second and went to the floor. Not far from me was a broken bottle. I almost laughed.

"Really? You hit me over the head with a beer bottle?" I chuckled lightly. "Well, we know that you can show a lady a good time."

"Answer me." He growled as he came closer, his body language rigid. "Why did you follow us?"

"You came to my world."

I kept calm in an effort to seem confident. I'd seen a lot of strange looking creatures in my life but Red scared me more than all of those combined. Part of it was because I felt attraction towards him. And that was dangerous.

His eyes flickered to the desk I had hidden under. I followed his gaze. On top laid the portal device, completely ruined. It was broken in multiple places. My heart sank. It would be extremely hard to get home without the Professor to fix it.

"We didn't mean to hurt anyone." I snapped my attention back to him. "We just found it."

I relaxed some more. That was the confirmation I needed that they hadn't been working for Tesh. If they had, they'd have meant to come to Earth 7. And he probably would've killed me already.

"Then we aren't enemies. So could you let me go?" I struggled against my bindings again, the rope burning my skin.

"Sorry. I need to wait for my brothers to return. That's a shot Leo needs to call."

"Leo? Is he the one with the blue mask?"

Red crossed his arms, going on guard again. I was asking too many questions.

"Yes. And I'm not telling you anything else."

"Okay." I slumped back into the chair, my head aching as I did. Suddenly I sat straight up again. "Can I just ask you one more thing?"

He rolled his eyes. "What?"

"Can I have a drink?"

His amber eyes narrowed. Clearly, he wasn't big on sharing.

"Never mind. But you might as well untie me. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

He was about to answer when another voice was heard. "Raph! We're back!"

I eyed Red skeptically. Raph? What was that short for?

"I'm in here!" He called back, never taking his eyes off me.

The rest of the turtles entered the room, the orange one with a couple boxes. The scent wafting from them made my mouth water. That's when I remembered I hadn't eaten anything all day.

They all stopped and stared, acting like they'd never seen anything like me before.

"Who's this?" The blue one was the first to speak.

"She came through the portal after us." Red, or Raph, explained.

The purple one approached me. "It's Jazmin." He said finally.

I rolled my eyes again. I realized I looked a bit different from being in my work attire but i still looked about the same. Red had recognized me.

"Our hot waitress!" The orange one exclaimed, almost dropping the pizza boxes.

"Mikey." The blue one, Red had said his name was Leo, scolded. "That's not the way to talk about a girl."

"And I'm not just a waitress." I put in. "If you all will just untie me, I can tell you exactly what I am and why I followed you."

"Sounds fair enough." Leo said as he gestured to Red. "Untie her, Raph."

He grunted as he moved to my side and jerked the bindings on my hands and feet loose, causing me to wince. I focused on the pain in my skull when I was moved to distract myself from how close he was to me. Finally, the ropes fell away and I was free. I stood up shakily.

"Are you alright?" Leo asked, a kind smile on his face.


"Come with us." He reached a hand out to steady me. "We won't hurt you."

Oh, but they already had. Or atleast Red had. I had a feeling after this I would really be craving that drink.


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