Chapter 41 - Spoken Words

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"See anything, D?" I peered over the purple clad turtle's shoulder as he looked through a pair of binoculars.

My friends and I, along with Antonio and his team, were crouched down in what looked to be an old battle bunker. It was a deep hole set in the ground and carved into the shape of a rectangle. From here we could see Tesh's lair and movement from the outside. It was the perfect spot to observe his lair.

"Not yet." Donatello replied as he continued to look through the double lens. "Those guards at the front entrance haven't moved at all. It seems to be pretty quiet."

"Maybe we need to change our vantage point." I analyzed the building and the surrounding areas in an attempt to find another bunk. "There." I pointed to a spot directly across from where we were. "We could see the back entrance from their."

Red grabbed my outstretched hand and pulled me down beside him. "Don't even think about it."

I knew what he was talking about. When I'd originally drawn up my plan, it involved me sneaking into the lair to shut off the security system so the rest of our group could get in unnoticed. And he hadn't liked the idea of me going off alone. That was still my plan, although he didn't know it.

"It's not that big of a deal, Red." I said as I unhooked my arm from his grip. "We should have more than one spot covered anyway."

The red masked turtle turned his attention from me to Antonio beside us, who'd been watching the two of us intently. "These guys can go. We stick together." He motioned to the distance between us with a green hand.

"I won't ask them to-"

"That makes sense." Antonio interrupted me. "We split and then something goes bad and we don't have the backup we need." He gave Red a disgusted look. "Makes so much sense."

"I was only trying to prevent us from splitting up." Red growled. I put a hand on his shoulder to keep him from charging the guy. "Our group has been together from the beginning."

Antonio didn't seem fazed by Red's explosive temper. "Clearly. Since the two of you can't let go of eachother even for a second."

I was irritated by that. "We aren't together!"

I caught the intense stare of Red's amber eyes as his eye ridges creased. "That's not entirely true."

I turned on him. "Yes it is. I broke up with you."

April, Casey, and Red's brothers tore their gazes from the lair to us. It'd been the first thing said by either one of us to hint that we even had an interest in eachother. I'd wanted this to stay a secret. And I'd just blown it.

"We can fix us, Jaz." He grabbed my bicep and pulled me to him.

I suddenly lost the ability to breathe. He had a habit of doing that to me. I started to speak but was cut off by him clapping a hand over my mouth as he caught sight of something behind me.

"Quiet." He said as he turned me around to see what was going on. Antonio lost interest in us too as his attention was claimed. Everyone else switched their focus too.

Four guards were returning to the lair in a beefed up jeep, much like the one the rebels had used. We hadn't been aware that any were gone since we'd been there since dawn. But they obviously had left for some reason and were returning.

"Why did they leave in the first place?" Leo asked from behind me. The rest of the turtles and April and Casey stood a little ways away from me and Red.

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