Chapter 45 - Infiltration

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It was a stupid idea. Running was a stupid idea. Because no sooner had I gotten to the entrance of the lair that I could hear Red's footsteps behind me. He reached the huge door as soon as I did, both of us panting from the lengthy jaunt. I caught my breath before turning a murderous gaze on him.

"What are you doing?! I thought I told you I was going in alone!"

"Yeah that's what you said." He answered as he met my gaze with one just a fierce. "But that's not what I said." He looked behind him and gave a thumbs up to Leo who returned the gesture. "They're gonna keep look out. Leo will ring me if he sees any problems."

I stomped my foot as I turned away from Red, the anger still there in the center of my chest. I should've known he wouldn't let me go through with it. It'd been dumb of me to even tell him about it. Now whatever happened to me would happen to him to. Unless I could help it.

"You can't make me go back, Jazmin."

I ran my gaze over the entrance, noticing the keypad to get in. Once again, I was in a dilemma with a number combination. But this time I was more equipped. "I won't try to make you go back." I said finally as I ran my fingers over the buttons, the lights around the device blinking rapidly. "But this just makes my job harder."


I punched in the same numbers as I had in the combination lock at Kellerinn's, relieved when there was a click and the massive brick door swung open. "Because now I have to watch out for you too."

I stepped inside, not waiting for him to follow me. A part of me hoped he would stay outside. But he didn't. He came to stand right next to me as the door swung closed and we were trapped inside the lair.

Looking around, we saw no guards. Thanks to my remembering how we'd been able to access Kellerinn's place. It only made sense that, with the connection Tesh and the Shredder had, that Saki's weapon specialist's security code would be similar to Tesh's. I was lucky it had been the exact same one.

"Some place." Red said as he let out a quiet whistle.

He referred to the marble interior. Every inch of the main entrance was covered in marble, from the floor to the ceiling. Even the walls were marble. And to top it off, there were numerous silver and gold decorations and statues littering the walls in a neat way. There were statues of women standing off to the side that I would've covered Red's eyes for had I thought fast enough. Except I could not believe they were there. But I could at the same time. Tesh had always loved women.

"Ignore that." I hissed as I started down the long hall. Red hesitated before following me.

We used the giant gold pottery lining the floor to hide behind as we dodged the cameras. The silver lenses moved several times per minute in an attempt to find any intruders. Red followed my lead, when I moved he moved.

"Why couldn't we just smash them?" He asked when we took advantage of a blind spot and sprinted to the elevator.

On the front of the door was a large T engraved in gold. I rolled my eyes. He was an idiot in more ways than one. "It'll alert the security system. The goal is to get in unseen. We can't do that if we destroy the cameras. Then they'll know we're in here." I pressed the arrow button going up and the door slid open with a ding.

"That's a good point." He said as we entered and the elevator door slid closed. I breathed a sigh of relief to see that the chamber was camera free. "I probably would've smashed them."

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