Chapter 17 - Part Of The Gang

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April explained to us how she'd found Kellerinn in California and why it was critical we leave as soon as possible. Apparently, he was working on a special weapons forces team for the US military at a secret base there. I was amazed that she'd come up with all of this information so quickly, but then again I wasn't. She'd used to leave the country to dig up ancient artifacts for that Winters guy. And she'd done that for years. Finding things and persons that didn't want to be found was her specialty.

She halted in speaking when Jazmin entered the living room, her wet hair slung up in a lopsided knot and her lean body that I longed to see again covered by my large human clothes. I smirked when I saw her. I'd laid out a few options to give her a choice. But she'd selected the black sweats and black Led Zeppelin t-shirt. They had to be at least three sizes too big. But she still looked sexy.

Her eyes connected with mine as she took a seat on the couch. I stood near it. Smirking, my gaze followed her. She was near me but it wasn't noticeable. Very smart move.

Although, my hands ached to touch her smooth skin, it was best that we keep our affections hidden from my brothers. For our sake and theirs. Their unmistakable infatuation with her was evident. Wouldn't want any arguments to surface.

"And you must be Jazmin." April said as she made her way over to the girl seated on the couch. She extended a slender, pale arm out. "Nice to meet you. I'm April O'Neil."

Jazmin placed her hands in April's and shook it once firmly. "Yes I am. It's good to meet you as well, April."

April ran a hand through her shoulder length red hair. "I trust the turtles have talked to you about me. Raphael said you're unsure of where I stand. I can assure you that my loyalty lies with my family. They are all that I have."

Jazmin stood up, her form a couple inches shorter than our life long friend. "I did. But I trust Red. And he told me that you will not leak to anyone that I am alive."

"Are you supposed to be dead?" April arched a red brow at me.

"Hoped. I was hoped to be dead. But Tesh is smart. He knows I'm still alive."

"Then we must move quickly. The sooner we get to LA and find Kellerinn, the better. It is critical we get there before he knows we're coming too." April looked to Leonardo. "Do we have transportation?"

The blue masked turtle nodded, looking to Donatello. "Is it ready, Don?"

Donnie's face lit up, revealing to me that he had another invention ready to take us to California. "That it is, Leo." He motioned for us all to follow him as he headed for his lab. "In fact, let me show you."

My brothers, followed by April and Casey started after Donatello but Jazmin and I lingered at the back of the group, silent for a few moments before she spoke.

"This is for real, right?" She asked, her hand brushing mine as we walked due to how close we were. "There are answers in California?"

I grabbed her hand in mine, squeezing gently as I gave her a reassuring smile. Although, she'd said she trusted me it was obvious she was still unsure. As she should be. If Shredder was still alive and hunting my ass again, I'd be thoroughly checking out my next step too.

"Yes. Kellerinn is the only person who'd have the resources to help us, his being your Dad's doppelgänger and all. And we know what we're doing."

"I know." She sighed. "I just can't help the possibility of this being a trap from running through my head."

I made sure no one was watching before I lifted her hand to my lips and placed a soft kiss on the top. She blushed slightly and I gave it another longer kiss before returning our joined hands to my side. Then I let go, aware of my brothers around us.

"That won't happen. But if you are in any kind of danger, I'll protect you. You have my word. You won't be hurt again."

I thought back briefly to the scars that had been visible on her chest. They'd trailed down her skin which had been hidden by the towel. But I had no doubt that there were more. I wasn't sure how she'd gotten them but I knew one thing. Whatever had happened was Tesh's doing. Her fear made more sense now. I just hoped she trusted me enough to tell me about them soon. I could better understand my enemy if I understood those scars. But I would wait patiently until she did.

We all circled around some sort of vehicle. Nobody could tell what it was due to the large tarp covering it. It was a really big something.

Donatello stood in front of it, a cheesy smile on his face. He gestured to the thing as he spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen... And Raphael."

I growled and Jazmin laughed softly beside me, causing me to stop. Her laugh was just as beautiful as the lips it came from. My anger disappeared in an instant.

"I give you my latest means of transportation." He pulled the tarp off. "The Turtle Tortuga!"

It was an old school bus. All our names were written on the sides along with our trademark mask colors. Random splashes of different colors marked the rest of the thing, giving it a beachy theme. There was no doubt he'd let Mikey help him paint it. It wasn't armed with defense weapons and there really wasn't anything special about it. But the windows had been tinted and the dark interior would hide our awkward forms well. It was perfect for our road trip.

"Wow." April said as she moved to it and smoothed a hand over the sides. "You worked hard on this, Don."

Donnie opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Mikey. "I helped!"

Knew it.

"Yeah, but it was my idea!" Donnie glared at the youngest brother.

April laughed. "Well you both did a good job."

"We're supposed to just cruise into LA in this thing?" Casey asked. "Right. Like we're not gonna be obvious or anything."

"The dark glass will mask us." Donnie said. "We won't look suspicious at all."

"Well, I call driving." Leo said as he took the spot next to April, examining the bus.

I rolled my eyes. Sure, he called driving. The leader always drives.

"The rest of you... Will have to fight over the seats."

"I call shotgun!" Mikey yelled as he flung open the passenger side door and hopped in.

"Maybe we can sit towards the back." I mentioned to Jazmin. Her eyes sparkled a bit before she replied.

"That'd be good. That way no one will see us."

She left my side to enter the bus as everyone else did. My mouth dropped open and I couldn't seem to close it. Was she for real? Or was she playing with me?

"We should leave tonight. When New Yorkers are least likely to see us." Donnie said to the group. They all were in the bus now. Everybody except for me. "That way we have a lesser chance of the cops stopping us."

"Good idea, Don." Leo said, eyeing everyone, his gaze going outside to me. "We leave tonight, gang. Best get some rest."

I didn't know about him, but I wasn't going to get any kind of sleep. Not when I was constantly thinking of what Jazmin could have planned. Her green eyes connected with mine through the open door and she smirked.

I can hardly wait.


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