Chapter 42 - Talks and Kisses

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I could hear her soft footsteps as she followed me. And I groaned inwardly. I wanted nothing more than to be alone right now. Nothing would make me happier than to just go and lay down all by myself. Maybe then, when no one was watching, I could finally let all my feelings out and have a good cry. That's right. I wanted to cry.

"Red, wait up!" Jazmin called after me. But I didn't stop and I didn't slow down. I kept right on walking. She grabbed my arm and jerked me around to face her. "Hello? I said wait."

I gave her a blank look. It was the best I could do. My heart was throbbing. I couldn't fake anything. "I heard you. But I want to be left alone." I removed my arm from her grip. "Please just leave me alone."

I started back to walking when she pulled me to face her again. "Red, I'm serious."

"So am I." I looked back the way we had come. Atleast Antonio was not watching us again. "I just want to be alone, Jazmin."

She raised an eyebrow at me. And I couldn't even bring myself to think about how cute she looked. I just felt worse. "I won't let you be alone. You're either going to talk to me or we're both going to sit in silence."

I turned away from her without a word and walked to the "room" our group shared, which was really and old subway station. It was secluded from where the rebels slept so it wasn't too bad. But the cots we slept on were worse. They were something though.

My heart ached when she followed me. I crossed the room to my cot and sat down and she did the same, her's conveniently located too close to mine. She slept right across from me last night.

I didn't speak, just rubbed my hands over my face. I felt exhausted, more than I'd ever felt. I could sleep for weeks.

Jazmin just watched me intently, one of her feet resting on the dirty concrete floor and the other on the cot. She didn't say anything at first either and I was relieved. I couldn't stand another argument.

Then she broke the silence. "Do you want to tell me what's going on? You don't normally act depressed."

I snorted and halfway laughed. "How would you know?"

She cringed as if I'd hit her. "Ouch. Okay, well that's not a viable answer. I would know, Red. I've known you longer than it feels like I have."

I rested my hands on my knees. "It just feels so distant. Like we barely know eachother at all."

Jazmin's other boot hit the ground and I looked up to see her resting her elbows on her highs, her hands clasped together in front of her. "And why does it feel like that? It wasn't always this way. What went wrong?"

"I don't know." I said honestly. "From what I knew, everything was great. But that wasn't the case with you."

Jazmin looked down to the concrete floor and that's when I knew I was close to getting to where everything had gone wrong. She didn't have to look at me for me to know that she was in pain right now. My throbbing heart being numbed for now, I decided to dig into this. I had to know why she had pushed me away.

"What happened?"

She tore her gaze from the floor and met mine, her green eyes filled with tears. I could barely breathe. I hated seeing her cry. "You didn't say it back."

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