Chapter 39 - To Kill An Asshole

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I hardly paid attention to where the rebel leader was taking us as we followed her. I was too busy focusing on how good it felt to hold Jazmin's hand in mine again. It hadn't been a really long time since I'd touched her, but it felt like it after our argument. I was so glad that I'd rode with her through the portal. If I hadn't, she might still be freaked out. I'd never seen her that scared even when we'd first arrived on Earth 7.

It wasn't the smartest move to not pay attention to our surroundings, given we were in a foreign land. A good ninja would assess everything around him and look for any possible threats, the way Leo was when I glanced back at him. But I couldn't and I felt okay with it. If Jazmin said we could trust them, then I knew we could. I didn't doubt her judgement for anything. I may have doubted the rebels, but I didn't doubt her.

Rogue led us down what looked to be an alleyway in what seemed to be an abandoned subway station. The only person that accompanied her was the tall guy with the dark hair. I didn't like him already. The way he'd looked at Jazmin made my insides burn. He lead our group next to Rogue. I would have to keep an eye on him.

"This way." Rogue's rusty voice said as we continued to walk. "We must talk away from everyone else."

I still didn't get why the Anthony guy had to come with us. Maybe because he didn't trust us either? I wasn't sure. I squeezed Jazmin's hand again.

We came to what used to be an old bathroom. The men and women signs were still visible, although they were covered in soot. I smirked to myself. Atleast if Jazmin would have somewhere to go should she need to.

Rogue stopped in front of them and turned back around to us. She clasped her hands together and reached for Jazmin, taking her one free hand in her own. Jazmin let go of my hand to put it in the other woman's other waiting hand. I grunted lightly.

"Savior..." Rogue said as she examined Jazmin. "We have waited a long time for you to return to us."

I remembered what Kellerinn had said about the refugees calling Jazmin their savior but I hadn't really believed it. I thought he was just trying to boost her confidence.

"It looks like Tesh has been hard at work." Jazmin said. "Home looks worse than the last time I'd seen it."

"Yes." Rogue nodded and frowned, obviously thinking of how close to actual hell the place looked like. "Maleek has ordered the death of many rebel groups and controlled the weather through his weapons. He has done his best to starve us to death."

"Wait... Hold on." Donnie interrupted. "How can he control the weather?"

I rolled my eyes. Even here, my younger brother thought it necessary to question science. But it was a fairly good question.

"Tesh has scientists working for him, among them Keith Zeppelinn. Through many experiments, he has been able to manipulate the clouds and atmosphere." The tall guy explained. "The black air is a side effect of those experiments."

"Interesting..." Donatello scratched his head.

"Hang on a second." Jazmin looked from Rogue to the Anthony guy. "Keith Zeppelinn? My father? But how can that be? He died."

"No." Rogue said. I could see her squeeze Jazmin's hands. "Tesh wanted you to believe he was dead. But he isn't."

Jazmin's eyes grew wide. She let go of the older woman's hands. "H-he's alive? All this time?"

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