Chapter 25 - Understanding

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I had never been the type to be anxious about anything. Throughout my younger years as a trainee and my teens years as a professional Elite Class Member, I'd always seem confrontation as a way to resolve a problem and it had always come naturally to me. Tesh made me afraid for a number of reasons but if the being in question wasn't him, I was good.

But not with Red.

He took a clean towel and gently wiped my face where my gash was without a word. And I couldn't bring myself to break the silence. I had no idea what to say. I knew I'd hurt him. But the tenderness he possessed gave me a little courage. Just enough to say a few words.

"I'm sorry."

He didn't look up as he continued to wipe away the dried blood. The white towel he held had become slightly tainted with crimson, proving that I indeed looked worse than I'd thought. But he didn't address me in any way.

Standing up from his kneeling position on the floor, he moved to the bathroom and I stayed seated on the edge of one of the beds. It was obvious he was mad at me but I didn't really expect the silent treatment.

He emerged from the bathroom with a clean towel and started on my face again, his eyes never meeting mine. I stared at him, willing him to look at me. But he stubbornly refused.

"Are you going to say anything?" Now I was kind of irritated.

He still didn't look at me when he spoke. "There's nothing to say."

"Oh, really?" I grabbed his hand and moved it away from my face. "Nothing?"


His gaze fell down to his hands and the cloth as he pulled away from me. For the first time, Red looked as if he had no clue what to do. I'd never seen him this lost.

"I'm apologizing."

"But what you said. It was true."

"No. It wasn't. You're not a waste of time and you're not irrelevant at all. Without you, I wouldn't be headed for L.A. to save my home. I wouldn't have gotten this far."

His amber eyes finally met mine. "But why would you say those things if you didn't mean them?"

It was the moment of truth. If I didn't tell him my reason behind my actions, we may never be friends again. And I didn't want to live like that.

"The truth is I was scared. Things were moving fast between us and it made me nervous."

His hand made its way back to my face to cup my cheek. "I would never hurt you, Jazmin."

"Yes, I know. But I've been hurt before."

"By who?"

Another deep breath. I could do this.

"Tesh hurt me. He did more than take my Father away..." My throat began to close up in sheer panic. Tears sprang to my eyes at the memories.

He now held my face in both of his hands, his eyes desperately looking into mine. He knew this was serious, the secrets I'd kept for so long. I could trust him.

"You can tell me, Jazmin."

"Tesh... Beat me."

Red's eyes flashed with an emotion I knew only to be anger. His entire body changed to fit the intense look in his eyes. But his hands that still held my face remained gentle.

"Why? Why would he hurt one of his best soldiers?"

"He said I was better than all the rest. As my training progressed, he started to treat me differently. Like I was one of his women." I relaxed with each word. Right here with Red I felt safe.

"How many does he have?"

"Too many to count. He began beating me when I was very young and continued throughout my life. The older I got, the more I pleased him and he wanted me."

"Did... Did he ever... rape you?" Red's face was very close to mine now. But I didn't feel threatened as if he was Tesh. He dreaded the words he hoped I wouldn't speak.

"No. My father found out about his abuse. He could've done it many times. But he wanted me to desire him like he did me."

His hands fell from my face and grasped my hands. I squeezed and let out a sigh. It felt good to confess. Nobody understood me like he did.

"I hate him now even more than I did."

His eyes met mine and I gave him a small smile. "You care that much?" I was bordering on teasing him but he took the question seriously.

"Yes. The thought of anyone touching you in any way makes me so angry I can't explain it."

"I can take care of myself."

"But you shouldn't have to do it on your own. You shouldn't of had to deal with his abuse by yourself. Someone should've stuck up for you."

"But no one did. And I still got out."

He leaned close so his forehead was against mine and his eyes stared straight into my soul. "Not anymore. Let me protect you."

I released one of my hands from his hold and reached up to cup his cheek. "I've never met anyone hell bent on keeping me safe."

"Well I am."

I leaned forward and captured his lips with mine, kissing him in a way I never had. After everything id said, Red still cared for me and forgave me in a way that I didn't understand. But I was past understanding. I was just going to go with it.

He kissed me back, pulling me off the bed and settling me in his lap. His arms went protectively around me as he held me close to him. There was no way either of us would let go.

I pulled back and looked into his eyes that had captured my attention from the moment we'd met. "I'm sorry for everything I said. I don't want to hurt you again."

He smirked as he nipped my lips. "It's alright, Jazmin. Just stay with me."

"I swear I won't leave."

We kissed again briefly before he set me back on the bed and he moved to the other one. "And I'll respect you. I'll slow down."

I crawled underneath the warm covers and settled into the mattress. "Thank you."

He turned out the light and I heard the comforting squeak of the mattress as he settled into his bed. The darkness did not faze me because I knew I wasn't alone.

"Good night, Jazmin."

I snuggled into the sheets and sighed. "Goodnight, Red."


Fan art done by the amazing Kimiko_Jaguar <33

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