Chapter 36 - A Friend In April O'Neil

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I shut myself in my room and locked the door, leaning against it as if I'd just run from a predator. In reality, nobody was chasing me. But it felt like something was. And that something was Red's memory. It wasn't just his face that haunted me, it was the feel of him as well. His gentle hands on my hips, framing my face, tracing the scars on my chest. His warm lips kissing my own as if I was the most prized possession he had. His beautiful amber eyes that could see straight to my soul. Everything about him I loved and I wished I didn't.

As I sat there on the floor, I remembered an awful romance novel that Tilga had been talking about a few months back. Although we argued a lot and never saw eye to eye, she sought me out at the beginning of her shift to talk to me about this book she'd been reading.

"It's called 'As The Sun Sets' and it's simply beautiful." I remembered her saying. " The main characters hate eachother in the beginning, then they fall madly in love. But then they get in an argument and break up. But both of them are so sad without eachother that they get back together and get married in the end. It's just such a good book, Jazmin! You have to read it!"

I'd always thought Tilga was a hopeless romantic. She was the kind to believe that love existed even though she'd never experienced it herself. To me, she was a fool. I never read the book, only listened to her talk about it. Her voice was so high pitched and it hurt my ears but I'd listened to her because I doubted anybody else would.

But the thing that got me the most about that conversation was that Tilga thought all the pain the couple had gone through was beautiful because they ended up together in the end. In the moment when she told me about it, I was disgusted that people would put eachother through so much pain to stay together. To me, if they hated eachother they should've stayed apart. But that wasn't what happened.

The pain had been unnecessary in my eyes. If they hated eachother then why did the hate dissolve into love? I wondered about that question ever since I'd first asked it. I now knew the answer.

It was because the heart chooses whom it loves, regardless of what you want or think you need. I not only understood the book's ending, giving that I still hadn't read it, I was living it. I, too, had ended up falling for someone that I didn't care for in the beginning. And now I was the one living in agony because he didn't feel the same way.

I hadn't realized I was crying until a tear fell on my hand. I wiped it away angrily and then wiped my eyes. I'd been so deep in thought that I didn't realize I was so upset I could barely breathe.

"Jazmin?" A soft knock sounded on the door. The voice belonged to April. "Are you okay? Can I come in?"

I sniffed and moved out of the way so she could open the door but I still sat on the floor. I rested my head on my knees as she entered. She didn't say anything at first, just sat beside me in silence. It stayed like that for a few minutes.

"I'm not going to ask if everything is okay because it's clearly not." She wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "And you don't have to tell me anything. But I'm here if you do want to talk."

I didn't even know if I could get through explaining it to her. But I wanted to try. I was tired of holding everything in. "I-I got I-into an a-argument with R-red."

"I could tell." She said. "But I don't know what for. You guys were just good. I think everybody could tell you guys liked eachother."

"It's hard to explain." The tears had stopped flowing and I could breathe some now. Just knowing that someone else was here with me made it a little easier.

"Take your time. I'm not going anywhere."

I looked up and met her gaze, her kind face offering me what I'd never had... A shoulder to lean on. April and I hadn't spoken much so far since we met but I had a feeling that, whether anything changed between me and Red or not, we would be friends.

"I love him, April. And he doesn't love me back."

April looked surprised. "How is that possible? Raph is crazy about you. Anyone can see that!"

"We kissed, we held hands, we had intimate moments, all the things that come with falling in love. But when it came down to it, he led me to believe he loved me but he never said it."

April brought a hand up and pushed her vibrant red hair out of her eyes. "What exactly did he say? Maybe that's not what he meant. Did he say he didn't love you?"

I sniffed and wiped my eyes again. I realized, when I did, that I hadn't removed my makeup before going to bed last night. I probably looked worse now. I was glad I didn't own a mirror.

"He said he more than liked me. But then he didn't say what I thought he was going to. April, I've been used before and this is the reason why I distance myself from others. I don't want to get hurt but I let my guard down with Red. I thought he was different but he isn't. He used me just like Tesh did. All he wanted was what I gave him."

"Jazmin, I know that what you're feeling is intense and you have more to deal with than any normal girl, but you have to listen to me. Raph isn't like every other guy you're gonna meet. He's been treated badly by past girlfriends and humans in general because he's a mutant turtle. You don't judge him for being what he is so I find it hard to believe that he used you for the same reasons he's been used by other girls. There has to be another reason why he didn't say he loved you."

"What else could it be?" I started to cry again and wiped away the tears. My face felt hot and swollen. I knew I couldn't keep doing this.

"Did you talk to him? Ask him right out why he didn't say he loved you?"

I sighed. "No. I told him I didn't feel anything for him and that I didn't want romance in my life."

April arched a red brow. "So you lied?"

I laughed dryly. "I was drunk."

"Maybe you need to talk to him again. When you're sober and not so upset. You need to tell him what you feel. I guarantee he hasn't used you." She brushed some of the wet hair out of my face that clung to my cheeks. "You're the strongest girl I've ever met, Jazmin. Raph likes strong girls. He wouldn't disrespect you. He doesn't do that. Trust me, I've known him long enough to know that."

"I don't know if I can talk to him again."

April shrugged. "It's up to you. I think you can fix things if you and Raph talk it out."

"Maybe... I'd have to think about it."

April stood up. "Don't think about it now. If you want my opinion, I think you should get some sleep. I know you didn't get any last night." She looked pointedly at me and I blushed lightly.


She opened the door but gave me a sincere smile before she left. "Everything will be alright, Jazmin. I know you're probably tired of hearing that but it will be."

I managed a sad smile. "Thanks, April. You were a better friend to me just now than anybody else."

"You're welcome. Just please don't give up on Raph. He's a good guy and you're a good girl. You guys would be great together."

She had no idea...

"I'll try."


So here's the part where Jazmin admits exactly why she's upset. But what do you guys think? Is it what she thinks or no? Would Raph use her?

So I'm really excited to write the chapters after this one... Because it picks up a lot! I've enjoyed writing these past few chapters but I love the action and that's what's gonna happen!

Hope you guys are as excited as I am! - Jaz

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