Chapter 29 - Something More

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As strange as it was sleeping in the grimy motel room, it was even weirder sleeping in Zeke's underground freak house. The dude had a large lab room, almost as big as Donnie's and then a small hallway split off into four different rooms. So, once again, we'd been assigned bunk buddies. But it was different this time.

Leo and I had argued about the situation, him insisting that all of us would be together and Jazmin, April, and Casey could split the other rooms. And I hadn't liked that arrangement. I needed to be with Jazmin. Especially with how we were now. More than civil. We were comfortable now that we understood eachother. And we were getting closer to the end of our mission. I wanted to be near her as much as possible.

But I didn't want to admit that to my older brother.

So I just fought until it was finally decided that Leo, Casey and April would share a room, Donnie, Mikey and I would share a room, and Jazmin would bunk by herself.


I figured by now I had given my brothers enough time to fall asleep by now so I got up and quietly left the room. Stepping as silently as I could, I maneuvered my way around them and quickly exited the room. The hallway was cool and dark, the atmosphere strikingly similar to the sewers. Then again the sewers were underground too. But I couldn't see anything. So I pulled my phone from my belt and flicked on the flashlight feature. Atleast then I could see what was in front of me.

Passing by a door, I could tell it wasn't Jazmin's. I grew up trying desperately to go to sleep to no avail because of Leo's snores. Our rooms had been right next to eachother and they still were. I had no idea how April and Casey were getting any sleep at all.

The next door was quiet of any activity but bubbly noises and small clangs made me believe it was Zeke's. I snorted softly.

And I thought Donnie was a nerd.

Then there was the last door. Completely silent with no sound at all. Deciding on this being Jazmin's room, I shielded my light with my hand so I wouldn't wake her while I opened the door and closed it softly behind me. Then I allowed a small beam of the light through my fingers to shine on the body lying on the bed peacefully.

There she is.

My heart fell as I watched the gentle rise and fall of her chest, her beautiful chest. Actually every part of her was beautiful. And my hands began to tremble as I ached to touch her.

It's so strange how we used to hate eachother... And now I want to be with her all the time...

I moved close to the bed and perched myself on the edge and gazed at her sleeping form. She was laying on her side and facing towards me, her face relaxed and eyelids shut peacefully. I couldn't resist the urge to lean down and softly kiss her cheek.

But no sooner had I done that harmless act that Jazmin's face screwed up into a frown and she began to move around, looking as if she was struggling. My breathing quickened at the sight, myself having no idea what was going on until she spoke.


She shot up and looked straight forward. She didn't even realize I was beside her until I reached out to touch her arm.

She jumped at my action but quickly relaxed when she realized it was me. "It's just you." She breathed with a sigh of relief.

I grabbed one of her shaking hands and brought it to my lips, leaving a small kiss on the top. "What happened?"

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