Chapter 10 - Outlaws Like Us

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"Well, that was a complete waste." I said to my family as we congregated in Donnie's lab. Jazmin stood with us too, a far off look on her face.

I tried not to stare into her eyes. The deep green drew me in. I didn't know why but the fact that she had some kind of effect on me was scary. The last thing I wanted or needed was something like that.

"Not really." Leo defended. "Karai did tell us some guy named Maleek gave her father the portal. But the communication between them couldn't of been the best because Karai didn't know where to find it."

"Who's Maleek?" Donnie asked. "I thought the bad guy here was Tesh."

"Maleek is his first name." Jazmin said, disrupting the conversation by her sudden participation. "Maleek Tesh."

"He's got one weird name, dudes." Mikey put Donnie's experiment goggles on, which made his eyes look just as huge as Donnie's had.

The purple masked turtle ripped them off his face and set them back on his desk firmly. "How many times do I have to tell you not to touch anything?!"

Mikey grinned sheepishly in response.

"So, did he blindside you like you thought?" Leo asked. He crossed his arms over his plastron.

"Yes." Jazmin hissed. "Though I don't know how."

"Could you have missed a portal when you went to all the Earths collecting them?"

As soon as Donatello asked we all regretted it. She turned her furious green gaze on him. He cowered into the swivel chair.

"No! I didn't miss one! The bastard found another way to get to this Earth!"

She lunged for him but I launched myself forward and caught her in my arms. She thrashed against me and yelled for me to let her go, but I wouldn't budge.

"Easy." I said. "It's not Donnie's fault."

My voice somehow calmed her as she stopped fighting me and a somber look passed over her face. She relaxed and I released her.

"I-I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Donnie said. He gave her a genuine smile. "We know what it feels like to be under pressure."

"We're gonna help you." Leo reassured her. "Whatever it takes. We're kind of a part of it too since our arch nemesis was involved."

He looked to the rest of us. "Do it for Splinter. And our Earth."

My brothers and I nodded, understanding the seriousness of all of this. Leo reached out and rested a hand on her shoulder, sympathy for her evident in his eyes.

"We'll get this figured out."

She nodded slightly and I could feel the subtle annoyance. She didn't like to be pitied. I could relate.

"But for now, I think we all need some rest."

Mikey and Donnie yawned at the exact same time. Leo noticed.

"Raph, will show you where the spare room is."

His eyes connected with mine, making sure I knew this was an order and not a request. I nodded and motioned to her.

"Follow me."

She trailed after me as we left the lab and the familiarity of my brothers, into an awkward silence. I led her up the stairs to the second level of the lair where our rooms, along with an empty one, were. Walking down to the end of the hall, I took a deep breath before reaching out and turning the knob.

It was empty, completely bare except for a bed in the middle. I tried hard not to think too much about where we were.

"Hope this is alright."

She moved past me to enter. Her deep green orbs took everything in before finding me again.

"It's fine. Thank you."

She managed a small smile. It was pretty. I hadn't seen her smile yet.

"Good. Bathroom's right next door."

I went to shut the door behind myself as I walked out but she suddenly stopped me with her boot in the door. I couldn't stop my face from flushing some as I realized how close she'd gotten.

"Thank your brothers for me, Red."

I found myself returning her smile.

"Name's still Raphael."

She crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow.

"I like Red better."

I chuckled lightly. That surprised me. Not even a day ago, I'd been irritated by her nickname for me. Now I kinda liked it.

"Whatever, Jazmin."

I closed the door and left her alone, my heart clenching. I brushed my hand over the smooth wood of the door before turning and going into my own room.

I wondered what Sensei would say if he were here right now. I really hoped he wouldn't notice the moment i'd just shared with her. It seemed as though we had an understanding and we were both aware of it.

Either I found myself someone just like me or things are about to get complicated.


When I awoke, I was covered in a cold sweat. Every inch of my skin was moist. My breaths were heavy as my eyes darted around the darkness of my room. A few minutes went by and I began to calm down. I had to get a grip.

"You failed, Raphael..."

I shook my head in an effort to get his voice out. I couldn't keep having these nightmares. Every night was the same. But when I woke up my brothers were alive. It was the fear of what was to come that haunted me as a nightly ritual. Not only was I scared to death of losing them too, I was still grieving over the loss of our father.

I scrubbed my hands over my bare face and jerked the covers off of my body. I checked the time on my phone and groaned.

1:30 am

It was still very early. Well, I could always go to my workshop. That did a good job of taking my mind off of things. Maybe have a drink or two while I was there.

I used the flashlight Donnie had installed on my phone to find my way to my closet. Pulling out yet another bottle of Jack, I quietly left my room. For an abnormally large turtle, I could move noiselessly.

Twisting the top off the bottle, I took a long swig. I pulled the lever on the side of the concrete door to the lair and exited, moving down the dark tunnels.

Halfway there, I realized I had forgotten my mask. It didn't really matter anyway since no one came to my place except me. Trudging on through the dank sewers, I let the alcohol consume me.

I reached the entrance to my shop and pulled the lever absentmindedly. I walked inside and flipped on the light, basking the dim room in light.

I lifted the bottle once more to my lips.

Well, here's to a long night.


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