Imagine 1:

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Just a Meet and Greet Imagine to start the book off hey. :D

Warning: None...well just cute fuzzy warm feelings

Imagine: Meeting Daisy Ridley and John Boyega

Word count: 799

*Y/N Pov*

 I was walking down the street towards the mall to start my shift at work which starts in a hour when I felt someone smash into me and knock me over my bum hitting the hard cement ground.  "Oh my god are you alright um Daisy! Can you help me!" a man's voice spoke above me I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me up "You okay sorry about John he is a bit clumsy today" a giggle comes from in front of me I open my eyes and see Daisy Ridley and John Boyega in front of me standing there with smiles on their faces. "You're Daisy Ridley and...John Boyega" I breathe I will admit I had a small crush on John and I loved them both in the new Star Wars I had wanted to meet them so badly. They grinned and laughed " The one and only!" Daisy exclaims with her hands in the air and John just stares at me " And your name is...?" he asks "Oh silly me I'm Y/N L/N" I shake their hands "So where were you off to before I knocked you down on the ground?" John asked tilting his head slightly "Oh well I was just heading to work" I smile sheepishly and shrug they both stand aside "Oh sorry about holding you up then" John sighs and smiles apologetically Daisy nods in understanding "Oh no really its fine it starts in a hour so I can get there a bit earlier and finish early you know" they both widen their eyes and laugh "Well you must be a top class worker by the sounds of that" Daisy giggles and they both grin at me I blush and breathe out "Well I better be going it was so nice to meet you guys" I hug them and wave goodbye little did I know they followed me to work.

I finished stacking the sour lolly shelves and walk to the register and serve the customer "Hiya how are you?" I smile cheerily and scan the items "I am very well thank you even though we just met a hour and a half ago a British man's voice erupted I looked up and saw John standing there I frown and smile "Did you follow me?" I ask curiously he grinned and looked to outside the store I followed his gaze and saw Daisy waving like a maniac " So you both followed me hmm?" I laugh and he nods "She wanted to see where you worked and wanted to get to know you bit more....and so do I" he blushed at the end I blush too and nod "Well here are your items and my break is in 15 minutes if you want to grab something to eat yeah?" I ask he looks up like a little kid and nods happily and runs out to Daisy and they high five I roll my eyes and playfully stick my tongue out they do the same and wait outside for me to finish.

*During your break*

Daisy, John and I had just finished our lunch and we walked to a juice bar and grabbed a juice each, after we found a photo booth and decided we should have some photos. All three of us made silly faces and acted like little kids but in the last 2 we had our arms around each other and smiled and laughed. We took a look at our photo's and we all smiled and giggled at our faces. Eventually my break was nearly over and I had to go back "Well guys it was a fun day and I had my pictures with you guys and I had lunch and a juice with you" I laughed they grinned "Hey we should hang out again" Daisy exclaims and grabs my phone and types in hers and Johns numbers "Now you can call or message whenever you want to" She smiles I nod and give them one last hug but with John he kissed me on the cheek and whispered "Bye gorgeous" and winks and walks away with Daisy. I just met Daisy Ridley and John Boyega can this day get any better.


Aww how cute was that I would love to meet Daisy and John but I feel like I am never going to, but you know we can all dream can't we. Remember if you want to request a imagine fill out on the first page. And comment and vote for each page if you like the imagine, preference or one-shot. Thanks xx

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