Imagine 5:

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Imagine: Hux, your boyfriend telling you stories until you fall asleep

Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen TFA if you haven't skip this part but if you have you are safe.

Word count: 479

Warning: None just feels

*Y/N's Pov*

I sat alone in Hux and my chambers as I waited for him to return. I read books, sketched random things that came to mind, one was Hux I finished the sketch and smiled at it. Hux walked through the door and he smiled when he seen me "Hello my darling" he takes his coat and pants off leaving him in his undershirt and boxer briefs. As he crawled in beside me under the covers and hugged my waist "Hello general" I giggle and kiss his lips he smirks into the kiss, "What is this hm?" he looks at the drawing of himself "It's you I drew you while I waited for you to come back from work." I blush he smiles "It is amazing hun" he kisses my neck lightly I put the things away and lay in a comfortable position whilst Hux lays on my stomach and looks up at me.

"I love you, so much Y/N" he says and strokes my cheek, I smile and comb my fingers through his ginger hair "I know you do, and I love you too" I smile at him. He sighs his blue eyes scanning over my face in admiration "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes upon, and I am the most luckiest man in the entire galaxy" he murmurs and twirls my hair around his fingers. "Did you know" he began and sat up I moved for him as he pulled me on top of him. "That when I was a little boy...I used to dream of becoming a General, my father and grandfather were generals as well. And I wanted to make them proud I remember my father said to me 'When you become a man, you will learn how to love, control, care and rule. Being a General runs in our family and one day you will meet the perfect woman to be by your side. You must support her, love her and protect her. As a General that is a duty you must do as well.' I had always looked up to him, and when I met you I knew that you would be that woman my father talked about" Hux smiled lovingly and pulled me in for a kiss and I smiled as we did, I rolled off him and snuggled into his chest as he stroked my hair and told me stories about anything that he could think of and I slowly fell asleep but before I did I heard a "I love you my princess" and kiss on my head. I smile and snuggle closer to Hux. My Hux.

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