Imagine 6:

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Imagine: Kylo telling you how much he loves you and wants you to be his

Y/N: Your Name
M/N: Middle Name
L/N: Last Name
E/C: Eye Colour
H/C: Hair Colour

Warning: Smut, major feels and just Kylo's hotness

Word Count: 833

*Y/N's Pov*

Kylo and I were sitting in his quarters I was in my nightgown so I felt a little exposed, but the reason why I was there was apparently Hux doesn't get the idea of keeping his mouth shut. Unfortunately for me he told Kylo I love him, knowing Kylo wouldn't feel the same way I am embarrassed to say the least. Kylo wanted to speak to me in private about the matter, I shook uncontrollably and he sensed my fear. He sat me down gently on his bed, I sat and intertwined my fingers together. "So..Hux tells me, you have deep feelings for me? Is that true Y/N?" Kylo's deep voice erupted in the room as he sat across from me. I nodded slightly and hid my face a little I looked up little at Kylo and back down again.

Kylo looked at me intently and titled his head. I tried to avoid his gaze but I wasn't succeeding at all, he lightly chuckled and stood up "Why are you avoiding my eyes hmm?" he asked me as he lightly gripped my chin and lightly forced me to look into his brown orbs. He leant in "You are delightfully beautiful" he murmurs. I blinked as his lips hovered over mine, he looked into my deep E/C eyes his gloved fingers threaded through my hair ever so lightly and carefully. I soon felt pulling sense towards him and I kissed his lips, he immediately kissed back and gripped my hip with one hand. He growls lightly and cups my cheek as he kisses my neck and shoulder. I moan lightly and grab his forearms for support as he continues to kiss me. He lays me down on his bed and glides his hands up and down my leg to my waist. My silk and laced nightgown sliding up a little each time his hand comes back up. I wrap my left leg around his waist and pull him closer as we attach our lips together and I moaned loudly into his mouth, he smiles and pulls away "Do you want this Y/N? Do you want me?" he asks I nodded and smiled "Yes I want you Kylo" and he kissed me again as I took of his thick coat and undershirt, leaving him shirtless and with his pants on. His hands trailed down my sides and to my feet and he came back up again "You are truly beautiful, I want you to be mine Y/N M/N L/N, will you?" he cups my face I smile "Yes I will be yours, as long as you be mine?" I ask him, he nods and kisses my lips "I love you Y/N so much" and he kisses my collarbone roughly I moaned loudly and gripped his hair with one hand and the other in the sheets.

Kylo lowered down to the bottom of my nightgown and I tensed up when my lower undergarment was removed but relaxed when Kylo began to kiss and caress my womanhood. I moaned and gasped as he pleasured me, my fingers in his hair, his hands firm on my waist to keep me positioned. He pulled away just when I was about to climax and he pulls his pants and underpants down he took off my nightgown and my other undergarments too " I hope you are ready darling, I don't want to hurt you" he says worried I kissed him "I'll be fine, just go" I said and he entered me slowly and thrusted in and out of my slowly and began to gradually go faster, my grip on his shoulders tightened and I clawed his back. His groans and sexual moans aroused me even more, which caused my climax to come more powerful that the first build-up.

"Ky-kyl--Kylo! oh.." I couldn't say his name properly I threw my legs around his waist as he thrusted harder and faster into me. I felt him spill inside me and I came shortly afterwards I sighed "I love you Kylo" I whispered he brushed some of my sweaty hair out of my face "I love you too, my angel" he whispered too and kissed my lips once more, before we closed out eyes and then heard the door burst open "Ren...Sup--" Hux began but saw our state he smirked "Oh I see you have de-flowered each other I will leave you too continue your night" he winks and leaves but before turning back "Oh Y/N don't go to rough with him, we need him walking and all for missions" he winks again "Piss off Hux!" Kylo yells and Hux leaves Kylo got up and locked the door and turned around "Now we can relax in peace now" he whispered and we both went to sleep.

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