Requested Han Solo Imagine #1: Part 1

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Requested by: DancingGeronimo45

Plot: Han and Bella have been best friends for 3 years, They develop feelings and they start dating.  And on the side she helps Han and Chewy smuggle.

Word Count: 689

Warning: None just cuteness

*Han's Pov*

I walked through the entrance on the control room with Luke, Bella and Chewy behind me. Luke shut and locked the door, Bella walked over to the two droids and spoke to them. "What do you mean you can't?!" she shouted slightly and looked to Luke and back to them again "Wait found who?" Luke and Bella asked at the same time, I swear the two are related some how. C-3PO had stated that the R2 unit had found her, the princess I mean Luke told me she was rich which I happily obliged to help but I would rather her die than me in the end I guess..?

Luke walked down the hall to find the princess and Bella stayed with me, I spoke into the intercom when the voice on the other side asked 'if everything was alright' I responded with a 'how are you' and looked down and mouthed dammit to Bella she nodded and the voice spoke again "Who is this?what is your operating number?" Bella told me to move and she shot the intercom. Smiling and looked to me "You need to be more careful we have a squad coming our way" she giggled I smirked.

*Time skip to the dumpster*

*Bella's Pov*

"Nice work princess leia " I growled lowly and looked around how are we going to get out? Han shot his blaster and hit just missed me scraping my leg. I scowled in pain and Luke walked over "You okay?" I nodded and he turned to Han " Forget it, it is magnetically sealed!" Luke yelled "Put that thing away you will get us all killed!!" Leia yelled to Han also he turned his head "Certainly your worship" he yelled back "Everybody just shut up!" I screamed they all looked to me "Now if we want to get out...we need to look around. There has to be door or something we can get to. Yelling and bickering isn't going to get us anywhere" I tell them all they all nod and Han smirks "Well gorgeous I didn't know you had that fire in you" he winks I blush and a loud groan filled the dumpster I shivered and felt something neat my leg. "There is something alive down here guys" I inform them before Luke was pulled into the water me following after him. I could hear Han and Leia screaming our names through the water but it all fell silent as no movement was made. I heard splashing as I could hear Luke being pulled out of the water I screamed as the creature wrapped itself around me I tried to move but it wouldn't let me. "Help!" my muffled voice underwater spoke until I rose up. And Han and Luke kept shooting to get it to release me but it pulled me back in the water. I came back up when the sides started to push inwards, after what seemed hours 3PO managed to stop the dumpster and we got out and to the Falcon. Witnessing Obi-Wan being killed caused Luke and I to go on a rage fit and shoot the blasters at the storm troopers and Darth Vader.

*On the Falcon*

Han walked into my room and smiled as leant against the door frame. I smiled back and moved over so he could sit next to me. He tumbled down and laid beside me, he smiled as his thumb and index finger caressed my arm and he leant up "Bella would you feel uncomfortable if I said I love you?" he asked nervously and swallowed hard I giggled "No because I love you too you goofball" he grins and leans in to kiss my lips I smile into the kiss and we lay down together.

"We make a good team we do don't we?" Han asks me

I nod "We do and we always will"

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