Requested Han Solo Imagine #1: Part 2

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Requested by: DancingGeronimo45

Plot: Han and Bella have been best friends for 3 years, They develop feelings and they start dating. They celebrate the end of the Death Star by doing the do on their anniversary, much to Luke and Leia's displeasure they become engaged on Endor.

Word Count: 1243

Warning: Smut, and adorableness

*Bella's Pov*

Cheering and laughter echoed through the atmosphere as we all celebrated the fall of The Death Star and The Empire. I looked to my younger twin siblings Luke and Leia as they embraced and hugged. I strolled over and hugged them as well and put a finger to my lips to warn them not to tell Han I was behind him. They nodded smirking even though they didn't approve of Han and I dating they accepted it because they seen how happy I was with him. I tackled his waist and shouted "Boo!" he jumped and turned around "Oh my god love don't do that" he sighs and closes his eyes and wraps me in a hug but starts to tickle me, I scream in laughter and plead for Luke and Leia to help me, they laughed in response and walked off giggling like kids. Han stopped and turned me around and kissed my lips lovingly I smiled and laughed as he kissed my cheeks, nose and neck. I moan and laugh as he blows raspberries on my shoulder and neck "Han stop! it tickles" I giggle. He pulls away and lust and passion swims in his beautiful deep blue eyes. He takes my hand and pulls me towards the falcon and we open the door and run in Han closes the door. I yelp in excitement when Han picks me up bridal style and then over his shoulder and carries me to his quarters he opens and shuts the door locking it securely, he slapped my ass for being cheeky I gasp " Did Han solo just slap a ladies rear that's a bit rude" I speak up and slap his ass he yelps too and throws me on the bed a smirk spreading across his handsome face "Yes I did and I will gladly do it again" he growls and kisses my lips. And so it begins.

And here it is Smut has landed I repeat Smut has landed! *Sorry carry on!* :))

*Third Person's Pov*

Bella moaned as Han grinded his hips against hers, she gripped his shoulders and slipped his vest off whilst his fingers worked her laced up top and pulled it above her head. His eyes widen at the sight of her breasts underneath her cleverage, he gulped and looked back into her eyes. She smiled "What?" she asked curiosity flowed in her voice, he shook his head "Nothing it's fine" he kisses her jawline and down her chest as her breathing quickened and she shivered as his hands caressed her hips and pulled her long dressy skirt down and left her in her undergarments. Bella removed Han's shirt and pans as well and they both stared at each other admiring one another's appearances they both stared in awe and Bella's hands held Han's forearms "You look beautiful Han" she whispers Han smiles "You look beautiful too sweetheart" and proceeds to take off her bra with her approval he kisses her breasts and pulls her panties down and kissed her thighs and slowly works his way back up and pulls down his briefs, leaving the both completely naked.

"Are you sure you want to do this Bella?" Han asked in a concerning tone, Bella nods and smiles " I am sure I want you and I love you so much Han please take me" Han nods and he slowly enters her, she winces slightly at the pain but slowly he thrusts in and out of her making sure he doesn't hurt her too much when she groans Han stops "No it's fine keep going love" she reassures him he nods and continues soon enough they both are moaning each others names and falling into a pleasurable bliss. It was just them two in the world and no one else mattered not Luke, not Leia, not anyone else just Han and Bella. Bella eventually found some strength and pushed Han off and rolled them over so she was on top and she began to ride him, Han gripped her waist as he thrusted upwards hitting her sweet spot "Oh god Han! Please" she moans loudly and rolls her hips to gain more friction Han groans and yelps in pleasure it sounded like a animal not human "Oh Bella that's it keep going baby girl you feel so good" he throws his head back into the pillows as he guided her on his manhood.

Bella soon felt a burning sensation in her stomach and moaned Han's name "Oh...Ha--Han I am clo---se" she stutters and moans as she neared her release Han flipped them back over and thrusted roughly into her "Oh god Han! Keep going almost there love" she screams as she grips his hair and shoulders clawing his back "Cum for me Bella" he growls and kisses her neck sweetly and fondles her breasts, they both released and the laid on their backs breathing heavily Han sat up and reached over to the nightstand "Bella I know I should have asked this earlier but...I love you so much and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you the moment I laid eyes on you. I know Luke and Leia don't like you and I together but who cares what people say, they don't know anything about this relationship so one question I need to know if you will say yes to...Will you Marry Me Bella Skywalker?" he holds a shiny diamond ring "Oh my gods yes Han I will oh my I love you so much baby"

He grins and puts the ring on her finger she kisses his lips and smacks his ass he jumps and looks at her eyes widened "Payback for earlier" she giggles he smiles "Did Bella Skywalker just slap a man's rear that's rude" he quoted her from earlier she smirks "Yes I did and I would gladly do it again" she quoted him and traced a finger along his jawline "And a few other things too" she winks. He breathes in and smirks "Well round 2 coming up" he growls and kisses her lips again getting once again entangled in the black sheets of his bed.

*Back at the celebration*

Luke and Leia had wondered where Bella and Han had left to they looked around when C-3PO came up to them "Hey 3PO have you seen either Bella or Han?" Luke asked the droid shook his head "No but--" he was cut off by R2 " Oh R2 says he saw Miss Bella and Mr Solo run to the falcon" Luke nodded and stopped and looked to his twin sister smirking "Well I think we all know what happened there" she laughs and nods " I have an idea you in Luke?" she asks Luke squinted and widen his eyes in amusement and nods "Count me in sis" and they go and get a bucket of water each and head to the falcon. They couldn't forget the faces Han and Bella pulled that night no matter how much they said they hated them they still laughed along with Luke and Leia but promised they will get them back somehow.

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