Kylo Ren and General Hux Imagine #1 Part 1: Kylo Ren

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Imagine: Kylo your boyfriend gets jealous of Hux

H/L= Hair Length
E/C= Eye Color
H/C= Hair Color

*These imagines are like the Han and Luke one expect you don't have to choose one. They are already chosen for you, you can either read both or just one up to you :)*

Word Count: 736

Kylo Ren:

You were walking down the hallway to General Hux's office to discuss some plans for the newly built weapon. Although you were force-sensitive like your boyfriend Kylo Ren, you were the General's assistant also. You had noticed since you arrived Hux had been giving you glances not creepy or unusual glances. He was always looking at you fondly he had crush on you since you arrived and had slowly fallen in love with you, you had known about this but you loved Kylo and that is how it was going to be. You didn't want to hurt Hux but you couldn't deny that he was handsome and charming the opposite to what everyone sees same with Kylo. But when you laid eyes on Kylo and touched hands for the first time you felt a strong power in the force. Supreme Leader had deemed you a couple when he felt the connection and you and Kylo fell in love straight away.

So as you sat in Hux's office you felt his eyes on you and you smiled to yourself. Hux came over and observed your work and spoke up "Y/N...I have wanted to ask you what is it like to be with Ren?" you blinked and looked down and back up "Kylo is everything I thought he would be: caring, trustworthy, gentle and romantic. I love him deeply and I know Supreme Leader can sense it as we do every time we are around each other. I know you have liked me for a while Hux." you smiled and touched his cheek "I know there is someone for you, she is waiting for you as you are for her." he smiled and hugged you and kissed your head "I know Y/N..I will always love you no matter what happens" he spoke and released you. You blushed and explained your idea's on the weapon and Hux hugged your shoulders and laughed as you told him a joke and you both burst into a fit of laughter.

We were unaware Kylo was standing in the room when he cleared his throat. And we stopped and Kylo choked Hux, as Hux struggled to breathe you ran to Kylo and tried to calm him down and held his arms "Kylo sweetie it is fine we were just laughing please" you pleaded, he didn't listen "Ren...I...didn't...mean..too..." Hux tried to speak you looked to Hux and back to Kylo you gripped him again "Kylo please stop you are killing him, please stop it! Please!" you begged Kylo released Hux as he fell to the floor his face slightly purple from the lack of oxygen. "I do not want to see you near Y/N again General. If I do she will not be able to help you next time." Kylo's voice spoke through the mask which frightened you a little he grabbed your waist harshly and pulled you away you mouthed 'I am so sorry' to Hux he nodded and smiled weakly as he stood. Kylo pulled you to your shared quarters and locked the door. He turned and ripped off his helmet and pulled you to the bed and pinned you to the bed. You whimper slightly as he gripped your wrists tightly " So you think you can let Hux all over you and I will not find out hmm?" Kylo growled as his brown orbs stared into your e/c ones, you breathed heavily and shook your head 'We were just having fun Kylo" you whisper you could hear his jealousy in his voice it kind of turned you on as his hand travels through your h/l h/c and smirks "I am afraid I must punish you for your actions" he lustfully spoke and kissed your lips forcefully and passionately he still managed to keep it loving even though he was angry. You knew you were in for a long night ahead.

Let's just say Kylo made sure everyone including Hux could hear your screams and moans from the room. Just telling them who you belong to and if they didn't hear you they could see the Love bites on your neck.

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