Imagine 4:

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Imagine: Poe saves your life and he falls in love with you.

Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen TFA if you haven't skip this part but if you have you are safe.

Word Count: 1458

Warning: None just cuteness all round

*Y/N's Pov*

I ran as fast as I could from the First Order storm trooper as he grabbed me and pulled me back. I started screaming as I clawed at the brown earth beneath my fingers and pleaded for help. "Help me! Please!" and I felt no longer anyone pulling me when I looked behind me and saw the trooper dead on the ground, I look in front of me and saw a handsome man running to me "Are you okay" he asks me and pulls me up I nod weakly and rub my arms bruises already forming. "What happened to you?" he caressed my arms soothingly I looked down "They tortured me, they tried to find out information about Luke father" I spoke. The man's eyes widened "Your General Leia's niece?" he questioned and held my face I nod and he smiles "I can take you back to her if you would like, you will be safe there." I nod eagerly and we run back to his X-Wing and were greeted by a small droid beeping excitedly "This is BB-8 he seems pleased to meet you" the man said smiling I nod and look to BB-8 "Hello BB-8 nice to meet you" and I place a hand on my hip when I felt my lightsaber wasn't there. Oh no my lightsaber "Wait my lightsaber I need it I can't leave it here" I yelled to the man as I ran back to the forest I trailed back to where I was dragged and found a engrave in the ground where my lightsaber was. Someone has taken it, who the trooper is dead and the man didn't take it where is it? I heard another saber ignite and I turned in horror as Kylo Ren stood in front of me "You thought you could escape? Foolish girl I wasn't done with you" he paralyses me and walked around as his gloved hand touched my cheek and he chuckled "You are frightened, so scared. Such a pretty face you possess" he murmurs and he waves his hand above me and I black out fainting into his arms.

*Poe's Pov*

It has been at least 15 minutes now I am growing worried about her. Where is she BB-8 beeped at me I nod "I know buddy I will be back I am just going-" I was cut off by a loud erupting sound and turned looking at the First Order shipping preparing for take off. Oh my god no "No! No! Please no!" I yell as I run towards the ship and stop eventually when it is in the air I sigh and run a hand through my hair "I will save you don't worry" I whisper and run to BB-8 "Come bud we have to save her she is Luke Skywalker's daughter I am sure if he returns, he would want to see her alive and safe" I tell him and I prepare the ship for take off following the First Order ship close behind, but not to close so they can detect me behind them.

*Third Person's Pov*

Kylo Ren sat on a chair as he observed the girl laying on his bed. Such a beautiful face he thought but she looked familiar, he couldn't pin who she was. He had visions of her but it was sort of blurry but her features were clear as crystal to him. He tilted his head as he watched her sleep she mumbled names and words in her sleep as she tossed and turned around his black silk sheets. He walked over a took off his mask and kneeled down beside her stroking her cheek her e/c eyes opened straight away. When she sat up she was blown away with his features, he was young maybe a few years older than her, dark brown almost black hair and chocolate brown eyes. His eyes caught her the most they showed so much emotions: depression, scared, guilt and above all anger. All swimming through his eyes she did think he was handsome but not as close as the man that saved her. Kylo tilted his head "You don't need to be afraid of me, I won't hurt you anymore" he spoke his voice deep, but no where near as menacing a scary with the mask on. She nodded weakly and shuffled "Where am I?" he smirked slightly "My bedroom, I figured you would rather wake up in comfort than discomfort" he stated and looked at her arms he didn't notice before the bruises that formed, his eyes held sorrow he gulped and looked back at her "Did I do that?" she nodded and he looked away and shook his head. "I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he replied to her his tone sincere and concerning. She swallowed and looked at him again and read his thoughts 'she is so beautiful'  Y/N blinked "No I'm not" she spoke in a monotone Kylo's head perked up "Did you read my thoughts" he asked her she nodded "It wouldn't work Kylo" she told him. His eyes looked down and back up "Why?" he wondered Y/N thought for a moment why wouldn't it but she soon realized Kylo is her cousin Han and Leia's son. "Because you are my cousin" he stood up and furrowed his eye brows "How is that possible you can't be unless..." he trialed off 'she is Luke Skywalkers daughter bring her to me now Ren!"  Snokes voice spoke through my thoughts I closed my eyes and turned to her. "Stay here I will be back to collect you in half an hour" Kylo said and walked out of the room.

Poe landed in the first order base area, and ran to the entrance and avoided any storm troopers. He walked along various halls and eventually came across a room and opened it revealing Y/N laying on he bed. "Hey" he smiled she perked up and her eyes widened "Oh my god your here" she hugged him tightly "Did they hurt you, I swear if they did" she shook her head "No they didn't but we need to get out of here" she says Poe nods and grabs her hand as they ran back through the halls and back to his X-Wing. He began to take off when she looked out and saw Kylo and General Hux walking out with storm troopers, but Poe escaped with no harm to the ship. As they blasted off through hyperspace, Kylo ignited his saber and threw it across the room in anger. Hux rolled his eyes "Why throw a tantrum over her she was just a girl" he stated and Kylo turned slowly and walked towards Hux "She was Luke Skywalkers daughter" he growls Hux swallows hard and blinked "Well we must inform Supreme Leader of her escape" he says and walks off. But Kylo's eyes stayed fixed on the spot where Y/N and Poe escaped vowing he will bring you back.

*Y/N's Pov*

We landed at the Resistance base as the man hopped out he reached his arms out for me and helped me down his hands on my waist. I blushed at how close we were when I was on the ground and looked down. "I never got to introduce myself, my name is Poe Dameron" the man says smiling widely showing his white perfect teeth. I giggle "My name is Y/N Skywalker" and he kisses my hand "Pleasure to meet you Miss Skywalker" he winks and I blush again and turn to see Uncle Han and Aunt Leia walking towards me "Uncle Han, Aunt Leia!" I exclaim and run to give them hugs they return them back happily and smile when they look at me "I see Poe saved you from the troopers" Leia spoke and nodded to Poe who was watching us as he leant against his X-Wing. I nodded and blushed wildly "Ahh is someone in love" Han laughs and Leia elbows him harshly and smiles and nods to Poe. I walk over and smirk and grab his face and kiss his lips passionately he smiles and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer we pull apart and he grins "I wanted to do that the moment I saw you Y/N" he whispers I nod in response "Same here with you"

"I love you already Mr Poe Dameron" I laugh and he smiles "And I already love you too Miss Y/N Skywalker" and we kiss again. Han and Leia smiling "How are we going to tell Luke?" Han asks Leia she shrugs "Let's cross that bridge when we get to it okay Han".

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