Requested Luke Skywalker Imagine: 2

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Imagine: Luke finds a girl named Kylie who was bought as a slave when her parents died and they meet and fall in love with each other.

Requested by: @MagzieM98

Word Count: 1476

Warnings: Fluff, but mentions of rape, abuse and language. If you are sensitive to any of these subjects don't read.


Kylie doesn't remember much she only remembered the screams when her parents died. Blood coloured the ground with thick red liquid, Kylie was only 9 and she never felt so alone until that moment. She sat on her knees as she cried her small sniffles and tears ran down and dried on her cheeks. She saw a man coming towards her and pick her up and take her away from her dead parents. He was drunk she could tell he stumbled a lot and he threw her in a room. "You're my slave girl, I own you now" he spoke as he pointed at her and shut the door loudly she hugged her legs she was no longer crying. She just remained silent and then she fell asleep in the cold room against the hard ground. She was awoken the next morning with a bucket of water she shot up and screamed "Why did you do that" she wailed her voice small and she began to cry again the man slapped her and pulled her out by the arm and threw her down. "Go to the market and collect me some food girl" he ordered and she scurried and ran to the market not far from his house she took the money he threw at her and grabbed some food. She snuck some in her pants so he wouldn't find it and prayed he wouldn't notice, she trembled as she was soaked to the bone with water. Her lips turning blue and her hair dripping a woman noticed and she rushed over "Oh child why are you wet?" she questioned and Kylie whimpered she was almost about to respond when the man came out "Slave girl hurry up with my food!" he shouted Kylie looked at the woman and whimpered and ran to the man still dripping wet. He shoved her inside and he ate his food at the table, Kylie was asked to his dishes and sweep around the house. "I want to leave" she cried quietly to herself and she heard the man smash a glass she jumped in fright and hid under the table. The man grabbed Kylie's legs and pulled her out she screamed as he slapped her face and beat her up, he had clearly had too much to drink again and he lashed out on the poor 9 year old girl.

*7 years later*

Kylie was now 16 she had been a slave for 7 years she had never escaped the man, she grew up with the same treatment. But when she got older he began to rape her and sometimes he would cut her and throw her against walls. Bruises and cuts covered her body she was terrified of her master she never stopped hating him and she hated being dragged into slave life without question. Kylie was alone today her master had gone out to gather some items she took it as a chance to eat some bread she stole from him. She was very skinny and it wasn't healthy she didn't have long before he came back. She hid the food and kept sweeping "Girl!" the voice shouted and she walked out "Here" she responded plainly he waved her over "Come here" and she did so knowing what would happen if she didn't, she walked over and he grabbed her and spun her around bending her over the table. Kylie woke up a few hours later her head pounding and she stood up her legs wobbly she walked out of the house and decided to walk down the street to the market. She had caught the attention of a young farm boy: Luke Skywalker. His blue eyes observed her he smiled as her light tanned skin shined in the sun. Her dirty blonde hair like his own and her hazel eyes lightened in the glow from the sun also. She walked until she bumped into someone the man yelled and whipped her she cried and he slapped her face "Stupid girl!" he bellowed and Luke ran over and shot his blaster in the air and yelled at the man "Leave her alone you filth" he threatened and the man looked down and spat "Who do you think you are boy, she is my slave I will do what I want" he spoke and Luke shook his head "I don't think so, you can leave now or I will shoot you where you stand" Luke spoke and the man scowled and looked at Kylie "You can have her she is useless anyway" and the man walked off and threw Kylie at Luke's feet she let out a whimper and cried. Luke bent down and he rested a hand on her shoulder she whipped her head up and tried to scurry back and she tripped over her clothes. "Hey it's okay I won't hurt you" Luke smiled with his gorgeous smile and Kylie knew he was telling the truth.

*Luke's Pov*

I asked Kylie to come back to my house she nodded wearily and followed me. But she still kept her distance I understood she didn't trust me yet. I let her walk through my house first and looked for my aunt. "Aunt Beru!" I shouted and my aunt came out "Luke who is this" she smiled and Kylie shuffled a little in nervousness, I smiled "Aunt Beru this is Kylie she was a slave I freed her but she needs cleaning up she is in a bad state" I explained and my aunt nodded "Okay Luke I will fix her you make some food" and she guided Kylie to our bathroom and I prepared some meals for her. Kylie was extremely skinny and she was very pale she looked sick I felt sad for her she looks like she had been severely mistreated.

I watched Kylie walk into our dining area she looked beautiful she was clean and she looked livelier she sat down and looked at all the food. "It's all for you I made it" she smiled and ate slowly and I sat with her and asked about her family. "So do you have any parents you could go back to or siblings?" I noticed her tense "My parents died when I was 9 years old. I have been a slave ever since that night" she grimaced and I sighed "I am so sorry I asked you" I spoke sadly she shook her head "It's fine don't worry yourself about it" and she looked up at me with a smile, I returned it "You can stay here if you want" I offered and she smiled "If it's not much trouble" and I shook my head when she finished eating I took her hand and lead her to her room where she will stay she thanked me and she bid me goodnight.

*A few days later*

*Kylie's Pov*

I washed my body as I smiled at the thought of Luke, he was really cute and I really liked him. I didn't think he would feel the same though who would like someone like me. I was a slave and I have bruises and cuts everywhere I felt ashamed of my body and I began to cry again the memories flowing back. I heard shuffling outside and I stopped "Kylie are you alright I heard crying" Luke's voice spoke laced with concern I wiped my eyes "I'm fine Luke thank you" I responded and I heard Luke shuffle "Um I was just wondering if you wanted to watch the sunset with me?" he asked and I smiled "Yes I would like that" and Luke's voice changed "Okay I will wait for you outside" he sounded happy again I giggled and finished up and met him outside. We walked together to Luke's favourite spot to watch the sunset and we sat together and watched the sun go down. It looked beautiful and I smiled "I haven't seen a sunset for what seems like a thousand years" I murmured and Luke wrapped his arm around me and he smiled "Well now you can see them all the time now" and we both looked at each other and we slowly leant in and we finally felt each other's lips meet and we smiled. My first kiss and I was so happy it was Luke I pulled away and Luke did too we both laughed lightly "I really like you Kylie" Luke smiled and caressed my cheek I looked him in the eyes "I really like you too Luke"

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