Imagine: 11

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Imagine: You're the daughter of Snoke and you are in a relationship with Commander Ren.

Word Count: 1914

Warnings: Sexual tensions, language

*Third Person*

Y/n's lightsaber hummed loudly as she swirled it around, her body hot and sweaty as she endlessly trained. Her father Supreme Leader Snoke was a wise master, she excelled in her training he was proud his child was becoming extremely powerful. His apprentice Kylo Ren advanced as well but wasn't close to his masters daughter. Kylo and Y/n had a complicated relationship to their master, her father the two appeared as only acquainted apprentices, to General Hux they were friends but behind walls the two were lovers. The young force sensitive couple felt the need to be near each other. Everyday the force bond grows stronger between them, neither of them could deny it. The pair were extremely powerful in the force in combat they were both fearless, dominant and were undefeated. Until one fatal time Kylo Ren was wounded deeply from his duel with a scavenger. Rey the girl from Jakku, her power in the force was strong but nothing compared to Y/n or Kylo. Especially Supreme Leader Snoke no one could overthrow him only one Jedi could. Luke Skywalker. Y/n yelled as she sung her saber down and sliced the dummy in half, she breathed heavily as she commanded in her mind her lightsaber to shut down. Her eyes closed as she breathed evenly she felt two hands upon her shoulders as they trailed down her arms and to her waist. She smiled as she heard Kylo's light chuckle vibrate through his chest into her back. "Kylo" she moaned lightly and turned around her eyes open he smiled his brown eyes studying her tired features "Y/n" he mused and leant forward his forehead against hers, his breathing quickened a little when he made full contact with his love in front of him. Y/n's hands rubbed Kylo's arms comfortably and she smiled up at him "How did the meeting go with my father?" she asked Kylo's eyes narrowed and he shook his head slightly "Never mind my love I will explain another time" she giggled lightly "My love" she teased and wrapped her arms around his neck and he laughed lightly "Yes I like it, it suits you" he kissed her lips lovingly and the door hissed open the pair broke apart and they saw General Hux. His smirk appeared on his face and he strode over "Ren, Y/n" he addressed and the couple nodded and addressed him back as 'General Hux'. Y/n felt something disturbing in the force well not disturbing as such more confusing. General Hux was raging with jealousy he had witnessed the couple closer than he has ever seen. The General obviously like Kylo had developed deep feelings for their Leader's daughter. Y/n placed a hand on the General's shoulder "Armitage are you feeling okay. You seem distracted and....angry. Is something on your mind" she questioned smiling at him he shook his head 'No it's nothing, Ren I would like to hold a meeting later you and I" he spoke and Kylo nodded as the General left. Another thing was General Hux and Y/n had became close too when they first meet Hux had immediately felt an attraction towards her and in truthfulness she felt something towards him as well. But Kylo he was different he treated the same they were both the same, the force was strong between them creating a inseparable bond. Something General Hux could never have with her, but he had always kept his place and his feelings towards her professional. He had even asked Supreme Leader Snoke for his daughters hand in marriage, the Supreme Leader was over thrilled with the idea. A powerful marriage and alliance would secure the First Order to victory, but in the past the Supreme Leader had wondered about a marriage proposal between Kylo and Y/n. His apprentice and his daughter extremely powerful in the force their children would conquer planets. The galaxy would tremble at their names Supreme Leader's goal is to make the galaxy fear the First Order, his apprentice his daughter. But the decision as to which man should his daughter marry to fulfil Supreme Leader's wishes is to still be questioned.

Kylo and Y/n both combated against each other violently missing each blow until Y/n kicked Kylo in the back and swung around pinning him to the floor. Kylo groaned and he smirked when he saw Y/n above him, her hips perfectly aligned with his their hearts beating extremely fast. Kylo sat up and kissed Y/n on the lips passionately and he gripped her hips and pulled her down more if it was even possible. Their desire for each other heightened as the two pulled off their shirts as Kylo kissed up and down her neck and along her chest. Y/n gasped and moaned loudly as Kylo flipped them over and pulled their pants down and he looked down at her and kissed her again. Both engulfed in the world of pleasure as if nothing else existed and only them.

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