Requested Imagine Captain Rex #1: Part 2

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Requested by waitingforthem123

Carry on from Part 1

Plot: Reader tells Rex she is pregnant.

Word Count:

Warning: None

*Reader's Pov*

I was so scared I was pregnant how was I going to tell Rex. I shook uncontrollably and paced back and forth waiting for him to come home. He was on a mission with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi I heard a ship land outside the house and I looked out the window there he was climbing out of the ship and walking towards the house with Obi-Wan and Anakin. I calmed myself and breathed in and out and sat down and read my book, that I had started earlier and I waited for them to come in. The door opened and the three men walked in "Hello boys" I smile and give them all hugs and kissed Rex's lips gingerly. Obi-Wan and Anakin nodded and smiled in response.

*2 hours later*

Obi-Wan and Anakin stayed for dinner and were currently talking to Rex about the next mission I felt light headed so I grabbed some water and stood near the window and breathed in the fresh air. I felt that scared and nervous feeling again, how will he react will he be angry? happy? I don't know Rex has never been a full feelings person he has got better over time progressed but he was still learning. I fanned my face as I balanced on the window and stared at the sky, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Rex standing behind me "Are you okay hun?" he seemed worried I nodded and then shook my head violently "What happened did someone hurt you? Are you sick?" he grabbed both my shoulders and closed my eyes "I am pregnant Rex" I breathed out he leant back and stepped back shock was written all over his face, a tear escaped my eye as I watched him look down and around.

I sighed and began to walk away "Wait...Y/N are you really pregnant? I am going to be a father" he asked me I nodded and a smile spread on his face "Then I am so happy to start a family with you hun, I love you and our little one or little ones" he laughed I smiled widely and we told the news to Anakin and Obi-Wan they smiled and congratulated us.

I don't know why I was so nervous, everything is fine, Rex is fine, I am fine and I hope the baby will be fine. I can't wait to start my little family with Rex.

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