Domhnall Gleeson Imagine #1

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Imagine: You were walking in the mall and come across Domhnall Gleeson in a store.

Word Count: 1012

Warning: None just Domhnall cuteness

*Y/N's Pov*

The sound of the city life flowed through my ears as I smiled and breathed in the fresh air. I was on my way to the mall to do some shopping. I always loved shopping and I really need to update on my clothes a little bit too. I wondered around and into Cotton On and looked through the tops, Cotton on is most favourite shop aside from Ally or Witchery. I wondered over to the guys shirts as I noticed some really nice flannel shirts. I have always loved flannel shirts I picked up a aqua blue and black one and smiled I really like it I heard someone clear their throat beside me "I just thought I would tell you, you should buy it the colour suits you" a Irish accent spoke beside me I looked up I know that voice I turn and see Domhnall Gleeson smiling widely at me I blush madly "Oh thanks I will be sure to get it then" I smile he nods and looks at the same shirt "What do you think yes or no?" he asked me I tilted my head and pursed my lips as I thought hard he laughed and I did too I nod "It's a yes from me" he grins "Why thank you miss...?" he asked me as he grabbed my hand "Oh Y/N" I say to him smiling and kisses my hand "Miss Y/N beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he flirts and winks. I can feel my heart facing oh my god "Well I think we can get these amazing blue flannels and grab a coffee don't you think?" Domhnall asked me he titled his head I nod and smile as we both pay for our shirts and head to Dunkin Donuts.

After a while we talked about each other, family, school, interests what not until he asked one question "Do you have a boyfriend, I don't want to keep you..." he starts I shake my head "No no just me" I laugh nervously "Oh really I don't believe that" he crosses his arms on the table looking straight into my eyes. I looked down and back up as he tilted his head and his eyes scanned my face "How could you not have boyfriend my dear, you are absolutely beautiful not to mention you are quite the jokester and you are simply...heavenly to listen to" he breathes out and smiles at my red cheeks he laughs "Oh did I make you blush miss Y/N I apologize" he chuckled. I looked up "And how could you not have a girlfriend Mr Gleeson" I tease he shrugs "I hadn't found the right girl, but I think that has changed now" he speaks lowly so no one could hear I looked at me curiously as he leaned in and kissed my lips softly and grabbed my cheek I my heart fluttered and skipped a beat when his lips touched mine. He pulled away "My dear Y/N I really like you already I may even love you, but before I ask you to be mine, will you come to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens premiere as my date?" he asked as he held my hand "Of course dear sir" I kiss his lips again which he happily kisses back. "So does that mean your mine now?" he questions I nod "I am yours now".

*The premiere* [9 months later]

Domhnall and I walked down the carpet as we had photo's taken together and interviewed even though I wasn't in the film they still asked me questions so I wasn't left out. A little further down Domhnall was hugged by another guy "Hey Adam how are you?" Domhnall asked oh my fucking god Adam Driver is right in front of me "Hey man yeah I am so nervous but I am excited, who is this beside you" he American accent spoke I smiled and shaked his hand as Domhnall introduced us "Y/N this is Adam Driver he plays Kylo Ren and Adam this is Y/N my date and girlfriend" he smiles "No way! Congrats guys, you both are lucky to deserve each other" he hugs me and looks to Domhnall "Hey where is Joanne" Domhnall asks Adam looks down and shakes his head "Oh god man I am so sorry" Domhnall says "No it's fine we both thought it was right so you know" he shrugs and the three of us have photo together, and with Gwendoline Christie as well. I got to meet Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Oscar Isaac as well. It was such a fun night what made up for it was that if it wasn't for meeting Domhnall in Cotton on that day we would have never met. I smile at him as I think of the memory he smiles also and kisses my lips "I am so grateful that I got to meet you Y/N L/N" he kisses my nose, cheek and lips I giggle and kiss his nose " I am too Domhnall Gleeson" he grins and puts a finger up and gets down on one knee everyone looks to us "Y/N I know it has only been 10 months but I feel as if these 10 months have been years, I love you deeply and I honestly want to spend the rest of my life with you and if you let me I will cherish you, love you and protect you for as long as I live. So Y/N in saying that will you marry me?" he asks me as he pulls a ring out I smile and nod "I will marry you" he grins and puts the ring on my finger and spins me round everyone is clapping and cheering as we look at them all and smile, we look back to each other and grin as we kiss now as a engaged couple.  

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