Requested General Hux and Kylo Ren Imagine 1

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Imagine: Kylo Ren and General Hux fall in love with an officer and their assistant Daisy. (A/N: Not Daisy Ridley) and she falls in love with them too.

Request made by LoveTWDxx_xx

Word Count: 2181

Warnings: Smut, sexual references/themes, mentions of abuse and rape


Daisy sighed rubbing her temples and sorted out the remaining files. Being secretary to Kylo Ren and General Hux was both easy but stressful. General Hux received about on average 100 messages in a day it's insane and of course, Kylo Ren well Daisy doesn't really deal with files with him, it's more his missions and his training schedule she keeps in track with. Both men are very appreciative of her work and allow her to take days off if she works herself too hard. It's strange sometimes Daisy thinks they are fighting for her attention at different times. She noticed once when she was talking to General Hux about battle plans and Kylo Ren walked through the door and he asked to speak with Daisy. She remembered how protective General Hux was and tried to get Kylo out of the room while he spoke to Daisy. They acted like children fighting over a toy, although Daisy did love the attention she did also think why would they pay so much attention towards her. Especially when someone else flirted with her Daisy had a flashback.

Officer Mitaka walked through the doors to General Hux's office to talk to him and Kylo Ren. He looked at Daisy and smiled nervously she waved and Kylo and Hux growled and she turned her head towards the pair. "See something you like?" Kylo Ren asked Mitaka and the young officer swallowed harshly and tried to cover it up. "No Commander I was-" and General Hux cut him off "So our assistant isn't of your taste. She is quite beautiful, of course, she is but if you ever lay a hand on her Officer Mitaka, we will personally make sure you have your head for it. She is ours, not yours. Understand?" General Hux threatened and Officer Mitaka looked at Daisy again and Kylo extended his hand and the officer began to choke. "The General asked you a question" and the officer nodded and he was released. Daisy gasped and Kylo Ren stood up and grabbed hold of Daisy's waist and he smirked "Don't you just wish you could be this close to her officer Mitaka. Be able to touch her, you never will and you can remind every other officer, trooper and captain that anyone who touches Daisy will face death" General Hux spoke and he looked at Daisy and lust flowed through his eyes. But he could see it with Kylo Ren he hated it, he hated how other men looked at her.

Sure she had blue eyes and blonde hair which was most striking amongst the men but she didn't think she was beautiful by any means. But that's what Kylo and General Hux saw when they gazed upon Daisy finally sorted the pile of files and neatly put them in the drawer, she looked up and saw General Hux looking through reports on his datapad. His green/blue eyes concreted harshly on the screen sometimes Daisy worried about the General he always looked so tired, she often wondered if he ever slept he doesn't look like sleep is apart of his agenda. She smiled a little when he sneezed when Millicent his cat jumped up under his face. He looked at Daisy and she pretended she didn't do anything. "Millie come on off, I have work to do" he rubbed his head against hers and she jumped off and ran over to Daisy. General Hux watched intently and Daisy giggled and sat on the floor "Oh Millicent did your dad not give you enough love hmm?" she smirked and played with the ginger cat and she meowed playfully and Daisy jumped a little when she rolled over bounced down the few steps. Millicent meowed and Daisy stood up and grabbed some milk and food and sat it down on the floor. General Hux cleared his throat "Daisy I think you can go now, you have worked enough. I don't want to over push you" he smiled fondly and Daisy returned the smile "Yes General, is there anything you need to be delivered to any officers?" she asked and he shook his head "No love, just relax but I would like to arrange a meeting with you and Kylo Ren in precisely a few hours. There is something we all must discuss" he spoke and Daisy nodded "Yes General um where will this meeting be held?" she asked and he smiled "My personal quarter's Daisy" he winked and she blushed lightly and she walked out of General Hux's office. She fanned herself as she felt hot in the cheeks, but she was also very hot down below. She walked back to her quarters which was just beside Kylo Ren's and across from General Hux's personal quarters. She hopped into the shower and cleaned herself down, hoping the water would cool her down. She thought about General Hux she had to admit she developed feelings for him, but she did for Kylo Ren as well. Both men incredibly handsome, enchanting and possessive. Which she had grown to love she hated herself for developing feelings knowing they wouldn't think twice about an assistant. Still, she couldn't push the feelings away, she found herself thinking about dirty things about the General and the Commander. She moaned lightly when she caressed her body and she opened her eyes in shock. She composed herself and dressed in leggings, a tank top which showed her cleavage a little too much, and her first order jacket. She put on her boots and looked at the time applied perfume and took her hair out of her hair tie and let her blonde her flow. She loved her shoulder length blonde hair it was just a perfect length for her. She took a deep breath and walked out of her quarters and across to the General's personal quarters. She knocked on the door and Kylo Ren opened the door a smile on his face and his eyes shined "Daisy, come in" he winked and closed the door behind her and he whispered in her ear "You look ravishing" he smirked and Daisy gasped and she felt hot again, where is the shower?! she thought in her mind. General Hux sat at his table with a glass of wine and he smiled as he stood up and held a hand behind his back, bowing at her presence. "Miss Daisy, you do look beautiful as always" he complimented and she blushed "So is this meeting about battle plans?" she asked in a curious tone and Kylo stood behind her and whispered into her neck "No sweetheart, we are here to talk about how much the General and I have developed such deep feelings, for our beautiful, sexy assistant" he kissed her neck lightly and she moaned "We were hoping the feelings would be returned" General Hux spoke and he sat on the table and she looked at him as Kylo held her body against his. "Yes" she whimpered and they both smiled as they heard her moans. General Hux stood up and walked over to Kylo and Daisy, Kylo stepped back and General Hux kissed Daisy on the lips guiding her back to the bed and laying her down. Suddenly Daisy froze in place as Kylo knelt down beside her and caressed her face "What's wrong, you okay?" he asked her softly and she felt tears "It's just I have had dealings with previous men and they haven't treated me the best. They used me and only ever wanted me when the felt like it. I just don't like showing my body to men now, I'm just afraid" she whispered and tears flowed down her rosy cheeks. Hux grabbed her face and looked deep into her eyes "Darling, you never have to hide yourself from us. We will show you how much we love you, appreciate you and show you how you should be treated" he smiled and leaned down and kissed her neck and she moaned loudly and Kylo removed his clothes and General Hux removed his clothes, they all kept their undergarments on not trying to move to fast for Daisy. Kylo slowly slid down her body and kissed her thighs and she gasped and gripped the sheets "Kylo" she moaned and he smirked into her skin, General Hux climbed beside her and kissed her breasts through her bra and kissed her stomach "General" she groaned and he pulled away "Call me Armitage darling" he growled and she moaned "Armitage" she gripped his fiery ginger hair and arched her back. Kylo pulled off her panties anxiety settled in again and Daisy closed her legs from insecurity and Kylo looked up with caring eyes and tapped her knees lightly and spread them back apart and he smiled "It's okay do you trust me?" he asked her and he smiled earning one back from Daisy as she relaxed her body once again for Hux and Kylo. Kylo let out a guttural growl as he traced a his finger along her thighs and teased her womanhood "Sweetheart you are so wet, who made you like this?" he teased and she gasped for air "You! You and Hux" she moaned loudly as Hux removed her bra and kissed her breasts as Kylo ate her out and she gripped both of the men's hair in her hands. Arching and writhing underneath them she cried in pleasure, Hux pulled away and kissed her lips again and their tongues fought for dominance Hux won.

She felt her climax nearing as Kylo could feel her tremble he pulled her down further her legs over his shoulders. She sobbed as she felt him lick her clean and he pulled away and he switched places with Hux. Repeating the same actions Hux held her hips still and growled into her womanhood as she felt his tongue move in figure 8's. Kylo rested a hand on her stomach and kissed her neck roughly and he whispered in her ear "Look at you our beautiful girl, so gorgeous" he moaned into her ear and kissed underneath sending shivers down her spine. Hux pulled away and he pulled his briefs down and Kylo did the same "We are going to show you how much we love you Daisy" Hux smiled lovingly and he aligned himself at her womanhood as Kylo lifted her up and positioned himself at her ass. She tensed up and both men cooed her softly "It's alright, we will be gentle" Kylo whispered and she shook her head "You both won't fit, it's going to hurt" she whimpered and she felt two pairs of lips on her neck. "Just focus on us, don't worry about anything else. Don't worry about those awful men, concentrate on us darling we are going to make you feel beautiful" Hux praised and Daisy nodded "Okay, I trust you both please be gentle with me" she whispered and slowly both men slowly entered her not wanting to tear her with their sizes they were both large and thick but they made sure she was ready before they began to increase their speed. Moaning and whimpering she wrapped an arm around Kylo's neck as he kissed her neck and he groaned loudly. Hux's moans were feral and he grunted loudly as he thrust roughly but with passion, both men were making love but doing it rough, which Daisy felt pleasure beyond anything as she whined underneath Hux and above Kylo. She felt another climax approaching and she moaned their names, their names falling from her lips set them off further thrusting harder and faster. "Armitage! Kylo!" she screamed and both men buried their faces in her neck as the grunted and yelled in pleasure. They both pulled out of her and they laid in a sweaty heap as they all regained their breaths. Kylo sat up and he nuzzled his nose into her neck and she smiled and her eyes closed as she sighed in content. Hux grinned and locked eyes with Kylo "We aren't done yet love, Kylo" he said and Hux climbed underneath Daisy and Kylo climbed above her and he smirked "You ready for another round sweetheart?" he raised and brow and she nodded "Always" and they both entered her again gripping the sheets she moaned loudly and felt a whole rush of ecstasy flow over her body again. Kylo and Hux moved in rhythm and she felt her body tighten and she clenched around Kylo and Hux and they groaned as she felt her climax approach again and this time they just laid there for a few moments before pulling out of her. Hux pulled the silk sheets over the three of them and Daisy embraced both of her lover's arms wrapping around her. "I love you both" she whispered and she heard their voices before she fell asleep "I love you too sweetheart" Kylo spoke in her ear and Hux spoke aloud "I love you too darling".

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