Requested Imagine: Captain Rex (Clone Wars): #1

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Requested by: waitingforthem123

Warning: Smut

Word Count: 551

Plot: Training session with reader and Captain Rex doesn't go as planned. ;)

*Reader's Pov*

Captain Rex had asked me to attend a training session he had planned for me, I was nervous and jittery I mean I have a crush on him for crying out loud. I entered the training room and seen Captain Rex swinging a stick around, I admired him with just a shirt on and pants I didn't know how muscled he actually was I cleared my throat when he turned smiling " Y/N" he walks over and bows slightly I do the same and we begin training. Rex has taught me how to block, attacking and some acrobatic moves. I was enjoying the session and when I was told how to aim and fire a blaster Rex stood right behind me his front touching my back I could feel something poking me but I ignored it, just thinking it was my imagination. I fired wrong and huffed in annoyance Rex chuckled "It is fine relax, breathe, aim and fire simple" he reassures me and steps away I squint my eyes and fire and it was perfect hit. I smiled and turned around to be hit with Rex's lips on mine and I widened my eyes and pushed him away.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell to him he just smirks "I was kissing you and you pushed me away" he said. I growled and walked up to him and pushed him against the wall and kissed him again he smirked and held my waist I began to grind against him and feel his hard on underneath his pants I moan and he picks me up and slams me down on the mats and pulls my top and pants off leaving me in my undergarments I gasp as his lips trail along my jawline down my breasts to my lower area. He gave a evil smile and pulled my panties down and began to eat me out I groan and fist my hair as he plays down below as soon as he had finished me he took his pants and top off along revealing his hard on and entered me roughly I clawed at his back as he thrusted in and out of me he ripped my bra off and attacked my breasts whilst his hands played with my hair and clit. I rolled us over as I began to ride him roughly and he palmed my breasts and kissed my lips hungrily I push him back down and moan when he hits my sweet spot, he rolls us back over and groans "I am in charge" and he kisses my neck harshly leaving love bites all over "Now you are mine Y/N" he moans.

After what seemed like hours we finally released and laid on the mats hot and sweaty silence filled the room until Rex spoke "You know I have wanted to do that for a while now" he hugs me I smile " I have to Rex I love you" I kiss his lips we pull apart and I fall asleep but not before hearing Rex say 'I love you too'.

I hope this is good enough if you want me to update it I can just either comment or pm alrighty :)

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