Imagine: 9

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Imagine: Luke is your father and he finds out you are engaged to Poe.

Warnings: None

Word Count: 657

A/N: This is a continue imagine for Imagine: 4 

*Y/n's Pov*

I cried as I stood looking at my father he turned and revealed his face. His grey cloak hung around him loosely, his once vibrant blue eyes now turned stormy and dark. His beard old and grey and his face was aged and tired. His robotic hand reminded me of the story he told me about his duel with his father. My lips trembled and I felt the tears burn my cheeks "Father" I whimpered and I ran towards his open arms and his voice soothed me "It's alright Y/n I'm here now it's okay" he held me close and swayed me side to side. I cried and cried I pulled away and Aunt Leia embraced her brother and they both smiled "It's good to see you again Luke" she spoke and looked at me "We have been looking for you for what seems a lifetime" she looked down and closed her eyes and looked back to my father. "Han is dead Luke, Ben killed him" her voice was sad and weary I hugged her and my father embraced us both "I will protect you both now, I will never leave again" he murmured and kissed our heads, I looked to Rey and hugged my best friend tightly "Thank you so much for everything Rey really thank you" I grinned and she laughed "There is nothing I wouldn't do for my best friend Y/n" she giggles and I heard the X-Wings arrive and I caught a glimpse of Poe's X-Wing, his top emerged open and he jumped down and BB-8 followed in suit. My eyes widened and gleamed as I ran to my fiancé Poe and I seen him turn around and I squealed "Poe!" I giggled as he picked me up and spun me around kissing my lips and cheeks "Oh sweetie I missed you, how is my beautiful girl?" he grinned and held me close "My father has returned Poe, you must meet him come on" I pulled him to my father, Leia and Rey whilst my aunt and Rey laughed my father looked confused.

 My eyes widened and gleamed as I ran to my fiancé Poe and I seen him turn around and I squealed "Poe!" I giggled as he picked me up and spun me around kissing my lips and cheeks "Oh sweetie I missed you, how is my beautiful girl?" he grinned and ...

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*Third Pov*

Luke watched as his daughter Y/n ran towards the pilot and was enveloped in a hug and was spun around. They kissed and he tilted his head towards his twin sister and Rey "Who is that?" he asked the pair and they turned their gazes towards Luke "That is Poe Dameron, excellent pilot, a great man and Y/n's fiancé Luke" Leia spoke and Luke shot his eyes towards the couple as they ran towards them, "Father I want you to meet someone, this is Poe Dameron my fiancé, Poe this is my father Luke Skywalker" she introduced Poe and Luke and Poe grinned and held out his hand "It's amazing to finally meet you Luke, I hope you don't mind Y/n and I we wanted to wait until you came back. But I just couldn't leave Y/n without promising her I would return to her safely and I would love her until the day I die. I proposed to her and I hoped that I would get yours and General Leia's blessings. I love your daughter and I know you will do anything to protect her, but so will I even if it means my life so she can live I will. So Luke do I have your blessing to marry you daughter?" Poe asks Luke the Jedi looked at his daughters happy face and her fiancé and smiled "I am honoured to have such a great man like you to be my son in law. Welcome to the Skywalker family Poe" Luke hugged Poe and Y/n clapped and hugged her father "Thank you father" she whispered and she murmured "I love you so much father" she pulled away and Luke smiled "And I love you too Y/n don't ever forget it". 

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