Requested Anakin Skywalker Imagine #1

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Requested imagine/preference by AllisonTart

Imagine: Maeve is a Senator and she thinks Anakin is cheating on her with Padme. But what she doesn't know is that he is planning a birthday surprise.

Word Count: 671

Warning: Fluff


Maeve sighed frustrated as she gripped her hair tightly. She had seen Anakin talking to Padme constantly over the past few days. They were always giggling and looking at Maeve and walking away quickly and whispered amongst themselves. Obi-Wan noticed one day and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder tenderly. "What's wrong Maeve? Something is troubling you I can feel it" his voice was concerned as his eyes watched the young girls face, following her gaze to look at Anakin and Padme talking. "That boy" the Jedi Master grumbled under his breath and walked with Maeve to the meditation gardens. 

Anakin smiled at Padme's idea about setting the room with candles and flowers "Yes, and I could order her favorite foods and we can dine together she would love that" Anakin grinned and Padme did also "So Ani are you going to ask her?" Padme questioned and Anakin nodded and took a deep breath and hugged Padme "Thank you for your help Padme I appreciate your help with this surprise" the two friends parted ways and the young Jedi apprentice went to set the room up for Maeve's birthday surprise he was so excited and nervous. Anakin had gathered all the fruits and delicacies that Maeve loved, he placed a blanket on the floor and lit the soft glowed candles. He had asked Maeve to meet him in his room as he nervously looked at the ring. I hope she says yes Anakin prayed in his mind, a soft knock pushed his thoughts away and he saw Maeve slowly walk through the door. Her raven hair was beautifully combed through with small braids cascading down to her shoulders. Her eyes glowed with the golden hue from the candles and her lavender dress flowed lightly from the breeze outside.  Anakin patted beside him and she knelt down and she sighed heavily and Anakin frowned "Darling what's the matter, tell me" he touched her chin and she blinked and a tear escaped "Do you love Padme?" she asked him and Anakin tilted his head "Is that why I am here so you can ask if she would love this done for her. Do you want to be with her she is much more beautiful than me don't you think" Maeve spoke with a trembling voice and Anakin shook his head "No no no, I do not love Padme. I love you and this is all for you. Padme only helped me organize this surprise for you, your birthday. That's why I was speaking with her for so many days we were planning all this. She was so ecstatic to help she even helped all the candles, the blankets, pillows everything. But there is one thing she didn't help with. And that's this" he explained and sat up and knelt on one knee Maeve covered her mouth with a gasp "Maeve Nestina, you have been nothing but a kind, gentle and beautiful woman who walked into my life and made everything better. I know it's frowned upon for a Jedi to fall in love. But I never expected to fall in love with you, a Senator of Naboo. The one I can always rely on for anything, so will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Anakin smiled and presented the ring and Maeve smiled with tears "Yes I will" she nodded and Anakin placed the ring on her finger and they kissed as he spun her around. "Let's tell Padme and Obi-Wan!" Anakin grinned and the pair ran down the hallway giggling and ignored the looks they recieved. They were happy and there was nothing that could break their happiness and love for one another. For Anakin Skywalker had found his one love and he wasn't afraid to tell the whole galaxy about it.

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