Imagine 10:

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Imagine: You are a Jedi, daughter of Leia and Han and part of the Resistance. You are on Jakku and you help Rey and Finn escape in the Millennium Falcon.

Word Count: 1119

Warnings: None

*Y/n's Pov*

Poe and I walked around the base to General Organa waiting for us in the control room. We approached her "General Organa" we spoke respectfully she nodded and held out a datapad each to Poe and I. "I need you both to do a mission for me. Poe you will go to Jakku to retrieve a map to Luke. Y/N I need you to scout out the First Order finalizer, we need any information on their ship that we can use against them understood" she asked and we both nodded "Understood General" and we were dismissed heading to our X-Wings we departed our own ways. Edging to the outer area of the First Order's ship I put my shields up and invisibility so they couldn't detect me. I hacked their system and found out they were planning to go to Jakku. Kylo Ren had discovered the map also I widened my eyes Poe I need to warn him "Poe, come in Poe listen the First Order is coming to Jakku. I repeat Poe if you can hear me leave now" I spoke through the transmitter and I heard no response. "Damn Poe" I flew down to Jakku in the hope I would make it in time, turns out I was late the First Order was already there. I fired at the Stormtroopers and dodged their shooting. I saw him, Kylo Ren, he tried to use the force on my X-Wing but my power was too strong avoiding his pull I heard my engine blow and I flew back and crashed away from the village. Falling unconscious I saw black engulf my vision.

"Hey wake up" I heard a voice and a handshake my shoulder I shot up and ignited my lightsaber. "Woah hey, a lightsaber is you a-" I cut the man off "Yes I am a Jedi. Yes, this is a lightsaber who are you?" I asked and he stood up slowly "I'm Finn, I am trying to look for a way out of here do you know how to get off this planet?" he asked and I noticed his jacket that's Poe's. "Where did you get that jacket?" I questioned and he stated he 'found' it I narrowed my eyes and we noticed a small town we walked down and came to a small market. I heard alarming beeping and I whipped around "BB-8!" I exclaimed and bent down to the small droid and hugged him "Oh BB-8 you're okay hey did you get it?" I asked not mentioning the map around the stranger I had just met. He beeped 'yes' and I sighed in relief and a young girl walked up to us "Excuse me that droid said that jacket belongs to his master. He said you stole it" she pointed to Finn and he sighed "It belonged to Poe Dameron right. That's what is name is" he spoke I tilted my head "Poe didn't make it, he was captured by the First Order we both escaped and crashed." he said and I couldn't believe him Poe is dead he can't be. We heard a loud screeching sound and I knew straight away. First Order Tie Fighters. "We need to move now! Come on!" I shouted and we all ran towards cover and then I saw it my fathers ship. The Falcon "That ship over there let's go!" I said and the girl replied "That's junk it hasn't flown in years!" she stated "It's not junk come on!" and we boarded the Falcon, starting it up and flying out I tried to lose the tie fighters and let me tell you it was hard. I groaned in annoyance and decided to use my special skills in piloting from my Uncle Luke. Eventually losing the tie fighters I set the ship on autopilot, I walked out and Finn & the girl were complimenting each other on their work efforts. I cleared my throat "And we wouldn't have gotten out if it wasn't for me" I smiled and the girl smiled too "You are an amazing pilot where did you learn that?" she asked "I am part of the Resistance and plus it runs in my family. My uncle was an expert pilot and my grandfather was too. Also part of the Rebel Alliance and Republic of course" I stated and she shook her head "I'm sorry I'm Rey" she introduced herself Finn told her his name and just when I was about to say mine the ship came to a jolt. "Not good" I spoke and I put Finn, Rey and BB-8 in the underground part of the Falcon. 

Hiding behind the wall I heard the doors opening and I stood flat against the wall. Breathing in and out preparing for the Stormtroopers to come through. The last door opened and there was silence I ran down and grabbed my lightsaber in the pilot seat and heard voices. Finn, Rey and an older voice it was my father. I smiled and walked into view "Yeah and I think it can understand you too so watch it" my father spoke and told Rey and Finn to come out with BB-8. "Father" I spoke and he turned his eyes brightened "Y/N?" he questioned and I nodded and hugged him tightly "It's so good to see you again father" I cried and he held me "Wow kid look at you, you've grown" he smiled his usual Han Solo smile I giggled and showed him my lightsaber "I made it myself, I combined Uncle Luke's lightsaber colour of green and Grandfather Anakin's blue lightsaber together. Isn't it amazing" I stated and twirled the saber around he nodded "Very cool I like it" he patted my shoulder and turned to Rey and Finn. "How did you too get this ship?" he asked his hands on his hips and Rey stated that it was stolen from different people and then she said it was stolen by Unkar Plutt. "Who stole it from me, well you tell him that Han Solo had taken back the Millennium Falcon for good," he said and Rey registered "You're Han Solo! This is the Millennium Falcon and you, you're Y/N Organa-Skywalker. The most powerful Jedi to Luke Skywalker" she spoke excited and both my father and I exchanged looks and nodded "Indeed we are thank you for noticing" I smiled and laughed my father did too. Again interrupted my a loud bang and I sighed "Here we go again". 

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