Requested Imagine: Poe #2

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Requested by: avengerlocked

Imagine plot: Olivia is Kylo Ren's lover and weakness, she is taken by the Resistance and they believe Poe is traitor and he falls in love with her.

Warnings: Minor smut

Word Count: 1085

*Third Person*

Olivia awaited for Kylo to return, so let me explain before you read any further. Kylo and Olivia are both force sensitive and powerful with the force and lightsabers. Kylo and Olivia became lovers when they began training together, both of them becoming each other's weaknesses more Olivia to Kylo than the other way round. Kylo entered the room and took his mask off, he walked over to Olivia "I've missed you Kylo" she murmured as she hugged him tightly, Kylo embraced her feeling safe in her arms once again. No-one knew of this secret relationship although General Hux and Captain Phasma had their suspicions, Kylo would always lash out if someone spoke rudely of Olivia or their thoughts were disgusting and disturbing. Once Kylo caught Hux thinking about Olivia and what he would do to her, Kylo threatened Hux and used the force to choke him threating that 'if he thought about Olivia in such way again, he would take great pleasure in killing Hux himself'. The lovers were interrupted when they heard crashing and loud sounds, alarms sounding off in panic mode. The red lights illuminating  Starkiller as it was under attack. Kylo and Olivia grabbed their lightsabers, Kylo placed his mask on and Olivia grabbed her cloak, they grasped hands and ran down the hall and through the different sections. Coming face to face with Kylo Ren's father..Han Solo. Kylo turned to Olivia "Go Olivia leave, I will come back for you. I love you" he says and kissed her lips as he walked towards Han Solo, he lashed his lightsaber through Han and Chewbacca fired at Kylo "NO!" Olivia screamed Kylo turned "Run!" he yelled she shook her head "No I am not a child I will help you!" she screamed and Kylo growled "Leave please!" he said and she shook her head and stomped her foot and she did what she was told. Olivia ran through the piping and outside in the snowy woods. She came to a halt when she found Rey and Finn, her face became hard with hatred and anger. Rey stepped forward "You don't have to do this, you can fight it" she said Olivia tilted her head "Oh yeah and why would I want to join the Resistance" she spoke in a sarcastic tone, and ignited her lightsaber "No-one tells me what I should and shouldn't do" she growled "Supreme Leader Snoke thinks he can control me, but I control myself I do what I want, when I want" and she lunges towards Rey and Finn, she duels with Finn and Rey comes up behind her and knocks her out.

*Resistance Base*

Leia, Rey, Finn and Poe all look at Olivia "You guys just knocked her out?" Poe asked his tone with slight disbelief Finn nodded "That's all we could do there was no other way" he shrugged his shoulders, Leia looked to Rey "You said she was Kylo's weakness?" Rey nodded "I could see it, he didn't want anything to happen to her. He showed so much protectiveness over her, almost as if she is important to him." Rey spoke Poe couldn't take his eyes of the blonde beauty in front of him, he gazed upon her frame and her outfit, she looked a lot like Kylo Ren same colors and same materials. Maybe siblings? "Does Kylo have any siblings?" Poe asked Leia she shook her head "No he doesn't but I am guessing she is something else" Leia spoke the other three looked at her "His lover" Leia spoke her voice slightly worried "We must make sure, he doesn't find her at all costs" and the three nodded Rey and Finn left with Leia. Poe stayed behind and sat on a char as he waited for her to wake up. Soon enough 10 minutes later Olivia sat up and looked around "Where the hell am I?" she grabbed her lightsaber and pushed Poe against the wall, Poe smirked "Resistance Base sweetie" she glared and pulled away, she shut off her lightsaber "Why?" she asked again Poe straightened himself "Your Kylo Ren's weakness we are using you to get to him. Simple" Poe states and walks closer to her and grabs her cheek "You are very pretty" he whispers she smiles slightly "And you aren't to bad yourself and they both lean in to kiss, as their lips touched Olivia felt sparks but what confused her was she loved Kylo well she thought she did. She wanted to stop kissing Poe but she couldn't Poe climbed on top of her and pulls their clothes away, Olivia had never felt anything like it before and it was different with Poe, he was gentle, passionate and yet he was rough. Kylo was rough but their love making sessions were quick and sometimes rushed, because they didn't want to get caught. Poe pulled Olivia on top of him as they both rode out their climaxes Poe and Olivia that day began their secret relationship, promising not to tell anyone.

*2 months later*

Olivia was released from the cell and moved to a room. But it always remained lock so she couldn't leave the base. Well she didn't have a reason anymore, she loved Poe and Poe loved her so why would she leave. And besides she was pregnant with Poe's child she didn't tell him because he was on another mission. When he returned she told him the news he was overjoyed and Leia, Rey and Finn overheard "How could you Poe, we trusted you!" Finn yelled and Rey shook her head Leia stood there "Poe, how long has this been going on for?" she questioned Poe looked to Olivia "3 months but she isn't evil, she is turning good she wants be good Leia. No-one needs to be afraid of her or hate her, please I know she won't hurt anyone I love her, she loves me Leia she is good I swear she is" Poe pleaded to Leia, General Organa looks to Olivia and smiles "Welcome to the Resistance Olivia" and she hugged the blonde force sensitive user. Poe embraced Olivia their lives were beginning as one and now they don't have to hide their relationship and there is nothing to be afraid of. Expect the wrath of Kylo Ren when he discovers Olivia's whereabouts.

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