Requested Imagine: General Hux #2

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Requested by: lovelyepe

Word Count: 711

Warnings: Smut, dirty thoughts, language

*Lana's Pov*

I sat in my chambers as I read through files to go through with General Hux later. Being the General's assistant has it's ups and downs but I get a really good salary so I am happy with that. I was broken from my concentration when Hux walked through the door his face nearly red as his hair. "Goddam Ren!" he yelled in frustration and laid on my lap, luckily I moved the data pad out of the way before he landed on my lap. I brushed my hands through his hair "What happened this time?" I asked soothingly he sighed and opened his eyes looking at me "Ren decided to have another anger moment and destroy all the control panels" he growled I sighed and brushed his hair out of his face "Well good thing I can calm you down huh" I laughed lightly and he nodded "Yes that is a good thing" he smiled I was glad Hux and I have a friendship not just a business relationship but a friend to friend relationship which is nice. He sat up and rubbed his face "I am just over Ren, his temper tantrums, his accusations about my troops and he tries to make me look like a fool!" he yelled and I looked sadly at him and cradled his face.


"Is there something I could do to help?" I asked him softly and he turned to me and grinned mischievously and he nodded "Perhaps there is something, but only if you are willing" he spoke quickly I nodded eagerly and kissed him on the lips. He responded straight away and pulled me on top of him on the bed. I took off my shirt and my singlet leaving me in my shorts and bra, his eyes grew lusty and dark, he pulled me down by the waist and kissed me hard and unhooked my bra and kissed my breasts and gave both attention. I moaned and pulled him closer as our hips and crotches grinded against each other. Hux growled and flipped us over as he kissed my neck and caressed my breasts lovingly I moaned and gripped his hair roughly, his fingers trailed down to my entrance and he felt my wetness "You are soaking darling why is that?" he smirked and I gasped "Because of you Hux" I whined as he teased me he growled "Do you think of me fucking you? Do you think of me taking out my frustrations on you Lana?" he asked me I nodded "Yes Hux I do all the time" I moaned loudly and he ripped off his clothes and pulled down my shorts and panties and then it hit me this was my first time. I stopped and Hux stopped "What's wrong?" his voice was calm and sweet unlike what it was a few moments ago "Um this is my first time Hux" he looked at me and guilt rushed over his face "Oh my god I am so sorry Lana I didn't mean to--" I cut him off with kissing him and pulling him down he growled "I want to. I want you Hux so much I don't care how wrong it is" he smiled "Good because I want you as well so so much Lana. Ever since I met you" and he entered me roughly "Oh my god Hux" I cried as he kissed my neck "Scream darling let them know who is making you feel this good" he ordered "HUX!" I screamed and he thrusted harder and faster "Oh Lana you feel amazing" he moaned and bought my legs around his waist as he thrusted deeper "Oh Hux!" I groaned and bit his neck as he growled and pulled me on top of him. "Ride me" he spoke breathlessly and I rode him my legs were shaking and I whimpered as my climax was coming "Hux.." I whimpered he nodded "Come for me" he ordered and we both did I hopped off him and laid there breathing heavy Hux did too "I love you Lana" he said and I looked over at him "I fucking love you too Hux" and he kissed me again.

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