Requested Finn Imagine 1

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Requested by: SkyMaiden21

Imagine: Emily and Finn have been really good friends for years and they admit they like each other due to Poe's nagging.

Word Count: 1035

Warnings: Fluff, fluff, fluff


Finn and Emily have been really good friends for a couple of years now. Since he joined the Resistance and helped Poe escape from the First Order. He and Emily had connected straight away from the first glance and first words were spoken to each other. They also had a lot of things in common: neither of them knew their family, let alone their parents. They both had passion and drive to defeat the First Order. And they believed in the Resistance and in had faith in their leader General Leia Organa and her twin Luke Skywalker. Emily had grown up hearing the tales of Luke Skywalker and how he defeated Darth Vader and the Emperor. She aspired to be just like him: brave, smart and quick-minded like Luke Skywalker the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. Finn heard the stories but when he was a stormtrooper the only things he knew were: The First Order and deaths whether he caused the deaths or not, he witnessed it all the time. Breaking away and joining the Resistance he was free and he felt comfortable, he felt at ease and it was all thanks to Emily.

Helping Poe with his X-Wing he glanced at Finn watching Emily he rolled his eyes and stood there looking at nothing as he tried to think. And then he noticed Emily look back at Finn and he groaned and made a 'yuck' sound and Emily slapped him and he winced "Ow!" he shouted and whined as he hopped in the X-Wing and pressed buttons and tested it all out. After the incident on a mission, his ship hadn't been working properly so Emily being his best friend decided to help out with BB-8. Walking away and to the mission room to find General Leia Finn seized an opportunity to sneak up on Emily while she was alone. He crept up behind her and wrapped his arms around her hips and she screamed and elbowed him in the stomach. He groaned in pain and fell backwards "Oh wow, that was good, great job" he wheezed out quietly as he gripped his stomach and Emily gasped "Oh Finn I'm so sorry are you okay?" she spoke in a panic and BB-8 rushed beside her and Finn nodded "Yeah I'm all good, you have good reflexes" he coughed and Emily smiled with a shrug of her shoulders as she helped Finn up and he brushed off his jacket and adjusted it. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you that much Ems" he sadly spoke and she looked at him with a raised brow "Really?" she questioned and crossed her arms and he tilted his head to the side and scratched the back of his neck. "I don't know, maybe I just wanted an excuse to wrap my arms around you" he winked and spoke with a flirty tone and Emily laughed lightly and began to walk off. Finn looked at BB-8 and put his flame thumb out and Finn ran off after Emily. She found her walking the hall and he raced beside her "Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you?" he quizzed and Emily laughed and she blushed "Are you a camera because every time I look at you I smile" he whispered and she blushed harder. She bopped his nose with a giggle and ran off to find Poe and Finn smiled as she walked away with Poe and they carried a few supplies for his ship.

It had been a few hours since Finn started flirting with Emily, and to be honest he just wanted to tell her how much he liked her. But he didn't want to tell her in front of anyone especially Poe he would make things so difficult. Finn thinks of Poe like a brother but he can't have Poe embarrassing himself of Emily. He breathed out and handed BB-8 the note to give to Emily, and he watched the orange and white droid beep happily to Emily and Poe. Finn proceeded to do some work and looked up when BB-8 made it to Emily. "You know what's beautiful. Read the first word" Emily and Poe read aloud and Poe put a hand on his heart "Oh Finn you shouldn't have" he mimicked Emily and she elbowed him and blushed. "He is adorable" she smiled and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote on it "Give it to Finn BB-8" she said and he beeped loudly and rolled away and Poe shook his head "You know if you guys don't hurry up I will tell everyone right here, right now you two are in love" he raised a brow in a teasing manner and she widened her eyes. "You wouldn't" and he laughed "Oh but I would" he replied and he continued working and Finn looked down at BB-8 and Emily watched him read the note ' I know somebody who likes you, but if I wasn't so shy, I would tell you who' the note read and Finn looked up and he noticed Emily was working again and he looked at BB-8 and he knelt down "Should I tell her?" he asked the droid and the droid beeped wildly and Finn nodded and walked over BB-8 beside him and he stood behind Emily. Poe turned around "Oh about time, you gonna tell her or am I?" he teased and Emily groaned "Poe stop" she smiled at Finn "Hey Finn" she greeted and Poe groaned "Alright that's it..." he said and yelled out "EVERYONE LISTEN FINN AND EMILY-!" Emily slapped the pilots head and Finn spoke quickly "IlikeyouverymuchEmilyandIwantyoutobemygirlfriend" he spoke and Emily laughed "Um repeat please slowly" she giggled and Finn breathed deeply "I like you very much Emily and I want you to be my girlfriend" he asked and she nodded "Of course Finn!" she hugged him tightly and Poe clapped loudly "Thank heaven's I really thought I had to do it guys" he breathed out a sigh of relief. 

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