Rey Requested Imagine #1

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Requested by: sibuna25

This is my first Rey imagine request I am so excited!!
Plot: Rey tells Jake she is pregnant and Jake and Obi-Wan have to defeat Kylo Ren. Based through films 3 & 7.

Word Count: 629

Warning: Smut, cute, little anger and you know mixed emotions

*Jakes's Pov*

I felt someone shake me violently as they urged me to wake up "Jake! Wake up!" I opened my eyes and Rey stood above I smile "Hey hun" I kiss her cheek she had a huge smile on her face "What?" I comb my fingers through my hair. She puts one of my hands on her stomach I smile at her, she nods "Yes I am pregnant" she squeals and jumps up and down excitedly, I hug her tightly I held her shoulders " This is great news love I can't wait to meet him or her" I kiss her lovingly she kisses back, as I have flashbacks of that night.


Rey came rushing in the bedroom as she laid on the bed waiting for me. I laugh as she tries to climb away from my grasp but I catch her. I kiss her passionately as she moans and feels my arms. One of my hands rested on her waist as I pulled her close "I love you Jake" she moans as I kiss her neck I grin "I love you too Rey" and I pull her clothes off slowly and caressed every bit of skin that showed. She gasped when I kissed her stomach and held her thighs. She pushed me off and rolled us over as she pulled me shirt off and kissed up and down my chest, she trailed back up to my neck and back to my lips.

She pulled my trousers down as she smirked at me, she kissed my shoulders and my Adam's apple slowly and tenderly. I groan as she lowers herself on me, I grip her hips guiding her as she grinds on my roughly "Rey" I moan loudly she giggles as she holds my shoulders tightly "Jake, oh wow" she moans lightly as she gasps when I thrust upwards roughly, I roll us back over as I thrust in and out slowly and then roughly again giving her intense pleasure she arches her back, as she wraps her legs around my waist I grip her hips tighter and kiss her neck again. I felt a burning feeling in my stomach as I groan "Rey I am close hun" she nods and sighs "I am too Jake" she grips my arms as she climaxes, myself following so after her.

I pull out and roll next to her, she lays on my chest as we breathe heavily "I love you Rey so much, thanks for an amazing wedding too by the way" I laugh as she does too " I love you too Jake, and thank you for an amazing honeymoon already" she kisses my cheek and we fall asleep.

*End of flashback*

After learning about Rey being pregnant I was so happy, my wife pregnant that is all she has ever wanted. I looked around the house to find Rey wasn't around, "Rey?!" I shout no reply, strange she is usually around I run around and look for her frantically "Rey!" I yell loudly and I felt a power over take me as I collapse to the ground.

*Star killer*

I woke up my head was in pain, Kylo Ren had probed my mind again it was so painful. I heard crashing sounds and yelling outside the torture chambers, a stormtrooper came in and I used a mind trick to make him release me he did so and I ran. I found the docking station and I heard yelling behind me I turned to find storm troopers and their captain, Captain Phasma running towards me with blasters I grabbed mine and shot at them just as the millennium falcon was flying in I told Rey through my mind that I was okay. I ran to the falcon and found, Han and Chewie near the entrance with Rey and with a old Jedi. It was Master Obi-Wan.

*Forest fight*

We landed in a forest and Obi-Wan and I get ready to fight Kylo who stood waiting for us. Rey warned me not to fight him "Jake don't please" she pleas I shake my head "No Rey I have to, he is dangerous stay here with Han and Chewie" I kiss her head and I leave with Obi-Wan as we prepare for the fight. Kylo stood straight his mask covering his face "So nice of you too join me" his robotic voice erupted through the mask. I smile sarcastically and I ignite my lightsaber, Obi-Wan does too as Kylo lights his the red shining brightly as he charges towards us. I dodge him and we duel, unfortunately I am still learning and he over powers me and cuts my shoulder and throws me back as I hit a tree.  Obi-Wan soon defeats Kylo and walks over to me and helps me up and back to the falcon.

As we walk through Rey hugs me tightly and she pulls away. I hear water dripping slightly on the floor and her eyes widened "Oh no the baby" she says as I carry her to the nearest room and place her down. Obi-Wan and Han help me as Rey screams and groans in pain "Oh I hate you Jake!" she squeals I frown "Why?" she growls "You made me pregnant!" she yells and after what seemed endless screaming and yelling she finally gave birth to a healthy little girl who we named Kira.

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