Domhnall Gleeson Imagine #2: Birthday

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Imagine: You and Domhnall are now married (carry on from previous imagine) and you give him a birthday surprise ;).

Word Count: 950

Warning: Smut


*Y/N's Pov*

Today is Domhnall's birthday, he is turning 33 I was anxious for him to get home, he was doing a interview and said he would be home after dinner. Of course I didn't mind it just meant more time for me to get ready. I had cleaned the house, organized his and my laundry, done the dishes and made the guest bedroom and our bedrooms beds, not like our bed will stay like that for long tonight anyway. I heard my phone vibrate as I saw it gliding along the counter I smiled when I saw his name "Hello birthday boy" I giggle and sit on the stool I could hear him laughing on the other end "Hello my love, listen a hour and I will be home. And then I am yours for the rest of the night" he teases I could tell he would have been smirking on the other end. I shift as his words yours and rest of the night sent shivers down my spine. " I look forward to it, I have a surprise for you and I think you are going to like it Mr. Gleeson" he groans on the phone and I smirked "Don't do that now I have a few minutes break I don't particularly want to go back in the room with a hard on love" he growled slightly it turned me on instantly so I tried to push him further, " I understand, I might put some clothes on its a bit cold with just a robe, bra and panties on. Okay love bye see you later love you babe" I say into the phone until Domhnall spoke "Don't. You. Dare. Hang. Up." he growled and I leant on the counter I heard talking on the other side and I heard something along the lines of "Y/N is not well I have to go, can we reschedule?" Dom asked the man, the man agreed and told him to come home. " You just wait until I get home miss, you are in for it" he teased growled. I smirked and giggled "I will be waiting" I say and he hangs up.

I then start to run up to the bedroom and apply the lipstick and perfume and waited for Domhnall. I heard the door open and shut loudly "Y/N!?" Domhnall yelled as he walked around downstairs "Up here baby!" I yell back as I walk over to my drawers and pull out my hairbrush, brushing my hair Domhnall stood in the door way and he observed my body. Lust swimming in his eyes as my hands rested behind me and leant back on the cupboard " Do you like it?" I spun around and stopped in front of him he smirked " do look amazing in that robe but what is underneath?" he teased and kissed my lips hungrily and undid my robe and picked me up by my legs and pushed me on the bed. He pulled away and looked at my undergarments "Did you plan this?" he asked me I nod "Everything it's your birthday present" I giggle he grins "Well I guess I should unwrap you then" he spoke in his low Irish seductive voice, I moaned as his fingers caressed my sides and thighs as he kissed my neck roughly I grip his hair and grind my hips against his he was already a groaning mess as he undid my bra and tossed it away as he kissed my breasts softly but roughly "Domhnall" I moan loudly he trails down and looks at me "It's General Hux to you" he growls and smiles as he pulled my panties down and begins eating me out.

I gasp and moan as his tongue and fingers work their magic down below and bring me close to my climax "General Hux..I'm" I tried to speak but he pulled away and undid his belt and pants and took off his shirt he was getting frustrated with his belt and I helped him undo it as he pushed me down again and he hovered over me "Are you ready my love?" he asked I nod and throw my head back when he enters me I wrap my arms underneath his arms as he thrusts in and out slowly but he gradually goes faster and harder. I could feel my stomach burning again and I moaned his name "General Hux  please can I come?" I pleaded he looked at me intently and nodded "Yes you can my baby girl" he groans as he releases also. He rolls over and pulls me on top "What are you doing?" I ask he tilts his head "It's my birthday I get whatever I want don't I?" he asks I nod and smirk as I ride him roughly he laid his head on the pillows as he his hands guided me on his lap, "Keep going Y/N. You are amazing" he moans as I feel the next climax nearing he speaks "Say my name, scream it Y/N" he orders "General Hux!" I scream "My real name!" he orders again "DOMHNALL!!" I scream loudly in pleasure as we both climaxed again.

I laid on my side as I cuddled into Domhnall "Thank you for my birthday present darling, I loved it" he kissed my head "I am glad you did, you deserve it" he looks to the ceiling "I must return the favor for your birthday" he laughs as he peppers my face with kisses "I look forward to it" and we fell asleep.

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