Imagine 13:

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Imagine: You are Chris Pratt's younger sister and you are dating Oscar Isaac.

Word Count: 689

Warnings: None


"Ugh Chris!" you shouted as your older brother tipped a bucket of cold water all over you. He laughed "Ahaha got you back. Huh seems you aren't the only one who can pull pranks around here" he put his hands on his hips with sass and you could hear Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr laughing also in the background. You huffed in annoyance and walked back into your trailer, drying off your hair and changing your clothes. Mind you for the fourth time today and you walked back to set ready for your next scene. Chris Pratt your older brother and yourself were actors and you both managed to be apart of the Marvel franchise. You were currently filming Infinity War, Chris was playing his iconic role of Starlord again which he liked to call himself his characters real name is Peter Quill. You, on the other hand, were playing a S.H.E.I.L.D agent/assassin like Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. You were apart of the Avengers and also Tony Stark's cousin. You were loving being apart of Marvel, over the time you had met all the cast, unlike your brother you started in 2012 for the first Avengers film. You had met Chris Evans, RDJ, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Scarlett Johannson, and Jeremey Renner. You were an awesome assemble cast you all referred to yourselves as the ultimate cast. Along the way you met other amazing actors and actresses through the years, Sebastian Stan, Chadwick Boseman, Anthony Mackie, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany the list could go on. Your favourite actors to meet by far has been Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. You loved them both in Sherlock and when they both joined Marvel you were so excited, to say the least. 

But in your times of being apart of Marvel, you met many of other actors from other huge franchises. Star Wars was amongst them. You had met the cast of the Force Awakens in 2015 at the July comic con, while you were there for Avengers: Age of Ultron. The Star Wars cast were amazing and you became very close with them all especially one person in particular. The Oscar Isaac himself who played your favourite sequel character, Poe Dameron. At first, Chris was very anxious and unsure about Oscar but soon he became best friends with him and they acted like they were brothers. Since 2015 you and Oscar had been dating and you loved him so much and you knew he felt the same. Three years and you were still the power couple and you still are 2019 has come around and you were finished with Avengers Endgame. Oscar had finished Star Wars Episode 9, the final film in the Skywalker story which means it may be the last film ever. He reassured there would be other Star Wars films just not related to the Skywalkers. Oscar was so excited for you and couldn't wait to see Endgame but he was super nervous he knows there are some characters that actually die and he is worried it would be his favourites. You were doing a live video on Instagram and Oscar kept fidgeting and worrying "Oscar honey, calm down it's okay. No one is going to die in Endgame I promise. At least your favourites which I don't know who they are" you tried to calm him and he shook his head "No it's not. It's not okay, none of us knows who is going to live or die. You and the cast can't tell us anything. What if Stark dies...or...or Peter Parker. Please, I don't want Hawkeye to die either. Oh god, no Thor! None of them deserves it, they are such precious people we can't lose them" he explained and he began to cry. You sighed and nodded slowly "Okay now I see how you guys would be feeling on a daily basis. Sorry, I can't leak information, but try Mark he might tell you" you look at your phone and smile and end the live video.  

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