Imagine 8:

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Imagine: Cassian your husband returns from a mission

Word Count: 988

Warnings: Smut

*Y/n's Pov*

Today was the day Cassian was returning from his mission and I was so excited. He has been away for 4 months and I can't wait any longer for him. I waited as patiently as I could at the hangar for him to arrive. I bounced my legs up and down and hummed to myself and my eyes caught sight of his ship coming into the hangar's view. My smile beamed as I ran towards his landing pad, tears fell down my face as both my emotions and the wind caused the salted watered tears to fall. I tried not to trip or fall over anyone as I saw Cassian come into my view "Cassian!" I screamed I saw Cassian's head whip around and a huge grin spread across his face as he ran towards me. "Y/n!" he yelled and he grabbed me as I wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly. I kissed his lips and giggled "You're back" I whispered Cassian smiled "I always come back my love. I keep my promises" and he spins me around and laughs for everyone to see. K-2SO walks forward "It is nice to see you again Miss Y/n" he bows slightly and I smile at him "It's good to see you again to K-2SO your my favourite droid" I laugh and he stands up straight "Why thank you Miss, I am honoured" and he turns to walk back to the ship. Cassian and I wrapped our arms around each other's waist and walked to our shared apartment. Cassian sighed and scooped me up bridal style and carried me to our room. He laid me on the bed and prompted himself up on his elbows his hands brushing my hair out of my face. I giggle and caress his cheeks "I missed you so much darling" Cassian mumbled against my lips as he kissed me sweetly I smiled "I missed you to my sweet" and he smiled, his brown eyes staring into mine as I saw love and lust swim in his eyes. I will admit we haven't had sex since 2 months before his mission. And I have had to wait for him to return to fill my needs. I know he has been waiting too I can see it and I can feel the sexual tension in the room.


Cassian leaned down and kissed my neck lightly I moaned a little and grabbed his hair in my hands. His hands placed themselves on my hips as they rubbed in circular motions. One of my legs wrapped themselves around his waist and pulled him closer. He groaned and his hand glided up to my breast fondling it lightly but with slight force. I wrapped my other leg around him and he smirked "Eager my love?" he teased and I shook my head "You have no idea".

*Third Person*

Cassian and Y/n couldn't deny they had to pleasure themselves in order to satisfy until Cassian returned. Cassian knew Y/n would have and he did too, their needs were passionate, hungry but no matter how much they wanted each other their love making was always gentle with roughness and passionate with slow actions. Cassian wanted Y/n to feel special and tonight he wanted that for her, he was away for mission and 4 months is a long wait. Especially for his darling wife. Their clothes were slowly removed one by one, each discarded onto the floor in a bundle where they will remain until the morning. Cassian hoped no one was going to interrupt their moment, over the past K-2SO had been known to do that. Y/n gripped the sheets as Cassian teased her with his mouth down below, he always had a certain way before he would completely resolve Y/n of her wants and needs. He would start slow and make her writhe and moan underneath him. He loved hearing her little whimpers and moans from her mouth as he did his job. His hands glided up and down her thighs as he ate her out, his speed would increase and decrease in a matter of seconds Y/n begged for more and more but Cassian didn't want to bring her to the edge that quickly. He removed himself and climbed above her, her eyes opened and he looked down at her face. Sweat beaded down her face and damp hair line showed Cassian he did his job perfectly. Cassian slowly positioned himself at her entrance and nodded to her "Are you ready love? Are you ready for me?" he teased with a growl and she nodded frantically as he slowly entered her and thrust in and out at an agonizing pace. Y/n pulled him closer causing him to go deeper "Please Cassian, I want you so bad" she moaned loudly and Cassian obeyed her order and quickened his pace. His hands pulled her legs around his waist so he could go deeper and give her more pleasure, he felt his climax approaching and he wouldn't be able to hold on. "Y/n...darling...." he moaned as he kissed and bit at her neck and ear. He kneaded her breasts and cradled her face with one hand, his other hand slipped over her clit and pushed her climax closer. Y/n gasped and gripped Cassian's hair and wrapped and arm around his shoulder blade and gripped his shoulder tightly. They both felt their climax and came together, Cassian rolled over and the whole room was filled with heavy breathing and the atmosphere was hot, sweaty and smelt like sex. Cassian and Y/n laughed as they heard K-2SO knock on the door "You might want to keep it down a little next time Captain. A few officers went past and thought Miss Y/n was injured" they two kissed once more before falling asleep embraced in each others arms.

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