Imagine 2:

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Imagine: Kylo telling you he loves you.

Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen TFA if you haven't skip this part but if you have you are safe.

Warning: Major feels

Word Count: 1289

You ran in the snowy forest as you tried to escape from Kylo. You eventually stopped and slid down a tree and tears pricked your eyes Han was dead he was like a father to you aside from Luke Skywalker. Luke adopted you when you were only 4 years of age and he trained you to be a Jedi, your grandfather was Obi-Wan Kenobi you learnt everything about the force through Luke. Then you witnessed the slaughter of all the young padawan's Luke was training, a boy around your age killed them all, his name was Ben Solo the son of Han Solo and General Leia, Luke's twin sister. Fortunately for Luke he escaped and you hid and watched the horrible scene in front of you. You heard a branch snap in the distance and a lightsaber ignite, you could hear the electricity of the saber as it moved closer to you. You turned you head and show a black silhouette that belonged to Kylo Ren, you breath hitched as he yelled out "Y/N!" he looked around and you stood up making sure you were still hidden from him. His footsteps were heavy as he marched towards your hiding spot you moved around as he walked ahead and he stopped making you stop. He whipped his head around and squinted his eyes, he could feel in the force you were there he switched the lightsaber off and put it on the ground and turned back around, you looked and saw he wasn't looking you thought if you made a run for it you might get away.

You began to ran but soon enough two strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back you began to scream and cry as Kylo held you from running you kicked your legs and tried hitting him with your elbows for him to let you go, but he wouldn't budge. "Let me go please!" you sobbed as tears streamed down your face as you both fell on the ground he held you to his chest and rocked you "Shhh Y/N it's okay I'm here" he kissed your head and hummed to calm you down as you sobbed "You--kil--killed him" you cried as your breathing increased and your heart sped up, he held you close "I know I did I had to, I had no choice" he spoke calmly surprisingly you looked at him "You did have choice you just chose the wrong one Kylo" you angrily told him. He looked down at your eyes and seen your tear stained face, he began to cry as well " I am so sorry Y/N I didn't mean to I don't want this, this pain I hate it. I cry every night and don't sleep because the nightmares haunt me every time I sleep. And then I try to hide my feelings for you because I know you will never love me in return, and when I had seen you with that resistance pilot I was jealous, jealous because I thought you loved him and not me. I love you Y/N so much I can't lose you not now." he began to cry, he loved you? You caressed his cheek and began to cry as well "I love you too Kylo" and you both leaned in and kissed your lips burning against his cold ones electricity flowing through your bodies as he embraced you closer as he raked your fingers through his hair. You broke apart and you spoke " Leave the first order and come back to the light side, back to your mother and Luke" he looked at you and held your face and nodded " Okay for you I will do anything" he smiled and kissed your lips. You both stood and walked through the forest when you came to a halt. "Y/N?" Finn asked your eyes widen as you see Finn and Rey standing in front of you "Finn! Rey!" you exclaimed they both turned to Kylo " What have you done?!" Finn yells and ignites Luke's lightsaber "No! Finn please don't!" and charges to Kylo, Kylo pushes you out of the way and ignites his lightsaber as they duel Rey hugs you "Oh Y/N has he hurt I swear if he has hurt you" she growled you shook your head "He hasn't he is leaving the first order Rey he is joining us" you explain she was confused " He killed his own father Y/N!" she yelled " I know he did but he wants to change he loves me Rey and I love him can't you and Finn see that!" you exclaim she looks and her eyes widen "No! Finn please!" as you run to them and get slashed by Finn "Y/N!" was the last thing you hear before black consumes you.

*1 week later*

You woke up with a groan as your eyes opened to the harsh light and sat up to see Leia sitting on a chair " Y/N take it easy your alright" she reassures you, you nod and lean back a little into the pillows "I have someone here you might want to see" she smiles and moves towards the door you close your eyes and you hear the door open and shut you feel a strong force connection you only feel that when you are around Luke. You opened your eyes to reveal...Luke. He stood there smiling as he looked upon you it had been many years since you seen him " this real?" tears pricked your eyes as you lifted your hand to hold his, Luke sat down and grabbed your hand "It is real my dear Y/N" he smiled and kissed your hand " I thought I would never seen you again...I thought..." you began to cry he stood up and climbed on the bed and hugged you, you laid your head on his chest as he rocked you and spoke " I am so sorry Y/N I left you and I wish I could go back to that day and took you with me then you wouldn't have had to go through such pain" he sighed and kissed your head "Luke...Han is dead" you sobbed he stopped rocking you and looked down " Han is dead?" he asked sorrow dripping in his voice you nodded "I seen it with my own eyes, Ben/Kylo did it he was under the influence of the Dark side" you told Luke he nodded he explained that he had forgiven Kylo for what he had done and everything was peaceful between the two. Luke got up and walked to the door when you heard the knock " Ben" Luke spoke and let Kylo in he hugged Luke as he quietly sobbed " I am sorry Uncle, I didn't mean it" he cried Luke nodded " I know we will discuss later, right now I will leave you with Y/N" he smiled and walked out. Kylo walked over to you and jumped on the bed " I didn't think you were going to wake up. Oh how I missed seeing you awake" he mumbled as he snuggled in the crook of your neck.

" I Love you Y/N" he whispers

" I Love you too...Ben" and you kiss his head as you both fall asleep again, Luke and Leia checked on you too and they tilted their heads and smiled " The force is strong between them Leia, I can feel it and they can too. I think they will be together for many many years to come." he hugs his sisters shoulders. Both of the skywalkers knew that moment, you both were meant to be.

The gif below you can really tell how much pain Kylo is really going through and for that spilt moment you can see how Han's simple touch made Kylo see the light side again.

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