Imagine 7:

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Imagine: Telling Leia about your feelings for Luke and she tells him.

Word Count: 671

Warnings: None

*Leia's Pov*

Y/n sat across from me and explained to me her troubles. I could feel something wasn't right and I was right, Y/n was hiding something. "And I think what I am really trying to say is I like Luke, I mean maybe I love Luke I'm not sure, my feelings have gotten stronger each day. And I know in the Jedi code that Jedi cannot love and have attachments but I just oh Leia please help me" she whined and began to cry I smirked an idea popping into my mind I blinked and then shook my head shrugging it away "I'm sure everything will be okay I mean I am positive Luke loves you I overheard him and Han talking the other day. But I promise I won't tell him, not unless you want me too" I smiled and hugged her Y/n and I are best friends, regardless if that nerf herder Han Solo his her brother. I giggled as we began to laugh and talk about boys and then I was called in my the Commander. I sighed "Ugh I have to go see you later Y/n!" I yell and walk out I was travelling towards the Control room where I came across Luke. I smirked again and ran up to him "Hey Luke! Where you off too? Never mind listen I need to tell you something it's important" I spoke fast he chuckled and shrugged "What's wrong Leia?" his face turned pale and worried "Is it Y/n? Is she okay? Is she hurt?" he panicked I laughed "No silly but it's cute when you are worried about her" I joke and breathed in and out to stop laughing. "Anyway I just wanted to tell you that Y/n loves you. And she is afraid you don't feel the same way. And don't say you don't or I am being stupid because I am not. I overheard you and Han yesterday talking about her and how much you have liked her since you were kids Luke. Plus the way you look at her kind of gives it away" I laughed and Luke's eyes brightened and his smile grew wide and he looked behind himself and behind me "Where is she I need to tell her" he asked I pointed to her room and he ran there so fast I swear travelled in a speeder.

*Y/n's Pov*

I hummed and brushed my hair as I placed it into a plait. Strands of my earthy brown hair fell out of place and landed on my face. I blew upwards and it flew up and back down gracefully I heard a knock at the door. I stood up and walked over opening it "Oh Leia your back I--" I stopped talking when I seen Luke at the door smiling widely he stood in his pilot outfit, his dirty blonde hair was slightly damp and brushed to the side. I blushed "Sorry you aren't Leia" I giggled and he laughed and nodded "Apologies Miss Y/n" he winked and I laughed "Leia told me" he said and I titled my head "What I'm sorry?" I spoke and looked at him in confusion until it hit me "That liar" I sighed and I felt a pair of soft lips on mine I immediately kissed back and wrapped my arms around Luke's neck. He pulled away and smiled "I'm glad Leia told you. I was so nervous and afraid you wouldn't return my feelings." Luke shook his head "You dork" he kissed me again and Leia and Han just 'happened to be walking past' "Well good job kid you finally did it. Don't hurt her she is my sister remember" Han warns and Luke nods "Sure thing Han" Leia winks and claps her hands. "You planned this didn't you?" I said and she shrugged and looked upwards "Maybe...maybe not you'll never know" and Luke just laughed as I hid myself in his chest.

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