Requested General Hux and Kylo Ren Imagine 1 Part 2

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Imagine: Daisy and Hux grow closer after Kylo goes on a mission.

A/N: This is a carry on from other imagine.

Requested by: LoveTWDxx_xx

Word Count: 1781

Warnings: Smut, fluff


It's been a year since Hux, Daisy and Kylo had begun their relationship both men were extremely protective of her and kept her safe from all men. She was always guarded by either General Hux or Kylo themselves more likely the two would ban together in protection. As much as their bickering continued they both tried to keep themselves mellow around Daisy she hated it when her boys fought. She found herself in Hux's office and she walked over to his desk and placed some files on his desk "These papers need signing and your approval" she smiled and he nodded and she began to turn away when he grabbed her wrist and smiled as he stood up and she sat herself on his desk as he kissed her lips. Caressing her body underneath her clothing Daisy moaned and Hux ran his fingers through her blonde hair as she gripped his jacket and pulled him closer. Hux manoeuvred himself between her legs and pressed his hard-on against her as she gasped loudly. Hux and Daisy have been doing things more often while Kylo has been away on his mission, they two have felt their feelings deepen for one another and they didn't hide it. As soon as they were alone they took the opportunity and used it wisely and quickly. Hux grasped her thighs around his waist and unbuckled her belt and pulled her pants down and her underwear. He knelt down on his knees and smirked up at her as she watched him from above. Her eyes glistening with excitement and arousal, Hux growled and kissed her thighs slowly and Daisy threw her head back in pleasure as she gripped Hux's fiery red hair "Armitage" she moaned loudly and he grabbed her hips pulling her closer as he kissed her clit and ate her out slowly and savoured her taste. She gasped and whined as she gripped the desk her knuckles turning white as she tried to contain her composure. Her legs were wrapped around Hux's head as she pulled him in more his moans and groans aroused her even more, Hux's fingers rubbed against her clit as she whimpered and she gripped his hair tightly and smoothed it out and repeated her actions. She felt her legs tremble as she felt her climax nearing and Hux pulled away just enough to speak to her "Come for me darling, my sweet one" he praised as he looked up at her his green-blue eyes focused on her flushed face she closed her eyes and moaned as she looked back down and saw Hux staring at her his focus only on her and nothing else. His piercing eyes sent her over the edge as he smirked and devoured her taste, putting her underwear back on he stood up and smirked "My sweet one, you are so flustered and red. You are absolutely beautiful" he smiled lovingly and kissed her lips passionately and she moaned lightly as her arms hooked around his neck. He pulled away and she panted heavily still recovering from her climax and he ran his fingers through her damp hairline "Oh darling, why don't you take the rest of the day off and go to my quarters and relax. I won't be much longer here" he kissed her again and she nodded putting on her pants and walking out of his office smelling of her sex.

Reaching Hux's quarters she walked through and rushed to the refresher and showered. Feeling clean and smelling of vanilla she smiled in content. Wrapping a towel around her body and emerging from the refresher she changed into her silk nightgown that Hux and Kylo bought for her birthday. It was red like the First Order symbol and black lace on the straps and lined around the edging, she loved the feel of the silk on her body and it reached just a little above her knees. She wore her favourite silk underwear underneath and sat on the bed reading a book and drinking a glass of wine. She heard the door open and close with a lock she saw Hux appear and he smirked "Oh sweet one, don't you looking appealing laying on my bed with a glass of wine." he mused and removed his jacket and took off his shoes, she brought her legs up as she used them to read her book on. She placed her legs horizontal in front of her giving Hux a better look at the nightgown slipping up her legs. He smiled and he walked to the refresher and he inhaled her scent and closed his eyes. "And you smell of vanilla" he turned to her and she winked "Well I happen to love vanilla, it's a beautiful scent now hurry up and freshen up I am bored here on my own General" she flirted and his eyes darkened with lust and he spoke "When I am finished I promise your boredom will come to an end my love" he smirked and walked through and the door closed with a lock. She felt her arousal heighten at his words and she shifted as she felt hot and bothered. She continued reading her book and she heard the shower turn off and she looked up and then back at her book. Taking another sip of her wine Hux came out, only in his sleeping pants she looked at him through the glass and put the book down. "My my General Hux, you do look quite handsome tonight. Is it all for me?" she teased and he walked over to the bed and crawled up to her she threw the book on the floor. Taking another sip of her wine out of the glass he smiled and she removed the glass from her lips. "You are the only woman" he replied to her question and kissed her lips deeply and she moaned as her legs were spread so he could crawl in between. His fingers caressed her womanhood through her underwear "You are so wet for me" he moaned and kissed her neck and she ran her fingers through his hair and he placed his other hand on her hip sliding her gown up a little. She bucked her hips against his hand and he smirked against her neck, he leant up to her ear "What would you like me to do?" he whispered huskily and she shuddered "I want you in me, I want you to make love to me. Armitage, I want you" she held his face in her hands and he smiled "You wish is my command" and he pulled her underwear down and he removed his pants and she slid her gown over her head. Hux unclasped her bra and slid it off her body his hands caressing down her arms. She moaned at his touch and he smiled as he lifted her legs around his legs and he kissed her again as he entered her slowly and she moaned loudly. He thrust in and out with passion and gentleness unlike the other times with Kylo, this time she wanted him to make love to her not have sex. Very different things and Hux wanted to make love to her he wanted to worship her and give her everything she desired. Both were panting heavily and were moaning at the contact, they could feel the love and compassion as they became one. Daisy arched her back as Hux kissed her breasts lovingly and she placed her hands on his shoulders, Hux groaned "You are so perfect for me, you fit me like a glove. You were made for me Daisy" he spoke and she looked up at him her eyes staring back into his "I love you, Hux, so much" and she leant up to kiss him and he sighed "I love you sweet one" and they both climaxed as they fell onto the bed. Hux pulled her in as they drifted off to sleep and awaited the next morning.

*Kylo's return*

Kylo walked down the halls as he came across the General's private quarters he came across Hux and Daisy playing chess and she beat him. "Yes! 3 times the charm" she winked and she leant over and kissed his cheek the General smirked and looked over to Kylo. "Ah Ren, you've returned from your mission" he stated and Kylo removed his helmet and Daisy ran over and kissed his lips softly as he spun her around. "And how is my little one, have you been good for General Hux?" he mused and she nodded "Always am aren't I Hux" she turned to the ginger and he nodded in approval "Yes, always is" he smirked and stood up "Wine Ren, Daisy no more for you, you've already had 3 glasses" he warned and Kylo nodded "Sure why not" he sat down and he noticed something different about General Hux and Daisy "Is there something happening that I am not aware of?" he questioned no-one in particular and both Daisy and Hux turned her gazes to Kylo as he analysed the two of them. Daisy walked over to Kylo and she knelt in front of him and she held his face in her hand, he smiled and she took a deep breath. "I feel so horrible, but I have developed strong feelings for Hux. I love him Kylo and the time you were gone on your mission we have become close. I still love you Kylo I do but I love Hux more" she whimpered and he shook his head "Little one why are so upset?" he asked her softly and Hux walked over "I had noticed she was a lot more quieter while you were gone I just naturally assumed she wasn't the same well you know." he explained as he sat on his chair and Kylo pulled her up and kissed her lips "I will always love you little one, but I will respect your decision and I have felt in the force you and General Hux are perfect for one another" he pulled her onto his lap and hugged her General Hux and Daisy were surprised by his reaction "Get over here General" Kylo said and Hux made his way over and hugged Daisy from behind. "I'll always be here for you little one. You too General I don't particularly like you overly well but still" he reminded the General and Hux laughed "Noted Ren, thank you" he spoke and the three stayed there as the enjoyed each other's presence.

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